1. #1

    CT Open on Turn extension

    The extension allows the DM to have FG automatically open up the record sheet for NPC/PCs when they gain their turn in initiative. When the turn is passed, it will also auto-close the NPCs window. This is very useful for DM's who like to have the sheets open for easier readability of the powers/abilities during combat, or for those who want the records visible on screen while streaming.

    The extension has 2 options added which allow the GM to select which type of record will auto-open (Both (default), NPC, PC, Off), and which type of record will auto-close (Both (default), NPC, PC, Off).

    The extension is based entirely off of CoreRPG, so it should work with rulesets based off of it. Tested in CoreRPG and 5e.
    Last edited by mattekure; June 28th, 2022 at 19:48.
    For support with any of my extensions, visit my #mattekure-stuff channel on Rob2e's discord

  2. #2
    So, it should function with FGU also on the 5e ruleset?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by TXCBoy36 View Post
    So, it should function with FGU also on the 5e ruleset?
    For support with any of my extensions, visit my #mattekure-stuff channel on Rob2e's discord

  4. #4
    Ok, purchased it last night.....will test it this weekend

  5. #5
    Perfect. Tried for free and bought it once I tested it.

  6. #6
    Thanks! I hope you enjoy it.
    For support with any of my extensions, visit my #mattekure-stuff channel on Rob2e's discord

  7. #7
    I This extn still maintained - Really useful but seems to sometimes open the wrong CHAR sheets. Opening instead a weird Unidentified NPC sheet and not the CHAR sheet.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by EllivasKram View Post
    I This extn still maintained - Really useful but seems to sometimes open the wrong CHAR sheets. Opening instead a weird Unidentified NPC sheet and not the CHAR sheet.
    Yes, this ext is still maintained. I have never seen what you are describing. what ruleset are you using? do you have an example campaign where this occurs consistently?
    For support with any of my extensions, visit my #mattekure-stuff channel on Rob2e's discord

  9. #9
    Sorry for the long delay in responding. I’m still trying to get a handle on the issue.

    I have the extn only open NPC but it was configured to Auto close both.

    I’m try to see if the issue reoccurs in extended player/dm sessions

    I’m using 5e and nearly all ROB2E extns.

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