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  1. #1

    ICRPG 2e GM Rule Error

    I receive an error: Database Error : image: Invalid file (ref/The Oath.jpg)

    This happens when I try to click on Take the OATH under Game Mastery > The Basics > Take the OATH.

  2. #2
    Thanks for bringing it up. Turns out a file got missed in the upload process, but it will be fixed in the next update.
    Last edited by Saagael; May 13th, 2020 at 23:36.

  3. #3
    I completely failed getting this setup right. Will try to fix a bit later. Use this thread to post any ruleset specific issues to track and get resolved. When reporting, please provide steps in reproducing the issue and any images if possible.
    Dominic Morta
    Ruleset Developer

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    Unity Updater issue?-Updater Issues

    Classic and Unity Port Forwarding?-Fantasy Grounds Connections Explained

    Comcast or Cox ISP User?-Comcast XFinity and Cox Users

    Have a suggestion?-Feature Request

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by thelinuxfan View Post
    I receive an error: Database Error : image: Invalid file (ref/The Oath.jpg)

    This happens when I try to click on Take the OATH under Game Mastery > The Basics > Take the OATH.
    This has been fixed in the most recent update.

  5. #5
    I have problem with LOOT. When loot are drop on character’s inventory, stat bonuses are not calculated properly (usually are doubled). Sometimes dress off and dress in fix the error but sometimes i have to change it manually.
    Despite to above problems I found ICRPG splendid. Me and my team had great time playing.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Santyagoffg View Post
    I have problem with LOOT. When loot are drop on character’s inventory, stat bonuses are not calculated properly (usually are doubled). Sometimes dress off and dress in fix the error but sometimes i have to change it manually.
    Despite to above problems I found ICRPG splendid. Me and my team had great time playing.
    Thanks for the feedback. When you drop loot in a character's inventory, does the item get added with parenthesis and stat bonuses in the name of the item? For example: 'Ring of Might (STR +1)'

    It sounds like when you equip a piece of loot the bonus that's added to the loot column of the stat is twice what it should be. In that case, would you be able to send me a zip file of the campaign where this is happening so I can see if I can reproduce and debug this?

    EDIT: Another thought. There's a setting called "Add bonuses from CARRIED loot" in the options window. Is there any chance that you've changed that around the time the issue with the loot appeared? Changing that setting would mess with how loot bonuses are added to characters.
    Last edited by Saagael; December 7th, 2020 at 18:01.

  7. #7
    It's one of problems.
    It's sounds funny but on my comp rest of loot works correctly. However my players complained on loot problems.
    I will conduct another play at Friday and ask my players for screens.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Santyagoffg View Post
    It's one of problems.
    It's sounds funny but on my comp rest of loot works correctly. However my players complained on loot problems.
    I will conduct another play at Friday and ask my players for screens.
    Ah, yes, Common Armor. I thought I fixed that. The reason that happens is the system reads the description of the item to figure out which stats it should add. It sees the "+1 ARMOR" and "+10 ARMOR" in the description and adds those together, which is where the +11 is coming from. I'll change the wording so it doesn't do that.

  9. #9
    After weekend of playing i have to confirm that loot bonuses are doubled when players drag and drop it to PC cart. Moreover this error takes place only during play in player client. When I checked it on my comp after session everything works great however when players join me they complain about it.
    Second bug is even more strange. Program shows afford numbers in different order for GM and player. As I checked correct one is player notation and this one is used for calculation for program. To sum up only problem is different data for GM. I think that below screens explain it better.
    Player Screen.png
    GM Screen.png

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Santyagoffg View Post
    After weekend of playing i have to confirm that loot bonuses are doubled when players drag and drop it to PC cart. Moreover this error takes place only during play in player client. When I checked it on my comp after session everything works great however when players join me they complain about it.
    Second bug is even more strange. Program shows afford numbers in different order for GM and player. As I checked correct one is player notation and this one is used for calculation for program. To sum up only problem is different data for GM. I think that below screens explain it better.
    Thanks for the feedback. I've tried to reproduce this on my own but I can't. It might be related to internet connection, but I don't know enough about how fantasy grounds syncs players and GM data to say that for sure. It would help if I could load your campaign and see if there's some data corruption there. Can you zip up your campaign folder and send it to me? I've got no idea how the characters sheets both show different things to GM and player, and how the TOTAL stat is different than the BASE+LOOT. Those should 100% be linked together.

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