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  1. #1

    Shadowrun 3 extension...

    Shadowrun 3e Extension

    This product has been moved to the Forge the link at the bottom continues to work for those on Classic. From now on, updates will only be posted to the Forge.

    Shadowrun 3e Extension (v1.0.0) This extension provides a reasonable representation of a Shadowrun 3 edition character sheet, but it doesn't include a lot of automation.

    Usual Copyright caveats:
    • Shadowrun itself is a Catalyst product.
    • Based on the MoreCore - Shadowrun 5e extension and the Shadowrun4 extension.
    • Languages from the Additional Fantasy Languages and Fonts extension from Trenloe.

    • Defaulted the SmiteWorks decal to on to be overlayed by the bullet decal from the Shadowrun4 extension.
    • Defaulted the Dice Tower to on. My group uses it a lot.
    • Defaulted the MoreCore Combat Tracker fields to on and GM only.
    • Defaulted the Initiative Dice to d6.
    • Added Languages: Celestial, Common, Shadowtongue, Sperethiel (Elven), and Tien.
    • Implemented the /sr3explode custom die roll, a colorized version of /explode that follows the die roll system better than the edie and edies rolls.
    • Implemented the /sr3explodeS custom die roll, based on the sr3explode roll, that counts successes base on a provided threshold (just add S# to the end).
    • Made the Character sheet closer to the 3ed paper character sheet. Mainly, just creating areas for the different things.
    • The attributes are rollable, and have a base, modifier, temp, and current field for each.
    • The MoreCore combat tracker fields (health, defence, wounds, c4, and c5) are used for Stun damage, Physical damage, Control pool, Combat pool, and Spell pool, respectively.
    • The Stun and Physical damage fields have links to double click to add a Light (+L), Moderate (+M), or a Serious (+S) wounds. These will add 1, 3, or 6 to their field. Stun will overflow to the Physical field, and will issue a chat message saying it did. Physical will also issue a chat message when it overflows.
    • The Combat Tracker area on the character sheet has additional fields to use a /myinit roll (ta thing of beauty) to populate the characters initiative order value. Note for those that didn't know, the /myinit roll can be added to the Rolls area of an NPC, and when used from within the Combat Tracker will populate that NPC's Initiative Order.
    • The hero points fields is used for the Karma Pool.
    • A Karma section shows the Total Earned Karma, Good Karma earned, Good Karma available (not yet used to improved character), and the Karma Pool.
    • The Good Karma available field is the only one the player can edit. The GM can edit them all.
    • The Karma fields are populated automatically when Karma is assigned to a character via the Party Sheet (as a currency type - also reflected on the Inventory tab).
    • The Karma section also includes a refresh "button" that, when double clicked, will copy the calculated Karma Pool value into the Combat Tracker area (as a reset).
    • The Karma Pool calculation takes into account the character's race.
    • The Dice Pools section has the SR3 Dice Pools calculated for the character as a base and a current level.
    • The Dice Pools section also includes a refresh "button" that, when double clicked, will "reset" the current pool values and copy them into the Combat Tracker area.

    Pictures in following messages.

    Comments are appreciated, but note I have a future features list.
    • What to do about the Total weight carried field on the Inventory Tab?
    • Fix CT header alignments - Just slightly off
    • Fix targets on host CT to not overlap when targets is collapsed
    • Fix Places entry box - error when the "Places" Library is opened - Not sure on the reproducing steps
    • Add an indicator of Stun and Physical damage penalties
    • Create a graphical condition monitor - like on the paper character sheet


    EDIT: v0.8.2 - 20210203 - Fixed sr3explodeS custom die roll to accept multiple sets of dice, fixed recursive call in Astral Reaction, on skills page change title from "Attributes" to "Skills", and converted to True Type Fonts (TTF) (vs. FGF) to work with FG Unity.

    EDIT: v0.8.3 - 20230603 - Updates to work with FGU, moved some column names from below the columns to above them, and added NUYEN and KARMA as new campaign currencies.

    EDIT: v1.0.0 - 20240615 - Updates to integrate with FGU, CoreRPG, and MoreCore changes.
    Attachment 43434
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by lamorric; June 16th, 2024 at 05:33. Reason: version and FGU intergration

  2. #2
    Had a couple more screen shots to inundate everyone with.


  3. #3
    Last edited by lamorric; February 3rd, 2021 at 23:20. Reason: Put extension in first post and more screen caps here.

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Damned you are more than welcome to incorporate the 2 new rolls (or some flavor of them) into MoreCore.

  6. #6
    Thank you for creating this. You are my hero.

  7. #7

  8. #8

    A measure of interest...

    Posting to see if anyone is still interested in this extension.

    If so, I will get it working with FGU, and post it to The Forge.
    "I've worked in the private sector ... they expect results!" - Dan Aykroyd as Dr. Raymond Stantz in Ghostbusters (1984)

    Extensions I've Shared
    3rd Ed. Shadowrun | 6th Ed. Champions

  9. #9
    Yes, it's something we hope to use in our upcoming campaign. It's one of the selling points to our playing SR again.

  10. #10
    I've updated the extension, and am in the process of posting it to the Forge. I expect it will take a few days to get through the process.

    On a side note, it has been about a year since I last looked at the extension, and I am both amazed and horrified. Amazed at how much I did for this first extension project, and horrified at all the rough edges I left in it.

    The side bar color scheme is bugging me, but I am not a graphics design person. If anyone has suggestions, toss them out.

    Thx and Enjoy!
    "I've worked in the private sector ... they expect results!" - Dan Aykroyd as Dr. Raymond Stantz in Ghostbusters (1984)

    Extensions I've Shared
    3rd Ed. Shadowrun | 6th Ed. Champions

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