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  1. #1

    LFP D&D 5e Morning/Day game Monday or Wednesday EST

    Time Zone: EST ( UTC/GMT -5)
    Day of week and time: Monday or Wednesday 9 or 10 AM EST
    Planned Duration & Frequency: 3-4 Hours, Weekly
    Fantasy Grounds License: I have Ultimate, so all you need is the free version
    Discord required for voice (English)
    (ALTERNATIVELY if someone has a game going in these hours and is seeking a player who likes to focus on roleplay and is typically a team player, I'd be potentially interested)

    Greetings! DM with 30+ years experience looking to get a game going to fill the morning/day hours. My games are typically focused on role-play and I don't have much patience for power gamers, rules lawyers, or murder hobos. Not condemning your favored play style, just saying my games probably aren't for you. I own a bunch of the 5e adventures on FG, so its negotiable, but I'm currently leaning toward running Waterdeep Dragon Heist and then heading directly into the Spelljammer adventure Light of Xaryxis. I tend to go "off script" quite a lot on published adventures, and weave in quite a lot of homebrew.

    Character Creation may vary somewhat if the group decides to play something different, but my general rules are as follows
    Ability Scores: Point Buy or Standard Array, absolutely NO random generation

    Races: May change if people prefer another adventure, but for Dragon Heist -> Light of Xaryxis, races from the PHB, Mordenkainen's Monsters of the Multiverse, and the Spelljammer book are allowed. All races may use the rule from Tasha's allowing them to place their ability score modifiers in whatever ability scores they choose (however no one score may benefit from more than one racial bonus).

    Classes: Again, possibly subject to change, but generally all classes and subclasses from the PHB, Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, and Xanathar's Guide to Everything are allowed. Alternate Class abilities are allowed.

    Backgrounds: We will be using ONLY custom backgrounds. Each player chooses two skill proficiencies, as well as a proficiency in two from any combination of setting appropriate languages and instruments/vehicles/tool kits. We will not be using any background features.

    Equipment: Each class lists a random amount of gold available to that class at level 1. Characters will begin with the maximum available amount, and must purchase starting equipment from that gold, keeping the balance. Equipment from the PHB only at 1st level.

    IF YOU ARE INTERESTED please respond here with your day & time of availability, as well as anything else you'd like us to know about you!

  2. #2
    I'm interested. 9:00 until around 12:00 EST (perhaps later) Mon-Thu seems like a perfect fit for my schedule.

    Here's a bit more about my role-playing style. I'm usually a thinker. I like to find creative uses for character abilities and think about what my character would do if he/she was a real person. I will often try to find a way to avoid combat if diplomacy or stealth options are feasible. I usually won't kill enemies who are fleeing, unless I'm playing an evil character or there's a specific role-playing or mission-related purpose to prevent their escape.
    I tend to play magic characters more than rogues or fighters, but I like to try new things too. Depending on the other players in the campaign, I may play divine or arcane caster or something else. I'm not decided yet. But I will try to create some kind of backstory that will mesh with the rest of the party.
    Last edited by SylvanSnake; April 12th, 2023 at 16:36. Reason: Added details about playstyle

  3. #3
    I can do 9 to 12 in the mornings too. early week, weekdays is good for me

    I'm a creative (comes with being a forever DM) and I have a nugget of a character that I hope to play. PM me and we can talk about it.

    Like snake, I also 'RP' meaning i get heavy into character and have different world views then they do. I plan on being an artificer since I love the 'gadget' aspect. So not really a min-max but I do have a specific theme for the character in mind. I hope it works for you game.
    Last edited by Rumsar; April 12th, 2023 at 17:24.

  4. #4
    Hi Wildknight,

    I played in one of your Wednesday morning campaigns that came to an end a year or so ago and really enjoyed myself. I am available Monday and/or Wednesday mornings, and can start at 9 or 10 AM EST (I am in PST). I'd like to join you for another fun game.


  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Heckspawn View Post
    Hi Wildknight,

    I played in one of your Wednesday morning campaigns that came to an end a year or so ago and really enjoyed myself. I am available Monday and/or Wednesday mornings, and can start at 9 or 10 AM EST (I am in PST). I'd like to join you for another fun game.


    O heck (no pun intended) yeah. Definitely love to have you in the game if I can get this off the ground

  6. #6

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by SylvanSnake View Post
    Any updates on this campaign?
    Well I was hoping for 4 or 5 players but given the time frame maybe 3 is a good number to start. You guys want to get together Monday for a Session Zero to talk over characters and finalize an adventure choice?
    Last edited by WildKnight; April 14th, 2023 at 12:56.

  8. #8
    I’m all for a session 0 on monday!
    Last edited by Rumsar; April 14th, 2023 at 13:18.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Rumsar View Post
    I’m all for a session 0 on monday!

    If you wanted to message me with your character concept ahead of time to make sure its not a waste of your time, I'm very open to that. In fact for everyone, feel free to message me at any time.

  10. #10
    I would be interested in playing if you still want more players.

    I have been playing with Heckspawn in a weekly campaign or the past year and a half and we seem to get along pretty well.

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