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  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Amnipotent1 View Post
    hello again;
    thanks for the patches!

    had a new player join our group and found a few issues with mystical abilities:

    1) Brimstone Cascade is dealing [Armor Penetrating] damage and not allowing the NPC to roll Armor, but the spell isn't meant to ignore armor; have tested with various characters against various NPC's with the same result each time.

    2) Confusion has no actions or "+" to open its internal menu, so cant be cast or have its effect applied via the character sheet

    3) Maltransformation is prompting an error code when attempting to apply the effect by double clicking: [ERROR] Script execution error: [string "scripts/ability_effect_button.lua"]:42:attempt to compare number with string

    4) Levitate has no effect icon in the character sheet option, and therefor cant be applied as an effect and i would assume cant be used to trigger a concentration check

    5) I still cant seem to trigger an automatic concentration check when the caster is hit; i know previously it was mentioned this was implemented; tested with larvae boil and holy aura

    not related to mystical abilities

    1b) when creating a new weapon by right clicking in the weapon menu and selecting create new item, there doesn't seem to be a way to assign an item category or assign a damage die, weapon type, etc; i know you can select the weapon type (short, long, etc) via the character sheet and that sets the damage for that weapon type, so wondering if we can get a way to implement that functionality via the create new item window so that it is automatically in order when the item is added to the character sheet? or even just having the ability to assign an item category so that the custom items are included in the "weapons" or "armor" lists would be great.

    thanks for all your hard work!
    Hi! That's very interesting, will try to look into that during the upcoming week. The effect-recode that I started to look into is quite the big deal so I will probably have to shelve it in order to solve some of these bugs.

    The reason why 1b) isn't correctly implemented is because most of the items were hand-written in xml which is probably causing some of these (and other issues).

    Huh... I'm 100% sure that this worked (at at least one point. Looking into the code there's still settings for the flexible variants of them. Not sure how that could have broken but I'll look into that as well, thanks!

  2. #42
    Hi again,

    Just a quick note.
    Brimstone cascade (and some other) things that do damage no longer applies armor penetrating even though it's not supposed to, is now fixed. I have no idea what caused this bug but it does not seem related to anything I've done but you never know :/ Will be in on tuesday.
    Maltransformation is fixed, will be in on tuesday.
    Confusion/Levitate both worked for me locally. What version are you running? Is it 1.15?

    1b - I made a quick check and yes you are entirely correct that the item "editor" is seriously lacking. I'll see what I can copy from the player-inventory-editor. Should be simple enough to modify. Hopefully I'll be able to fix that before tuesday. I have two birthday parties this weekend though so it might be a bit tight.

    GrumpyOldAndy: You are 100% correct with the flexible part (managed to reproduce). Will look into that as well but should be easy fix and in before tuesday.

  3. #43

    A couple of fixes coming in on Tuesday. Unfortunately the fix for flexible modifications didn't make it in but will be in the next patch!

    @Amnipotent1: It would be very helpful if you could explain which version you are having the issues with confusion/levitate as well as the steps you take to try the automatic concentration where it fails (how you apply the effects for example, double-click with targeting or dragging and to whom you drag it etc). The CoreRPG effects system is very flexible so I think there might be situations where the effects are not applied correctly. I've started a refactoring of this system but it will take some time.


  4. #44
    phantomwhale's Avatar
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    Just had another session, following came up:

    Robust trait, pulled in from the player's handbook to my player's Ogre character, appears to have a "GM" description (talks about 2 points of damage reduction, rather than 1d4 armor, and doesn't mention the +1d4 damage part either). Not sure where that comes from, but it doesn't match the description on the trait in the players handbook.

    Interface confusion - a player tried to raise one of their attributes. They clicked onto the attribute, typed out the new number, and then tried clicking around all over the character sheet, double-clicking on the attribute to see if the roll used the new value (it did not) and as a GM I couldn't see any change to the value coming through. Only when he finally clicked into a DIFFERENT attribute did the new value get properly applied, the modifier above the numeric value update and everyone else see the new value.

    Nice to have - when my ogre applied "rage" from his Beserk, all his weapon damages went up 1d6 - nice! When that effect was removed, attempts to roll the weapon damage did seem to remove the extra 1d6, but for both the player and the GM looking at the character sheet, the extra 1d6 still looked like it was there. Only closing and reopening the character sheet made the values visually update. As an aside, I think I've seen quite a few places where the view doesn't update to match the underlying model with being "turned off and on again", but this was the first instance I've remembered exactly what occurred.
    Former SW ruleset / Deadlands extension author. Now I just wanna play a few games. And maybe hack. A little.

  5. #45

    Creatures with no armour have the wrong defense value in calculations.

    Creatures with no armour have the wrong defense value in calculations. See attached. Latest versions in Unity, as shown in picture.
    A mare cat has no armour, and is given a defense of 0, when it should be -3 for quick.
    A cult follower has armour, and a defense of +1, which is calculated correctly.

    To replicate, set up a combat with a mare cat and cult follower, and beat them up.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  6. #46
    The Sixth Sense ability is not applied to thrown weapons.
    At novice "Passive.The character has a strong intuition, which lets him or her use Vigilant instead of Accurate when attacking with ranged weapons." It is applied when using a Bow or Crossbow.

  7. #47
    Hey phantomwhale and GrumpyOldAndy!

    Thank you for these reports! I'll try to look into them during the week and try to submit fixes to these bugs before the end of the week!


  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by phantomwhale View Post
    Just had another session, following came up:

    Robust trait, pulled in from the player's handbook to my player's Ogre character, appears to have a "GM" description (talks about 2 points of damage reduction, rather than 1d4 armor, and doesn't mention the +1d4 damage part either). Not sure where that comes from, but it doesn't match the description on the trait in the players handbook.

    Interface confusion - a player tried to raise one of their attributes. They clicked onto the attribute, typed out the new number, and then tried clicking around all over the character sheet, double-clicking on the attribute to see if the roll used the new value (it did not) and as a GM I couldn't see any change to the value coming through. Only when he finally clicked into a DIFFERENT attribute did the new value get properly applied, the modifier above the numeric value update and everyone else see the new value.

    Nice to have - when my ogre applied "rage" from his Beserk, all his weapon damages went up 1d6 - nice! When that effect was removed, attempts to roll the weapon damage did seem to remove the extra 1d6, but for both the player and the GM looking at the character sheet, the extra 1d6 still looked like it was there. Only closing and reopening the character sheet made the values visually update. As an aside, I think I've seen quite a few places where the view doesn't update to match the underlying model with being "turned off and on again", but this was the first instance I've remembered exactly what occurred.
    Hi Phantomwhale, looking into this now.

    The robust trait is the one that the monster trait rather than the simplified player trait. We made it this way in order to avoid confusion of having two of them. It does mention the +2 damage which is what the NPC's get which is 1/2 of the die max. The reason we picked the monster trait over the player trait is because it contains more information (all three levels). Do you think it would help if we provided information, or should I add a separate one for the players and move this one only to monster traits?

    Interface confusion - Yes unfortunately the way that the interface works is that it's not until you hit enter, tab or click another element that causes the value to actually change. I think this is probably an issue with FG rather than the ruleset?

    Rage - I'll look into this and see if I can make players update when statuses changes. I know this worked at one point but it seems like it has somehow broken.

    GrumpyOldAndy - Just wanted to let you know that I've fixed both the issues that you've reported and will submit them before the end of the weekend!


  9. #49
    phantomwhale's Avatar
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    I really think the Robust trait needs to have the player handbook text - my players don't really know (or care) about the "1d4 your side is just +2 GM side" or want to do that translation when reading the text. Plus it totally omits the text about +1d4 damage once per turn. Is there a robust monster trait? Haven't got my books near me, but I thought it was only a player trait.

    Interface-wise; I'm pretty sure there are ways to do it (I wrote most of the Savage Worlds ruleset - but that was a few years ago) - right now it's painfully unintuitive. Perhaps MoonWizard or others in the Armory can help with suggestions here?

    Rage - or in general "get fields updating everywhere when the underlying data value changes" - suspect there is one trick to this that needs to be applied in quite a few places. Not a game breaker, exactly, but certainly every time players are confused by what they are seeing, it takes a lot to get them back to trusting the interface and into the game. Once the "magic" of a good ruleset is trustworthy, it totally spins around and gets players excited and hooked. But right now we're at the "trust nothing, double-check things" stage, so hopefully patching a few of these things will help that happen.

    I'm playing fortnightly now, and hopefully doing my first combat tomorrow, so expect I'll be back with some more bits and bobs then (hopefully not many!)

    Former SW ruleset / Deadlands extension author. Now I just wanna play a few games. And maybe hack. A little.

  10. #50
    Hey guys,

    Just wanted to give you the update that the bug in regards to removed effects not updating character sheet properly has been solved as well and will be committed (as well as the pintext-stuff you reported in a different forum, Andy).

    The effect-thing was particularly worryingsome since it had been working previously. Apparently MW had done some changes in Symbaroum due to some issue with FGU, but I have now resolved that correctly and also tested it in FGU.

    When doing this I noticed that there are quite a few visual errors in the FGU version due to all the changed functionality. I'm sorry to say that I will mostly look at functional issues rather than these graphical ones. Unfortunately it takes a lot of time to convert/tweak fonts and things like UI, and I think that it's more important that I support the functionality that you guys prefer.

    Phantomwhale - in regards to the robust issue, please take a look at the original sourcebook if you have it and look at the monster trait. If your players are confused of the 1d4 vs the +2 damage, I've now modified that text to include both values.


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