FG License: Free, possibly willing to change
Time Zone: GMT+1
Looking for weekly games on Saturdays, 20:00-02:00 or Sundays, 20:00-00:00
Term: Long term preferably but am willing to start out small.
Voice: Prefer Discord but other options are fine too.

Game System Preferred: Pathfinder 2e or 1e, strong preference for 2e.
Game System Experience: I've done I've unfinished game of 5e for a few months, plenty of podcast experience of 5e, PF1e knowledge from GC podcast and no experience with PF2e.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: None as of yet.

Character Type Preferred: Not really any preference other than a full on support only character.
About me: I'm a 27 yo male and I've had some limited experience playing 5e but have listened to and watched many games using either 5e or PF1e. I have one unfinished game of 5e that is unable to continue due to conflicting schedules.

Since I'm pretty new I would appreciate a bit of guiding with certain things, such as character creation.

I like a mix of RP and combat, a nice mood between players, joking etc.