Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
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  1. #101
    Quote Originally Posted by EmptyOwl View Post

    I notice when I add Tactics (and maybe Medical) to characters that it adds an appropriate action(s) to the Action tab. That is a cool thing, could this automation ability be made public or a Sidebar Tab added like spells in other systems (things with active Effects that you can modify) where one could pregenerate actions?

    Hi EmptyOwl,

    That's a great question. I've not thought about firing these things off via data, let me think about that as that 'Misc section' is very flexible.

    Ruleset and much more content built for FGU.
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  2. #102
    Quote Originally Posted by EmptyOwl View Post

    There is an Option to add various additional characteristics to the character sheet, which is amazing. However, these new characteristics do not appear in the lower left with the other characteristic modifiers. I would like that functionality to be added when they are added to the character sheet.

    Thanks & nice work so far on the system!
    If someone can give me a reason why you'd need to override a skill with Sanity, or Luck then I'll look at adding them, I've removed PSI recently as I feel you need a specialist one off, you can change it easily enough for these additional characteristics. Need to think that on some players desktops, having extra buttons rarely used is not a good idea.

    Ruleset and much more content built for FGU.
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  3. #103
    Quote Originally Posted by MadBeardMan View Post
    Allow PC's to use GM buttons - not understanding

    So in the first picture, there are Target Gun and Armor button, which from what I can tell are only visable for the GM. In the second picture is from a Player PoV, and they dont see those buttons.
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  4. #104
    Quote Originally Posted by MrWigggles View Post
    So in the first picture, there are Target Gun and Armor button, which from what I can tell are only visable for the GM. In the second picture is from a Player PoV, and they dont see those buttons.
    Whoops. The second picture is my current desktop wallpaper....
    Lets try that once more.
    This picture is from a Player POV.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  5. #105
    Quote Originally Posted by MrWigggles View Post
    Whoops. The second picture is my current desktop wallpaper....
    Lets try that once more.
    This picture is from a Player POV.
    The Target, I'm good with adding that, Armour - it's listed on the PC sheet so no need on the CT.

    Ruleset and much more content built for FGU.
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  6. #106
    Quote Originally Posted by MadBeardMan View Post
    If someone can give me a reason why you'd need to override a skill with Sanity, or Luck then I'll look at adding them, I've removed PSI recently as I feel you need a specialist one off, you can change it easily enough for these additional characteristics. Need to think that on some players desktops, having extra buttons rarely used is not a good idea.

    So in my game I am using those stats to represent other stats. SOC is being used for Charm/Charisma; Wealth is now SOC; LCK is LCK and there is no clear way to use it, so swapping it for another stat or skill level seems a viable method of use for it in some campaigns; Morale is Will and can be used in several different skill checks; etc. Certainly helps with certain groups, making use of the Companion and houseruling.

    I understand there must be a balance between what you feel is needed and what can be done, due to time constraints if nothing else, but tools with more adaptability and depth lead to more creativity and satisfaction from, with, and by the users. As for PSI, if you turned it on in the Options menu, then you are that specialist one-off and would probably appreciate the added functionality which would not crowd your screen unless it was checked?


  7. #107
    Quote Originally Posted by EmptyOwl View Post
    So in my game I am using those stats to represent other stats. SOC is being used for Charm/Charisma; Wealth is now SOC; LCK is LCK and there is no clear way to use it, so swapping it for another stat or skill level seems a viable method of use for it in some campaigns; Morale is Will and can be used in several different skill checks; etc. Certainly helps with certain groups, making use of the Companion and houseruling.

    I understand there must be a balance between what you feel is needed and what can be done, due to time constraints if nothing else, but tools with more adaptability and depth lead to more creativity and satisfaction from, with, and by the users. As for PSI, if you turned it on in the Options menu, then you are that specialist one-off and would probably appreciate the added functionality which would not crowd your screen unless it was checked?


    Do you mean the 'cycler' that's in the Skills Tab (for example) or the override that are on the desktop? Those override are designed when a skill uses a non-standard skill, ie Broker might use Int 90% of the time, but as a one-off you might want to use Edu/Soc.

    Ruleset and much more content built for FGU.
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  8. #108
    The over ride in the lower left is what I was talking about. I was asking that when the characteristic is switched on in the Options menu that a corresponding box would appear in the lower left override area.


  9. #109
    Quote Originally Posted by MadBeardMan View Post
    If someone can give me a reason why you'd need to override a skill with Sanity, or Luck then I'll look at adding them
    Ok, lets start with the various extended attributes Sanity, Morale, Luck, Charm and Wealth.

    Admin(Sanity) - you are attempting to deal with days of tedious bureaucratic paperwork and need to make an admin(sanity) check to continue, either as a task chain or as a direct check with the effect increasing the staging of the time with a critical fumble failing altogether.
    Advocate (Sanity) - You have to deal with your particular mental shortcomings to allow you to not alienate yourself with the local judges/constabulary.
    Art(Sanity) - as an effect roll for any art you create or perform as your creations may inspire or repulse the audience.
    Astrogation (Sanity) - the math of jump space and what it implies can impact your own mental health or even affect your calculations as a task chain....

    Admin(Morale) -Knowing the proper ways of improving crew morale through indirect means, such as picking up extra rations or ordering more holovids before a voyage can improve crew morale and support the captains leadership tasks.
    Advocate (Morale) - Facing a known violent criminal to convince them to listen to your legal argument without loosing your grip on the situation.
    Art (Morale) - Being confident enough to face a new and large audience
    Astrogation(Morale) - fear of misjump may affect the task roll when calculating a jump within both the solar and planetary 100 diametre limit.

    Admin(Luck) - having the luck to see a loophole in a document, while having the skill to take advantage of it.
    Advocate (Luck) - noticing a clue in a situation and knowing how it will affect your case.
    Art (Luck) - having a connoisseur of your artform see your work.
    Astrogation(Luck) - Is there a brown dwarf in your target jump trajectory that was previously unknown?

    Admin(Charm) - Trying to sweet talk a local beaurocrat to let you in to see the needed administrator
    Advocate(Charm) - Getting a favourable response from the judge/jury/constable.
    Art(Charm) - Convincing a local connoisseur to support your endevours
    Animals(Charm) - Getting an animal to not flee or fight when you need to.

    Admin(Wealth) - To impress and bluff your way past a local bureaucrat/magistrate using an ostentatious display of wealth in a manner that both gets your way but does not break any laws.
    Advocate(Wealth) - To know where to place resources and bring them to bear in order to leverage them in a particular legal case.
    Art(Wealth) - As a task chain method to increase the impact of a piece as it is not how much you spend but knowing how to get resources without spending money.

    I can come up with different reasons for every skill about how the new attributes both bring more power to game play but also open up roleplaying opportunities.

    Best regards,


  10. #110
    Hi Dalton,

    As always a great detailed answer. One thing a lot of you need to understand is that a good number of players don't have huge screens, and already the buttons (in their current state) take up over 50% of the bottom half of the screen, also desktop buttons don't behave in the same way as those on character sheets, they're not dynamic either, so they're on or off - at the moment they're off (on the desktop) as with everything here, there's only so much that can be done, and I'm busy on the PC Spacecraft at the moment.

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