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  1. #511
    im not sure why im unable to use the extension. I am using unity, have watched the video on how it should look but cant get the characters sheets to show the poloy options. I made sure the char is in the combat tracker and added the spell still no go. It seems as if the extensions is not installed, however i did the update via the FG client. Any help would be great.

  2. #512
    Quote Originally Posted by crauly View Post
    im not sure why im unable to use the extension. I am using unity, have watched the video on how it should look but cant get the characters sheets to show the poloy options. I made sure the char is in the combat tracker and added the spell still no go. It seems as if the extensions is not installed, however i did the update via the FG client. Any help would be great.
    See if these steps help - otherwise join Grim Press discord for more direct help...

    1) The campaign you have is 5E.
    2) The load campaign screen shows the campaign you selected with the "5E - Polymorphism FGU" selected before you start up the campaign.
    3) The chat shows the polymorphism version (of the latest shown on page one) is loaded into your campaign.
    4) You have one of the supported keywords in the proper place (or spell as you said) defined so it knows that NPC or PC should show the polymorphism window. (see above forum thread posts or .txt file for what keywords are supported and where they go)
    5) place the NPC/PC into the combat tracker.
    6) bring up the link for that sheet.

    It should show the polymorphism actions on the appropriate tab (depending on NPC or PC). If not - one of the above things is not correct or you have other extensions causing a conflict. So last try removing all other extensions and see if it then works - if it does you some other extension is not playing nice with others and you'll have to take it up with them.

    Otherwise, there are nice people in Grim Press who love to help with this stuff.
    Free(Forums/Forge) Extension(FGU 5E):
    Paid (Forge) Extension(FGU 5E):

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