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  1. #61
    Quote Originally Posted by Montis View Post
    In the first line "Fortitude DC 28" is inconsistent with the text of the ability, which actually reads "DC 28 Fortitude", therefore the automation doesn't take.
    The third line is missing a quotation mark at the beginning, again causing the automation to not work.
    Good catches, Montis! I'll update that right away. Probably won't go through until the 17th (following Tuesday update).
    Ultimate License Owner since 2011 and FG GM since 2008
    Game Systems: 5E, Pathfinder, Starfinder, Call of Cthulhu, RoleMaster, C&C, Pathfinder 2, Old School Essentials

    Home Page: ShadeRaven Sorceries (Blog, Fantasy & Campaign Stories, Cat Tales, and more)

  2. #62
    Xulgath Stench Ability has wrong automation.

    First of all the ApplyAllEffects does not work as there is no success level.
    Second, there is no success/crit success effect.

    "DC 16 Fortitude save"|Save: Fortitude[DC:16]
    "sickened 1"|Effect: Sickened: 1; DC: 16
    "-5-foot status penalty to its Speeds"|Effect: SPEED: -5 status[D:1]
    "-2 circumstance penalty"|Effect: SAVE: -2[ROLL]

    Here my suggestion:

    "DC 16 Fortitude save"|Save: Fortitude[DC:16]
    "immune"|Effect: Xulgath Stench Immunity [D:10][SUCCESS][CRITSUCCESS]
    "sickened 1"|Effect: Xulgath Stench; Sickened: 1; DC: 16[FAILURE][CRITFAILURE]
    "-5-foot status penalty to its Speeds"|Effect: SPEED: -5 status[D:1][CRITFAILURE]
    "-2 circumstance penalty"|Effect: SAVE: -2[ROLL]
    “He says gods like having an atheist around. Gives them something to aim at.”

    Terry Pratchett [RIP] - Small Gods

  3. #63
    Thanks for the feedback, Farnaby! I'll tuck that into Xulgath here and we should see it update by next Tuesday.
    Ultimate License Owner since 2011 and FG GM since 2008
    Game Systems: 5E, Pathfinder, Starfinder, Call of Cthulhu, RoleMaster, C&C, Pathfinder 2, Old School Essentials

    Home Page: ShadeRaven Sorceries (Blog, Fantasy & Campaign Stories, Cat Tales, and more)

  4. #64
    As some of you may have noticed, I have started a all-encompassing update of the Bestiaries to fine tune the automation available to them (plus, when possible, catch any corrections that may have had unnoticed needs before). This started with the 1st in the series.

    That said, there's a lot to catch when it comes to all the possible automation. A lot of [SUCCESS]s and [FAILURES]s possible in doing a project this large. This will always be an ongoing process as there are going to be more automation updates in the future, but for now, I'd like to be as zeroed in on what we can accomplish now.

    So with that in mind, if I missed anything, even minor, please throw something in here or contact me direction or whatever works best and let me know what might be missing, what isn't working, or even what you'd like to see. If it's within the purview of current ruleset's capabilities, I am more than happy to act on it.

    The goal is to have the latest creature capabilities ready to drop into any campaign or session for use. I certainly want everyone to feel as though they are getting the most out of these fine products.
    Ultimate License Owner since 2011 and FG GM since 2008
    Game Systems: 5E, Pathfinder, Starfinder, Call of Cthulhu, RoleMaster, C&C, Pathfinder 2, Old School Essentials

    Home Page: ShadeRaven Sorceries (Blog, Fantasy & Campaign Stories, Cat Tales, and more)

  5. #65
    Not an automation issue but in Bestiary 1 the Hill Giants have Items: "Greatpick", which should be Greatclub instead. The attacks are listed correctly though.

    Hope this is the right thread for it, wasn't sure if to post in here or in the generic DLC issues thread.

  6. #66
    Quote Originally Posted by Montis View Post
    Not an automation issue but in Bestiary 1 the Hill Giants have Items: "Greatpick", which should be Greatclub instead. The attacks are listed correctly though.

    Hope this is the right thread for it, wasn't sure if to post in here or in the generic DLC issues thread.
    Either or works. Thanks for reporting!
    Ultimate License Owner since 2011 and FG GM since 2008
    Game Systems: 5E, Pathfinder, Starfinder, Call of Cthulhu, RoleMaster, C&C, Pathfinder 2, Old School Essentials

    Home Page: ShadeRaven Sorceries (Blog, Fantasy & Campaign Stories, Cat Tales, and more)

  7. #67
    Larsenex's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2018
    Longview, Texas
    Good morning Team Smiteworks,

    Indirectly to Shade, will there be a 'Bestiary automation' update for any of the three we currently have?

    I know the holidays slow everything down (including my game) as everyone has plans or double shifts or visiting family.

    Hope you all are doing well and I am wishing you a Merry Merry Christmas!
    Ultimate License holder Unity & Classic.
    Currently GM'ing Homebrew Pathfinder 2.

  8. #68
    I'm doing something wrong..
    IFT: Flat-footed; SKILL: +2 status, athletics
    is not working, while
    IFT: Flat-footed; DMG: 1d6 precision
    is working. Why this is happens?

  9. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by rennyo View Post
    I'm doing something wrong..
    IFT: Flat-footed; SKILL: +2 status, athletics
    is not working, while
    IFT: Flat-footed; DMG: 1d6 precision
    is working. Why this is happens?
    Pretty sure its because Skill rolls are not targeted rolls in the current version of the ruleset. The second detects a target and adds the damage, but the first never checks for a target, so the bonus is not applied.

  10. #70
    Having some automation woes.

    Not sure if the Vampiric Mist is supposed to be in the spreadsheet or not, but I am not seeing it either way. (CR3, Bestiary 2 pg. 278)

    Tried my hand at writing the automation code myself, THOUGHT I had a pretty good handle on it, but nothing seems to be working correctly:

    When a vampiric mist damages a creature with a misty tendril Strike, the creature must attempt a [DC 22 Fortitude save]. If the Strike was a critical hit, the outcome of the creature's save is one degree worse than the result of the saving throw. Any temporary Hit Points the vampiric mist gains from Blood Siphon fade after 1 hour.
    Success The creature is unaffected.
    Failure The creature is [drained 1], and the vampiric mist gains [5 temporary Hit Points].
    Critical Failure The creature is [drained 2]. The vampiric mist gains [10 temporary Hit Points] and takes on an intense red until the end of its next turn. During this time, it gains a [+2 status bonus to AC and saves and is quickened]. It can use its extra action only to Strike.

    The automation I wrote:
    "DC 22 Fortitude save"|Save:fortitude[DC:22]
    "drained 1"|Effect: Blood Siphon; Drained: 1[FAILURE]
    "5 temporary Hit Points"|Heal: Blood Siphon; Heal:5[SELF][TEMP]
    "drained 2"|Effect: Blood Siphon; Drained: 2[CRITFAILURE]
    "10 temporary Hit Points"|Heal: Blood Siphon; Heal:10[SELF][TEMP]
    "+2 status bonus to AC and saves and is quickened"|Effect:Blood Siphon; AC: 2 status[D:2][SELF]; SAVE: 2[D:2][SELF]; quickened[[D:2][SELF]

    And in practice it gave an effect to the target that read PCROLL: fortitude [ID:1]. When I click any of the other effects like the drained or temp HP it lists it in the chat log "GM: [EFFECT] Blood Siphon; Drained: 1" and "Vampiric Mist: [HEAL] Blood Siphon [TEMP]", but does not actually do anything.

    The last one fails altogether with the error code "[ERROR] Effect dropped on target which is not listed in the combat tracker."

    Any help would be appreciated; I am new to GMing using FG and would love to learn how to use it more effectively!

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