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  1. #1

    Polymorphism Extension (.ext file) [Fantasy Grounds Unity 5E ruleset]

    Only in Forge.

    Polymorphism Extension (Fantasy Grounds Unity)

    This stand-alone extension for Fantasy Grounds allows you to manage polymorphing effects right on your character sheet! Adding new forms you can change into is as simple as dragging and dropping an NPC sheet onto your character sheet and clicking the "Active" button. No additional modules are required —simply add this extension to Fantasy Grounds, and you are set!

    The 5E Druid Wild Shapes Quick Reference Guide can be used to provide real tokens(NPCs) instead of some of the default WOTC letters.

    NOTE: Things keep changing so read the versions and the .txt files for details - its too long to place on page 1.

    This extension unlocks the following functions:

    • Easily manage polymorph, true polymorph, animals shapes, shapechange, NPC shapechanger, and wild shape all from your character sheet with the click of a button
    • When activated, a new character sheet is opened automatically with your new shape's features & abilities
    • The combat tracker updates in real-time with your new form and statistics
    • Damage is carried back to your true form (as per RAW), and you revert to your true form automatically

    Additional perks included in this extension:

    • Concentration effects are properly coded: casting a polymorphism supported concentration spell ends a previous concentration spell (and ends its effects)
    • NPC Inventories are customizable when using our Map Parcel extension

    If PC is already polymorphed to an NPC and you exit FGU, when you come back up in FGU and choose the PC you will have your character sheet instead of the active polymorph NPC sheet. Either double click on its map token, click on the its CT link, or double click on the sheet's polymorph window token image of the NPC to get the NPC sheet back up. You close the original sheet brought up by the login at any time. This is usually realized when a player thinks their Active button is missing (its really not the active polymorphed NPC sheet is why).

    The Stop Concentration button and pulldown lists can lose synch and not display correctly sometimes, just switch between tabs and it will get back in synch.

    Sometimes the Polymorphism window will appear with all the choices blank - just hit active button again as it has gotten out of synch.

    If you use BCEG (Better Combat Effects Gold) you have to have Restrict Concentration option set to "off".


    [See .txt file for early updates and features]
    V1.40 - Fix - saving throws and skills in polymorphed sheet now reflect the rules for wild shape per RAW.

    V1.41 - Update - added support for TokenHeight so that when you polymorph you keep the token height assigned through transitions.

    V1.42 - Bug - chat message warning about a non existent polymorph list NPC every time a sheet was brought up (PC or NPC). Fixed.

    V1.43 - Bug - exceeded hit points was not being checked against temp hp if any were present. Fixed.

    V1.44 - Update - added support for NPC spell checks for polymorphism to also look in innatespells (Polymorph, True Polymorph, etc.). Per FGU NPC parsing rules if these things are in "spells" you have to have a "Spellcasting" trait defined in order for it to parse saving throw data (example: "...spellcasting ability is intelligence..." - other stuff you'll have to look in their code). Per FGU NPC parsing rules if these things are in "innatespells" you have to have an "Innate Spellcasting" trait defined - with same parsing rules as spells. Don't ask me about those spellcasting parsing text as I had to look it up in code just to get the minimum stuff to make it work defined - you're on your own there. Though module stuff from FGU should have all that stuff defined in NPCs correctly. Bleh.

    V1.45 - Bug - a past FGU update of code changed one of things I was overriding which I never noticed - may have made some other extensions conflict which should not have. Fixed to reflect current FGU code.

    V1.46 - Update - new "polymorphism_current_npc" added to PC charsheet if it was source of polymorphism. This is needed by other extension who may have the charsheet but not the new NPC CT entry it is currently referenced by (combat groups in particular).

    V1.47 - Update - implemented node and childList changes to code that SW wanted.

    V1.48 - Update - supported vehicle class as much as possible in the same manner as npc class.

    V1.49 - Bug - fix in for display/removal of client polymorph PC/NPC windows and running a local client would have ownership detection issues - changed check to be with Session.UserName instead of User.getUserName() so the correct login user would be returned for comparison with owner when the client is running on same machine as host.

    V1.50 - Update - V1.50 - Update - now prevent init from being changed in CT when an NPC is a polymorphed one.

    V1.51 - Bug - Original CT Reach and Space values were never being stored in polymorph. Resulted in them being lost when converted back to original. Fixed.

    V1.52 - Feature - now cleanName of any spell/action/trait before comparing to hardcoded supported spell/powers so that it can support things with garbage text after keyword. Will strip out anything after and including "(", "*", or "-".

    V1.53 - Bug - FGU underlying execution somehow shifted so that my end turn override didn't get applied anymore. Fixed.

    V1.54 - Bug - Evidently the LIGHT effects that are transferred in Polymorphism never actually get triggered. Fixed - will call TokenManager.updateEffects after a new CT entry has been updated by poly. As DM this may create light where there was non before. For example, a torch effect is directly transferred to the NPC and back to the PC. If you don't want it on the NPC you'll have to disable it. Kind of catch 22 with no easy way to solve - but better the effect is doing what its supposed to than sitting there not doing anything until the effect line is updated, something is triggered to update all effects of CT entry, or session is restarted - as has been happening since day 1 of FGU lighting.

    V1.55 - Bug/FGU change - basically as in 1.54 more than just light helpers must be triggered so having to update all attributes of token and then auto scale it also in order for all things to be placed correctly when recreating a PC/NPC programatically. No interest in figuring out why of this - just going to call the stuff that will update this sort of thing.

    V1.56 - Update - using local client confuses User.getIdentityOwner(sIdentity) calls so have to check for nil and then use sIdentity.sUser in order for it to get the local machine name (user). Only relevant if your using a local client like I do for testing. Will be part of next delivery version as this is just for me.

    V1.57 - FGU update - redesign to support working with FGU update.

    V1.58- Test printstack - workaround for a bug I can't duplicate so want this in code in case it happens again.

    V1.59- Update - made onShortcutDrop more compatible with other extensions.

    Grim Press overview video.

    And a video for my own entertainment...

    Watch the video before you even contemplate buying it.

    Grim Press will be handling the sales and promotion of this extension.
    If you'd like to engage with us, please feel free to join the Grim Press discord:

    Extensions = RISK: This note is added to all the extensions I maintain. I want users to understand that extensions are code that is added to or overrides portions of code in the Fantasy Grounds Unity (FGU) application. When the underlying code in FGU changes it can break an extension. When you run with other extensions they can conflict by trying to overwrite the same parts of the FGU code. I will keep my extensions working with FGU changes, and the extensions I use (listed in my FGU signature) as I have direct control over those things. I cannot make the same promise with other extensions. If I am notified of an incompatibility I will attempt to resolve it - but if I cannot I will list what the known extension incompatibilities are. Understand before you get any extensions that it comes with RISK. Not just my extensions - any extension. These extensions are also maintained by me for me. I provide them outside of my own games purely to those who wish to take advantages of things I use for myself.

    Included is original text used for describing this extension - has a lot of details but really provided for reference if needed. This also lists the caveats (things I noticed but cannot solve - notably stop concentration button timing issue not always updating - need to switch from action tab and back to it again to get it to be in proper state (shown/not shown)).
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by SilentRuin; June 5th, 2024 at 21:04.

  2. #2
    Just to be this one complementary to one-click druid or a replacement?

  3. #3
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    May 2011
    Colorado, USA
    Moved to the 5E ruleset forum.

    Please don't post paid for extensions in the community Armory/Extensions sub-forums - these are for people sharing their community extensions with the community.

    Quote Originally Posted by SilentRuin View Post
    Understood that FGU could break your code, but saying that the code is provided as is, when it costs $12.95 to buy, isn't giving confidence that you're going to provide your customers with support for something they paid for. You're charging people to purchase your work on a commercial website - which I don't have a problem with by-the-way, as long as the products released are treated as paid-for products, with support and maintenance. As this is a paid for product on a commercial site, best effort fixing for something given to the community isn't really appropriate. This is now someone buying a product - which you should support, even if the platform you're building it for is still in testing.
    Last edited by Trenloe; August 18th, 2020 at 11:41.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  4. #4
    I think SilentRuin, while not stating it directly in DMSGUILD or in the forum, will support and mantain this extension. My question is fairly simple...I have some experience with One-Click druid from DiabloBob and Rob Twohy. How this extension fares compared to their? Is it easier, more flexible, more complete?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Trenloe View Post
    Moved to the 5E ruleset forum.

    Please don't post paid for extensions in the community Armory/Extensions sub-forums - these are for people sharing their community extensions with the community.

    Understood that FGU could break your code, but saying that the code is provided as is, when it costs $12.95 to buy, isn't giving confidence that you're going to provide your customers with support for something they paid for. You're charging people to purchase your work on a commercial website - which I don't have a problem with by-the-way, as long as the products released are treated as paid-for products, with support and maintenance. As this is a paid for product on a commercial site, best effort fixing for something given to the community isn't really appropriate. This is now someone buying a product - which you should support, even if the platform you're building it for is still in testing.
    Did not know, thanks for the info. You can leave my community extension I provided for death indicator modifications (which still has issues I'm looking at) but you will probably want to move my other two extensions in my signature out of here also.

    I always support what I write, but I will NOT put out false information. What I state is a plain unvarnished warning that every extension - free or for sale - should put out when dealing with a BETA product. Especially, if its an extension which can be broken by any other extension by its very nature (hence, "code is provided as is", with a ton of compatibility data at the bottom in DMsG). So - even if I don't sell a single copy - that warning will stay in all my extensions that I provide for a BETA product - including this one.

    If it's not appropriate to post at all in these forums for paid extensions, please let me know and I'll request the 3 I have out there to be removed.
    Free(Forums/Forge) Extension(FGU 5E):
    Paid (Forge) Extension(FGU 5E):

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by eriktedesco View Post
    I think SilentRuin, while not stating it directly in DMSGUILD or in the forum, will support and mantain this extension. My question is fairly simple...I have some experience with One-Click druid from DiabloBob and Rob Twohy. How this extension fares compared to their? Is it easier, more flexible, more complete?
    True on the support - explained why my description in DMsG will remain as is in my last reply here.

    The reason I explicitly state that I can only guarantee it works with the extensions in my signature, is because those are the only extensions I run with. I have no idea what "one click druid" is so can't answer your question.

    I completely understand if the price and commentary makes people not want to get this. If you read the DMsG text for this - at the bottom you will see a list of caveats - and a number of programming details which should give an idea to other programmers if it will interfere with their stuff. For sure, I don't want anyone to buy this if they don't think it will run with what they use.

    It was 350 hours of many rewrites and complexity and it still has caveats I could not completely get around given what I was trying to do. Plus, its shown me that Death Indicators (a community modified extension I use) has two hard to duplicate issue I'll look into further in the next week or two. Having not written that extension, only modified it, its a learning curve to try and figure out and solve hard to duplicate issues. That's full disclosure on this extension. For sure I have tried to err on too much information in DMsG.
    Free(Forums/Forge) Extension(FGU 5E):
    Paid (Forge) Extension(FGU 5E):

  7. #7
    Ok, thanks a lot for the clear explanation. I'm quite curious about this extension, so I will probably buy it and test it out. Maybe not now, but soon.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by eriktedesco View Post
    Ok, thanks a lot for the clear explanation. I'm quite curious about this extension, so I will probably buy it and test it out. Maybe not now, but soon.
    Well my big fear is that I and my testers have missed something critical, so there is that also For sure last time I put out extensions I tried pay what you want for a few weeks but literally 200 people swooped in and took it for free, another 80 or so paid, with about 80% of those paying almost nothing, all with little to no comments. It's the average price of going out to eat once, and for me? Sometimes I get a really crappy meal, so its a risk. I will support it as you pointed out - but extensions have so much RISK by their very nature I'm not willing to pretend in my description its anything other than that. A risk. Judge by my past extensions if you wish to figure the level of risk.
    Last edited by SilentRuin; August 18th, 2020 at 16:06.
    Free(Forums/Forge) Extension(FGU 5E):
    Paid (Forge) Extension(FGU 5E):

  9. #9
    No problem, SilentRuin. Everyone of you, and by you I mean programmers, are dealing with a program (FGU) that is changing at a fast pace. As such, a lot of twicking is needed for both extensions and modules. So, a bit of risk must be considered when buying an extension or a module.

  10. #10
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Colorado, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by SilentRuin View Post
    ...but you will probably want to move my other two extensions in my signature out of here also.
    I've relocated them. Thanks for the heads up.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

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