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Thread: Earthdawn

  1. #1


    So I have recently become aware of the fact that Earthdawn now has a 4th Edition, and I have been working on updating the community FG ruleset that I found to work with Unity. I will then be creating modules for all of the adventures that I have in hard copy as well as the ones I will be acquiring via PDF. The adventures I have are for 1st/2nd Edition, but are compatible with the newer ruleset by using the newer stats for the creatures.

    I am basically trying to get a feel for how many people on here would be interested in playing or running a game of Earthdawn. If you are unfamiliar with Earthdawn but want to check it out, here is the link for the official publisher, where you can get an overview of the game, download a free quickstart pdf, or purchase the Players Guide.

    If you are interested in playing (or GMing), please let me know either in this thread or through PM. I can also try to answer any questions people may have about the game or the setting.

  2. #2
    Hmmm... Keep me posted, please...

    Earthdawn was one of those games where the mechanics baffled me somewhat. The setting was **SO** appealing, though, as it was not just rote Tolkien-esque fantasy, but instead was a much different creature. I believe my wife still has a chunk of 1E stuff stuck in her game stuff, in fact.

    So... Color me interested.
    "I strive to master myself before all others...

    ...I am not perfect, but I will not stop trying to be..."

  3. #3
    I completely agree with RHManiac. I was a huge ED fan back in the day because the setting is awesome. Unfortunately the rules were so cumbersome that I could never get excited about getting the game to the table. In any case I'm not familiar with the updates in the 4th edition as I don't think I played beyond 1st, but I'd be wiling to give it a shot.

  4. #4
    Please keep me posted, we have a group of players ready to go.

    Thanks for getting this going.
    Enjoying tabletop and online role-play games as friends for happy memories.

  5. #5
    Keep me posted as well

  6. #6
    I honestly didn't expect this much response in less than 24 hours.

    Back in the day when I first got into roleplaying, the second game session I ever played in was an Earthdawn game. I was hooked after that, and I attempted at the time to get my siblings into the game, and a few friends as well. Unfortunately they also had issues with the Step Dice system. But that was when all we had was litteral pen(pencil) and paper (and the books). But now with Fantasy Grounds, the ruleset does all the hard math for us, we just get to do the fun parts.

    I am attempting to get the ruleset to work with Unity, though it does already work with Classic, so I may just have to break down and use Classic for Earthdawn, even though I really do enjoy the new features of Unity.

  7. #7
    Unity needs a bit more work and optimization. Two weeks ago my one dnd game used it and while we liked it and want to use it..we have temporarily gone back to classic

  8. #8
    Yea, I'm thinking my group might do the same.

    Also, for those who are familiar with 1st/2nd Edition, 4th Edition so far seems to be very similar overall, with slightly updated numbers for the steps and the attributes tables, and Karma also works a bit different. So for those who have played it previously it would be a very small learning curve.

  9. #9
    I am a huge ED fan, I am actually planning to use FGrounds for a campaign, but I am not familiar with setting it up. So please keep me posted I am looking forward to any updates you have.

  10. #10
    Oh man, the old FASA site was my first main web hangout back in the early days. Must have been through 5 of those poorly bound 1st edition copies. I agree with others, the setting was fantastic but the mechanics just haven't kept up. 4th edition is a pretty big improvement, but it still feels like a re-edited 1st edition. Still, best of luck on this campaign!

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