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  1. #11
    I'm getting this error when I open any item sheets with this extension enabled:
    Script Error: [string "campaign/scripts/item_main.lua"]:132: attempt to index global 'divider8' (a nil value)

    I tried disabling my other extensions and my theme (except your Advanced Effects for 3.5e and Pathfinder extension) and it still happens.

    Really excited for this extension (and the advanced effects extension it uses); I'm running an 12th level game right now and there are a lot of special effects and abilities to wrangle!
    Last edited by bmos; May 17th, 2020 at 12:31.

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by bmos View Post
    I'm getting this error when I open any item sheets with this extension enabled:
    Script Error: [string "campaign/scripts/item_main.lua"]:132: attempt to index global 'divider8' (a nil value)

    I tried disabling my other extensions and my theme (except your Advanced Effects for 3.5e and Pathfinder extension) and it still happens.

    Really excited for this extension (and the advanced effects extension it uses); I'm running an 12th level game right now and there are a lot of special effects and abilities to wrangle!
    Fixed the problem.
    When looking for effects make sure to keep the over all active number to a minimum. So unequip unused items that have effects.

  3. #13
    Will do! Thanks for the warning and the quick fix
    The visibility of effects added seems to be GM only no matter what I pick. Perhaps the Kel compatibility issues?

    Also, a suggestion!
    The effect is given a name based on the name of the item. The name of the item is also shown under the effect. This is redundant and wastes screen real estate (useful for items with a lot of effects).
    Last edited by bmos; May 18th, 2020 at 01:58.

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by rmilmine View Post
    Is this in 3.5e or Pathfinder? I don't have the 3.5e books, so if it's Pathfinder what page in the core book?
    This is a PF table, but I cannot find it in the Core Rulebook... it is the one you used to determine major, medium or minor magic item...

  5. #15
    Is the table available on the pathfinder wiki? I didn't enter most of the data for this. It's based on someone else's work. What changes to data I made I used the wiki to create new special abilities.
    Maybe it's in the Ultimate Equipment book? but those tables are lessor minor greater minor, lessor medium, etc.

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by bmos View Post
    Will do! Thanks for the warning and the quick fix
    The visibility of effects added seems to be GM only no matter what I pick. Perhaps the Kel compatibility issues?

    Also, a suggestion!
    The effect is given a name based on the name of the item. The name of the item is also shown under the effect. This is redundant and wastes screen real estate (useful for items with a lot of effects).
    I don't think it's a compatibility issue. I don't recall testing the gm only code from the 5E port of the Advanced Effects extension I made. my bad, still so much to do it seems.
    It would be that extension that is causing the problem with the item effect being moved from player items to the combat tracker incorrectly.
    All this extension does is create an item in the item database with effects already attached.
    The Advanced Inventory extension changes the way items are loaded into inventory in order to create advanced action items (such as a flaming sword having fire damage, or potions and wands etc).
    The Advanced Effects extension is the one that does the heavy lifting related to getting effects onto the combat tracker. It is also the one that generates the name. That is code from the original 5E extension it is based off of. I never changed it, but I will look at doing so. It would remove the need for it to have a special label only thing on it.

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Grey Mage View Post
    This is a PF table, but I cannot find it in the Core Rulebook... it is the one you used to determine major, medium or minor magic item...
    I found this website as a wiki for pathfinder.

    It includes a lot of special abilities that aren't currently included.
    Does this include the special abilities you are looking for?

  8. #18
    Looks like weapon and armor weight isn't being reduced when small is selected as the item size. Any chance we can get that included?
    Last edited by bmos; June 3rd, 2020 at 19:19.

  9. #19
    Can you point me to a table for 3.5E and/or one for pathfinder on the weight of weapons and armor. I honestly didn't think of the weight changes. I can't seem to find any tables for either system.


  10. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by rmilmine View Post
    Can you point me to a table for 3.5E and/or one for pathfinder on the weight of weapons and armor. I honestly didn't think of the weight changes. I can't seem to find any tables for either system.

    Pathfinder's changes are here...

    Looks to be the same for 3.5

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