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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Mgrancey View Post
    No, button is missing. What version of Savage Worlds and Fantasy Grounds are you using?
    If Immunity was part of a later update that might explain that issue as well.

    FG 3.3.11

    Looks like SW is v5.1

    I check for updates frequently to be sure I am up to date on everything. Looks like the one here:


    Says the 5.0.

    Was the button an extension somewhere?

  2. #22
    It is.

    There is an extension but it was incorporated into SWADE 5.2 and SWD 4.1 making it redundant.
    Location: Central Pa (East -5)
    Ultimate License Holder
    Current Campaign: Necessary Evil
    Current Project: Dawn of Daikaiju: Converting, Deadlands: Reloaded The last Sons - Quality Assurance Checking
    Discord: Mgrancey#4994
    "Mad Science" means never stopping to ask "what's the worst thing that could happen?" -- Maxim 14 of The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries
    Adventure: Keep Living Life Like There's No Tomorrow and You'll Eventually Be Right,

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Mgrancey View Post
    It is.

    There is an extension but it was incorporated into SWADE 5.2 and SWD 4.1 making it redundant.
    Well, then I am curious as to why I don't have the latest up date. Every time the button is red, I update everything.


    So how do I get SWADE 5.2 if the updater is not getting it for me?
    Last edited by Slagmoth; August 27th, 2020 at 04:25.

  4. #24
    Ok, so I uninstalled and reinstalled my FG... the updater seems to have picked up 5.2, replacing all my campaigns and such now.

    But now FG is not responding when bringing up my campaigns...

    But only for my SW campaigns.

    More specifically only the SW campaign that I was working on
    Last edited by Slagmoth; August 27th, 2020 at 05:13.

  5. #25
    Appears that I can't even restore my backed up copy either. Even in pieces.

    Seems I can see the characters in the db.xml but it won't restore them to a new campaign.

  6. #26
    Ok, I seem Immunity working correctly... however I can't add anything to the Keyword section of NPC attacks... /sadpanda

    This is apparently intermittent... I can't edit the Fiery Touch of the Fire Elemental but I can edit the Blast and the Goblin's spear attack... weird goings on.
    Last edited by Slagmoth; August 27th, 2020 at 16:33.

  7. #27
    Did you unlock the NPCs?

    What have tried to recover campaign files?
    Location: Central Pa (East -5)
    Ultimate License Holder
    Current Campaign: Necessary Evil
    Current Project: Dawn of Daikaiju: Converting, Deadlands: Reloaded The last Sons - Quality Assurance Checking
    Discord: Mgrancey#4994
    "Mad Science" means never stopping to ask "what's the worst thing that could happen?" -- Maxim 14 of The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries
    Adventure: Keep Living Life Like There's No Tomorrow and You'll Eventually Be Right,

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Mgrancey View Post
    Did you unlock the NPCs?

    What have tried to recover campaign files?
    I did unlock the NPCs...

    I had backed up my Campaign files before uninstalling and tried to restore them after reinstall. All of them but the SW one I was working on seem fine. Seems that the one I was working on had something either corrupt or incompatible with the new version? I don't see how that would be possible but it just crashed FG every time I tried to open it in FG.

    I had an older back up that I was able to restore and now I am able to edit the Elemental's attacks just fine. Whereas before I could only edit some of them and in the case of Fiery Attack only Keyword was inaccessible but I could edit Fire Blast or whatever it is called.

    So at least I have the PCs back so my players just have to redo their recent advancement but I lost nearly everything I had set up for the campaign and unfortunately the PDF I was working off of was scanned as an image so I was having to type all of it by hand since even OCR scanning was severely hit and miss. At least I still have the maps, that was a major pain point I had to manually create I can reload those, just have to recreate all the encounters and NPCs I had in there.

    Immunity must have been added in 5.2 because it now properly shows up as does the Global Effects button.

  9. #29
    Have you tried copying and paste from inside XML file. You will want to grab everything inside the <root></root> tag, but not the tag itself. All the campaign data is stored inside db.xml.

    Guessing you already tried to paste and replace what was already in the file.
    Location: Central Pa (East -5)
    Ultimate License Holder
    Current Campaign: Necessary Evil
    Current Project: Dawn of Daikaiju: Converting, Deadlands: Reloaded The last Sons - Quality Assurance Checking
    Discord: Mgrancey#4994
    "Mad Science" means never stopping to ask "what's the worst thing that could happen?" -- Maxim 14 of The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries
    Adventure: Keep Living Life Like There's No Tomorrow and You'll Eventually Be Right,

  10. #30
    There is currently no way to do separate damage types for the same attack, correct?

    Like if I have a Flaming Sword... str + d8 + d4 Fire... or something of that nature?

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