Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by bmos View Post
    so easy to overlook that sort of thing! same with nil checks sometimes.
    Perhaps, upon creating weapons with an enhancement bonus, you can also add the damage type magic?
    You could also overwrite the item properties if they are - (the default value for many) since right now they're being added to (such as -, adamantine, masterwork)

    and StringManager.capitalize() is your friend with the item names, I think
    Last edited by bmos; August 5th, 2020 at 21:29.

  2. #32
    Well there's also the fact that creating a +1 weapon and equipping it gives out a +2 to hit (because it stacks masterwork and enhancement.. actually Masterwork *is* an enhancement bonus already)

    Edit: nevermind, maybe it's another extension... too much to do right now to check tho

  3. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Asgurgolas View Post
    Well there's also the fact that creating a +1 weapon and equipping it gives out a +2 to hit (because it stacks masterwork and enhancement.. actually Masterwork *is* an enhancement bonus already)

    Edit: nevermind, maybe it's another extension... too much to do right now to check tho
    Pretty sure that's Item Durability doing that.
    It'll be fixed in Tuesday's update.
    Last edited by bmos; August 9th, 2020 at 00:08.

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Asgurgolas View Post
    Well there's also the fact that creating a +1 weapon and equipping it gives out a +2 to hit (because it stacks masterwork and enhancement.. actually Masterwork *is* an enhancement bonus already)

    Edit: nevermind, maybe it's another extension... too much to do right now to check tho
    There is a bug in 3.5E that if an item is unidentified and magical/masterwork it will give you the +1 for masterwork and then once identified it will give another +1 for a total of +2.
    This might be what you came across.

  5. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by bmos View Post
    Perhaps, upon creating weapons with an enhancement bonus, you can also add the damage type magic?
    You could also overwrite the item properties if they are - (the default value for many) since right now they're being added to (such as -, adamantine, masterwork)

    and StringManager.capitalize() is your friend with the item names, I think
    If the enhancement bonus is > 0 then it adds magic to the damage type, if it's pathfinder and > 2 it adds more to the damage type based on the table in the core rule book.
    If you aren't seeing this behavior I'm not sure why.

  6. #36
    I've uploaded a new version, 1.0.3 to the first post.
    I fixed a comparison bug with both size changes and weight related to size changes.
    I also changed it so that if properties is equal to "-" it replaces it with "".

  7. #37
    FYI the new uploaded version is zipped inside a folder, which needs extracting, rezipping and renaming

    I do that all the time

  8. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by Zygmunt Molotch View Post
    FYI the new uploaded version is zipped inside a folder, which needs extracting, rezipping and renaming

    I do that all the time
    Oops, fixed it.

  9. #39
    Okay, so I'm trying to figure out the right way to use this. I took an ordinary elven curved blade and customized it with a +1 bonus and the keen and shocking burst abilities. Here are the problems I run into:

    - in Properties, the weapon has shocking burst, keen, and masterwork. Should it also have magic as a property to determine whether it can hit creatures only affected by magic?
    - the Damage Type is slashing and magic. Should it also have electricity or shocking burst?
    - the Critical field is 18-20 (x2). With the keen ability, the crit range should be 15-20.
    - when I equip it on a character, there's no indication of the shocking burst ability in the weapon's damage, and attacking an NPC does not generate any shock damage.

    I'm new to this, so I could well be using this all wrong. Just trying to figure out how to use it. I'm using it with FGU if it makes any difference. Thanks!

  10. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by Seems View Post
    Okay, so I'm trying to figure out the right way to use this. I took an ordinary elven curved blade and customized it with a +1 bonus and the keen and shocking burst abilities. Here are the problems I run into:

    - in Properties, the weapon has shocking burst, keen, and masterwork. Should it also have magic as a property to determine whether it can hit creatures only affected by magic?
    - the Damage Type is slashing and magic. Should it also have electricity or shocking burst?
    - the Critical field is 18-20 (x2). With the keen ability, the crit range should be 15-20.
    - when I equip it on a character, there's no indication of the shocking burst ability in the weapon's damage, and attacking an NPC does not generate any shock damage.

    I'm new to this, so I could well be using this all wrong. Just trying to figure out how to use it. I'm using it with FGU if it makes any difference. Thanks!
    This isn't my extension although I have been using it for months, so take this with a grain of salt:

    1) no, there is no code to parse for "magic" in the properties field. this has to be entered as damage type.
    2) no, because only some of the damage is electricity damage. entering that here would mean all damage it does would be counted as such. when you add the item to your inventory, this extension should add the extra 1d6 of electricity damage to the actions tab entry for the weapon.
    3) keen is not handled automatically unless you use the keen extension (which Kelrugem's extensions include I think)
    4) shocking burst crit bonus damage is not automated and would require changes to the attack roll handling script
    Last edited by bmos; September 26th, 2020 at 23:18.

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