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  1. #71
    Valyar's Avatar
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    Mar 2018
    It is legit. That is my concern.
    The past is a rudder to guide us, not an anchor to hold us back.

  2. #72
    Saeval's Avatar
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    West Palm Beach, FL
    I’m confused, you’re concerned that there is a legitimate ruleset being worked on and it might be poorly made? You might want to elaborate on what your frustration is about. Are you sure that’s an official ruleset being worked on and not someone’s side project?

  3. #73
    Valyar's Avatar
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    Mar 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Saeval View Post
    I’m confused, you’re concerned that there is a legitimate ruleset being worked on and it might be poorly made? You might want to elaborate on what your frustration is about. Are you sure that’s an official ruleset being worked on and not someone’s side project?
    I am fairly certain that this might be official work due to the FB posts and the link to the forums of Nerd Eye Industries. My problem with that can be summarized in this forum post in Conan 2d20's section:

    In short - I don't have much confidence that this will address the high expectation for this roleplaying game considering how Conan 2d20 is taken care of. I will give the benefit of the doubt of course, but for now I am not really excited. Combined with the fact that I really want to use FG instead Foundry for this I am taken back even further.
    The past is a rudder to guide us, not an anchor to hold us back.

  4. #74
    Saeval's Avatar
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    Ok, I have a better understanding of the situation so far. I had no idea what Nerdeye Games was or how they factored into the situation.

    So it seems pretty likely they’re working on an official ruleset which would also explain a few other things I noticed.

    I read through the forum you posted and it seems like they were having a hard time keeping up with developing the ruleset further and released a subpar product in the eyes of the consumers and you’re worried the same thing could happen with Cyberpunk RED.

    From what they’ve said about having just 3-4 of them total working on rulesets and all of them have day jobs it is a little disconcerting that they would pick up another ruleset to work on. I will give them the benefit of the doubt and hope they can manage their time between rulesets wisely and that the real life setbacks of 2020 won’t interfere too harshly now that they claim to be past them.

    Fingers crossed this goes well because I’ve been a fan of Cyberpunk since the early 90’s and I would be extremely disappointed if this gets botched. I’m not a fan of Roll20 at all but the 2 games I want to run after my current campaign wraps are Legend of the 5 Rings (5th edition) or Cyberpunk RED. So far there’s no easy way to do either of those on FG since I have zero coding experience so I may have to bite the bullet and go back to Roll20 for my next game.
    Last edited by Saeval; January 16th, 2021 at 17:19.

  5. #75
    Valyar's Avatar
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    You understand my concerns. I have started putting content into Foundry for Cyberpunk as there is excellent interface mod and 2 systems in progress, but when I saw damned's work I stopped to see the what will turn out from the conversation with the publisher.

    Quite disheartening situation, but lets see what will happen. Cyberpunk RED rulebook is visual beauty with very interesting layout elements and approach towards structuring the content. I want to see how this will be converted as reference manual and the product as a whole, it is high bar. If they botch it like in Conan 2d20 this will be disaster.
    Last edited by Valyar; January 16th, 2021 at 17:40.
    The past is a rudder to guide us, not an anchor to hold us back.

  6. #76
    Following Damiens instructionvideos for creating a Cyberpunk RED ruleset with the RulesetWizard. It has gone quite nice, even been modifying some parts to get closer to the rules.
    Have been stuck with a problem and have been trying to understand how to use Lua to program Skill dice.

    Cyberpunk RED all skill rolls are 1d10+skill+bonus/penaltys.
    On a 10(first dice roll) it explodes +1d10 (but only explode once)
    On a 1(first dice roll) it explodes low -1d10(but only once)

    Trying to get how things work I found the following.
    1d10e explodes on 10, you can se all the extra dice in green and the calculated sum is corect.
    1d10l (L) explodes on 1, you can se all the extra dice in red and the calculated sum is corect.
    In MoreCore you can use the “/witcher 1d10”. You only se the first die and have 3 sums making it realy wanky.

    None of these 3 dice version can be stopped after exploding once.
    And sadly I have not found a way to marry the explode (e) and explode low (l).

    Found the Lua part for “/witcher”, but to be honest I cant figure it out, even after 1 month (Well worked hard the first 2 weeks 8h/day, but have resign a bit.)

    Best version is if I could use both the 1d10e and 1d10l at the same time and some how only explode once, or perhaps some other way.
    where can I find the knowledge on how to do it.
    Thanks all.

  7. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by JoakimEdman View Post
    Following Damiens instructionvideos for creating a Cyberpunk RED ruleset with the RulesetWizard. It has gone quite nice, even been modifying some parts to get closer to the rules.
    Have been stuck with a problem and have been trying to understand how to use Lua to program Skill dice.

    Cyberpunk RED all skill rolls are 1d10+skill+bonus/penaltys.
    On a 10(first dice roll) it explodes +1d10 (but only explode once)
    On a 1(first dice roll) it explodes low -1d10(but only once)

    Trying to get how things work I found the following.
    1d10e explodes on 10, you can se all the extra dice in green and the calculated sum is corect.
    1d10l (L) explodes on 1, you can se all the extra dice in red and the calculated sum is corect.
    In MoreCore you can use the “/witcher 1d10”. You only se the first die and have 3 sums making it realy wanky.

    None of these 3 dice version can be stopped after exploding once.
    And sadly I have not found a way to marry the explode (e) and explode low (l).

    Found the Lua part for “/witcher”, but to be honest I cant figure it out, even after 1 month (Well worked hard the first 2 weeks 8h/day, but have resign a bit.)

    Best version is if I could use both the 1d10e and 1d10l at the same time and some how only explode once, or perhaps some other way.
    where can I find the knowledge on how to do it.
    Thanks all.
    Hi! Did you ever manage to figure out where you were stuck? I’m reading through the Core Rulebook now, but have been following this thread to see if we ever get a functioning ruleset.

    I may take a crack at it myself at some point once I get a solid understanding of the rules. I may be able to help with the Lua scripting (though I find the hardest part with making extensions is the blackbox that is FG’s API.)

  8. #78
    I have not touched it in a long while and am trying to get back to work after being burnt out so not as much time sadly for now.
    Might return to it but not in a foreseeable future.
    Best Wishes Joakim

  9. #79
    Quote Originally Posted by JoakimEdman View Post
    I have not touched it in a long while and am trying to get back to work after being burnt out so not as much time sadly for now.
    Might return to it but not in a foreseeable future.
    Best Wishes Joakim
    No problem! The issue was in scripting the “exploding” function of the dice, right? If I get around to it, I can start there, see if I can figure it out.

  10. #80
    Here's generally how I do it:
    function onInit()
    	GameSystem.actions = {
    		["skillroll"] = {sIcon = "action_effect", sTargeting = "none", bUseModStack = true },
    	-- Register the result handler - called after the dice have stopped rolling
    	ActionsManager.registerResultHandler("skillroll", onSkillRoll);
    	ActionsManager.registerResultHandler("critRoll", onCritRoll);
    function performSkillRoll(draginfo, charsheet, skillName, skillBase)
    	-- Initialise a blank rRoll record
    	local rRoll = {};
    	-- Add the 4 minimum parameters needed:
    	-- the action type.
    	rRoll.sType = "skillroll";
    	-- the dice to roll.not
    	rRoll.aDice = { "d10" };
    	-- A modifier to apply to the roll.
    	rRoll.nMod = skillBase;
    	-- The description to show in the chat window
    	rRoll.sDesc = "[Skill] ".. skillName .. "(" .. skillBase .. ") + 1d10";
    	ActionsManager.performAction(draginfo, rActor, rRoll);
    function onSkillRoll(rSource, rTarget, rRoll)
        local rActor = ActorManager.resolveActor(charsheet);
        local isCrit, modifiedRoll = isCritRoll(rRoll);
        if isCrit then
            modifiedRoll.sPrevRoll = Json.stringify(rRoll);
            ActionsManager.performAction(draginfo, rSource, modifiedRoll);
            -- Create the base message based off the source and the final rRoll record (includes dice results).
            local rMessage = ActionsManager.createActionMessage(rSource, modifiedRoll);
            -- Display the message in chat.
    function onCritRoll(rSource, rTarget, rRoll)
        local combinedRoll = Json.parse(rRoll.sPrevRoll);
        combinedRoll.aDice = {combinedRoll.aDice[1], rRoll.aDice[1]};
        combinedRoll.sDesc = combinedRoll.sDesc .. rRoll.sDesc;
        -- Create the base message based off the source and the final rRoll record (includes dice results).
    	local rMessage = ActionsManager.createActionMessage(rSource, combinedRoll);
    	-- Display the message in chat.
    function isCritRoll(rRoll)
        local isCrit = true;
        local outRoll = rRoll;
        if outRoll.aDice[2] ~= nil then
            outRoll.aDice = {outRoll.aDice[1]};
            outRoll.sDesc = outRoll.sDesc .. " [Extra Dice Ignored]"
        if outRoll.aDice[1].result == 1 then
            outRoll = createCritRoll("-d10", " - 1d10 [Critical Failure] ", outRoll.bSecret);
        elseif outRoll.aDice[1].result == 10 then
            outRoll = createCritRoll("d10", " + 1d10 [Critical Success] ", outRoll.bSecret);
            isCrit = false;
        return isCrit, outRoll;
    This relies on the existence of a script called Json.lua (You can get the script from the MoreCore ruleset in the script folder, last I checked, the devs are okay with it being used in other rulesets). Just be sure to name it properly.

    When you want to roll the relevant check, call function performSkillRoll(draginfo, charsheet, skillName, skillBase) and fill out the relevant variables
    • draginfo - this is the draginfo if it exists
    • charsheet - this is the root databaseNode of the character sheet
    • skillName - this is just text
    • skillBase - this is the number to add to the roll

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