Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Northern Wisconsin CST

    Looking to get a group playing Symbaroum

    Hey All,

    I got the Symbaroum hardcover at home and just bought the FGU set.

    Anyone interested in some trying to learn by playing--Contact me.


  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2014
    Sydney, Australia
    Hi Obadiah,

    You might get more responses sharing your location, timezone and/or prefered play time.

    Good luck!

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Northern Wisconsin CST
    Thanks Friend,

    I will add that here. I live in Northern Wisconsin, which is a state in the midwest (middle) of the U.S. between the Great Lakes of Michigan and Superior, so that is CST (USA) GMT + 6, I believe.
    So, I am willing to play at any time. I actually have an afternoon game on FGU with a group outta England (my afternoon, their evening) and play games with people all over.
    In my experience, you gotta get people who are interested and then find, like, a consensus wave. to play.


  4. #4

    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    New York, NY United States
    I have most of the Symbaroum books and just love the game. I am East coast.

  5. #5
    I would love to play anything by Free League. I am moving to EST time zone in April for one year.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    Northern Wisconsin CST
    Greetings to you spoofer and theNephilim,

    With you two and me and Karth, that makes four. I guess that that might be enough to get started learning by playing. Now we just gotta figure out some times to meet. So we can all make characters together and get to know one another and start learning the game together. And once we have some characters and some ideas, then we can start a campaign. I have established a discord server for us to use for voice and the game.


  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Obadiah33 View Post
    Greetings to you spoofer and theNephilim,

    With you two and me and Karth, that makes four. I guess that that might be enough to get started learning by playing. Now we just gotta figure out some times to meet. So we can all make characters together and get to know one another and start learning the game together. And once we have some characters and some ideas, then we can start a campaign. I have established a discord server for us to use for voice and the game.

    I am in Japan now, and so my 9 a.m. is your 7 p.m. (if you are EST). But like I said, I will be there from April, for one year. I would love to play during that one year.


  8. #8
    I just want to say that now that I have had a chance to look at the rules a bit, I am really looking forward to this.

  9. #9
    Hi Obadiah,

    I'm in UTC -5, an hour later than you. I'm interested in exploring a new rule set and new setting. I have a full-time job M-F. M-Th I can't play more than two-three hours in the evening. Fridays I can manage a longer session if it starts around 1600 to 1700 your time. On Saturdays, I'm currently open in the afternoons and early evenings. My Sunday schedule is a bit dicey at the moment, but likely to be open for gaming from late morning to late afternoon/early evening.


  10. #10
    Yeah! One more.

    Welcome HWC!

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