Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by MadBeardMan View Post
    Too early to say, but looking they're not re-writing the history just updating it and Mongoose 2300AD 1st Ed did the same, so I think the universes will continue to exist together.

    I've email Free League to see if they'll let me bring it to VTT, it's a dream for me to have Twilight 2000, 2300AD, Traveller and MegaTraveller on FG.

    I hope you are able to bring Twilight 2000 to FG.

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by MadBeardMan View Post
    Too early to say, but looking they're not re-writing the history just updating it and Mongoose 2300AD 1st Ed did the same, so I think the universes will continue to exist together.

    I've email Free League to see if they'll let me bring it to VTT, it's a dream for me to have Twilight 2000, 2300AD, Traveller and MegaTraveller on FG.

    Can you give us an update on Free League allowing you to bring Twilight 2000 to FGU VTT?

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by MadBeardMan View Post
    Too early to say, but looking they're not re-writing the history just updating it and Mongoose 2300AD 1st Ed did the same, so I think the universes will continue to exist together.

    I've email Free League to see if they'll let me bring it to VTT, it's a dream for me to have Twilight 2000, 2300AD, Traveller and MegaTraveller on FG.

    If I may ask, what response did you receive? I hope it was a favorable response. Are you working on Twilight 2000 4th ed.? Thanks


  4. #14
    Honken's Avatar
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    Jul 2008
    Umeå, Sweden, GMT +2
    Quote Originally Posted by icecrmman View Post
    If I may ask, what response did you receive? I hope it was a favorable response. Are you working on Twilight 2000 4th ed.? Thanks

    So if i understand this correctly, MBM has experienced some health issues, and from what i understand is no longer involved in any rulesets for FG. I am sure people with more knowledge can fill us in.

    We don't stop playing because we grow old,
    we grow old because we stop playing!

    Now running the first installment of Horizons of the Vast, a Starfinder Campaign, and Kingmaker 2nd ed.

  5. #15

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    Apr 2018
    Sydney, Australia
    Actually, MBM is now working specifically for Mongoose. What their plans are is anyones guess.

  6. #16
    We have not heard anything from Colin or Mongoose other than that original announcement, so we don't have any information at this point.


  7. #17
    I now work just for Mongoose (as such, on a very limited time frame).

    I got no feedback from Free League, except speaking to their devs and Twilight 2000 (4e) was not on their plans.

    And for clarification, I didn't have any health plans - just my close family and my aging parents and friends passing, 2023 was a rubbish year for me.

    Ruleset and much more content built for FGU.
    Come join me on Twitter at: to see what I'm up to!

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by MadBeardMan View Post
    I now work just for Mongoose (as such, on a very limited time frame).

    I got no feedback from Free League, except speaking to their devs and Twilight 2000 (4e) was not on their plans.

    And for clarification, I didn't have any health plans - just my close family and my aging parents and friends passing, 2023 was a rubbish year for me.

    I'm glad to hear you are in good health. Keep on keepin' on, brother, and thanks for the contributions.

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