5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
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  1. #21
    Valyar's Avatar
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    I did a test run on the updated version and it was great. The more I was tinkering with it, the more ideas for improvements came and I really sorry that the author is blinded to Roll20 only.

    If I find time someday (because inspiration and motivation is always top) I might try to give a hand here - especially the Abilities and Inventory part that in the current state is not really my cup of tea (I don't like the drag & drop for Blades, I prefer the original way of having pre-defined list).

    Great work so far!
    The past is a rudder to guide us, not an anchor to hold us back.

  2. #22
    Valyar's Avatar
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    A minor update that will help some games - add 10 and 12 segment clocks.
    The past is a rudder to guide us, not an anchor to hold us back.

  3. #23
    GladysGlitch, I am loving the ruleset. Quick question though, I know this isn't something that is vitally important for many but I wanted to ask how to select a language for the characters from the character sheets? I understand Doskvol only has 3 languages that are identified in the literature and wanted see if it could be applied.

  4. #24
    Hi Jakk, glad to hear it. I'm currently running a game using a newer version of the ruleset and adding things as I go along so it has the main three languages + ghost voice, more clocks, clearer theme/layout etc. When I'm happy with it I'll update here, hopefully soon!

  5. #25
    Hey GladysGlitch,

    Excellent to hear and can't wait to see the new ruleset when you are happy with it. Side note I also use the remove dice mod to remove some clutter from the board and to prevent any mistakes with rools.

  6. #26

    Thanks so much for the good work in pulling this together. I've run a couple games so far, and the interface has been HUGELY helpful. I've been filling out entities and cross linking things, and have one small bug (?) and two quality of life requests for next release.

    * The Special Abilities section of the Crew sheet does not allow drag and drop of stuff from Abilities the way that the Special Abilities in the Character Sheet does, and it would be awesome if it could (this is the bug)
    * A sidebar for Factions would be awesome. The NPC one sorta pulls double duty for us here, but having a more dedicated section for them given their prominence would be awesome (particularly if the allies/enemies section allowed drag and drop links)
    * A sidebar for Locations would also be awesome. I've been doing this with the Notes section, but it would be great to have a front page with some details (like NPCs) and then a tab for notes.

  7. #27
    wndrngdru's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vexzilla View Post
    * A sidebar for Factions would be awesome. The NPC one sorta pulls double duty for us here, but having a more dedicated section for them given their prominence would be awesome (particularly if the allies/enemies section allowed drag and drop links)
    * A sidebar for Locations would also be awesome. I've been doing this with the Notes section, but it would be great to have a front page with some details (like NPCs) and then a tab for notes.
    For these two things you could try damned's Player Agency extension. It has a World Builder component that does exactly what you're looking for. I'm not certain it's 100% compatible with this ruleset but it shouldn't hurt to give it a go (make a backup of your campaign folder first). He doesn't specifically call out that it's not compatible, but that just means it's not been reported as such.
    I'm so bassic

  8. #28
    damned's Avatar
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    Theme wise it will not be consistent but yes it certainly does support factions and player notes for al those sorts of things.

  9. #29
    Hi there. This ruleset has been amazing and super helpful for my group.

    It would appear however that due to the update around 17 December, that I no longer have a sidebar. Players can still access their characters, so we can still stumble through it at least, but it won't last long term.

  10. #30
    Hi Glitch. Great rule set. You nailed the esthetic. However after the most recent update all of the side bars are gone. I see I am not the only one who pasted about this. Any suggestions?

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