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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by rob2e View Post
    A simple "Yes, it does" or "No, it doesn't" would have been more helpful.

  2. #22
    Hi Apocrypha. I bought this module recently for use with FGU and from what I can tell it doesn’t work. I am guessing (hoping) that once FGU comes out of beta Diablobob will try to get it working as intended on the new platform.

    Please note, when I say it doesn’t work I didn’t encounter any errors or crashes but that none of the token functionality that I bought it for was there. I could not get the option to add a token to a spell or any of the stacking to work.

  3. #23
    If you look to the discussion section on the storefront page for DMTools, the developer has stated he is planning on releasing an update for Unity compatibility within the the next couple of days.

  4. #24
    Thanks, ironsplitter. I do check that discussion every couple of days but hadn’t spotted that. I want to make it clear that my comment was not a criticism of diablobob or his work; my fault for not doing due diligence. I was pretty certain he would do everything possible to get it working when possible. I am a software developer myself and am well aware of the issues of writing code for multiple platforms, especially when one of those platforms is still in beta!

  5. #25
    I don't think anyone took your comments in any other way bracken. I use the DM Tools / Token Stacking stuff in my FG Classic games and I'm almost giddy every time I lay down a spell token. I'm NOT QUITE at the point of purposefully putting caves into the campaign just so humans have to bring out their torches, but I understand people's anxiousness to get it working on Unity.

    I'm curious if the Unity compatible version will make use of the built-in image layers?

  6. #26
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    This is listed as being part of the 20% price reduction for "pay it forward", but there is no actual price reduction given.
    Ultimate License. Running Hyperborea and CoC. Asks lots of questions. PureVPN is a tested solution to run games when traveling.

  7. #27
    I believe there was an update to DM Tools Today that allows for the Spell Token functionality in Unity.

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by jrowsey1 View Post
    I believe there was an update to DM Tools Today that allows for the Spell Token functionality in Unity.
    Last updated I see was 4/27 on DMS Guild

  9. #29
    Hi Apocrypha,

    The update was to the underlying critically awesome essentials extension ... the unity variant. I have tried it and you can now add a token to a spell. Unfortunately the token stacking doesn't appear to work yet ... unless I am doing something wrong (which is entirely possible). I haven't tried the "targeting" feature of spell tokens yet. I plan to do that later today when I get a break from work.

    PS - just in case you didn't know, when you look at your library in DMs Guild or DriveThruRpg there is a tab that displays any purchases that have had updates since you last downloaded them. I only found out about this a week or so ago myself

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by bracken View Post
    Hi Apocrypha,

    The update was to the underlying critically awesome essentials extension ... the unity variant. I have tried it and you can now add a token to a spell. Unfortunately the token stacking doesn't appear to work yet ... unless I am doing something wrong (which is entirely possible). I haven't tried the "targeting" feature of spell tokens yet. I plan to do that later today when I get a break from work.

    PS - just in case you didn't know, when you look at your library in DMs Guild or DriveThruRpg there is a tab that displays any purchases that have had updates since you last downloaded them. I only found out about this a week or so ago myself
    Oh, ok. Got it. It would be great if the one-click-druid module used proper beast tokens. I hate those real pictures it uses.
    Last edited by Apocrypha; May 22nd, 2020 at 15:08.

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