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  1. #31
    Not as a single action, if it's something that happens at the start of end of a turn, but only happens once you could set up the effect as an ongoing one but with a duration of only 1 round.
    I'm always looking for ways to enhance the fantasy grounds experience, feel free to reach out to me with suggestions.
    For a list of all my extensions look here.

    The best way to contact me regarding any of my extensions is on Discord in the #kent-mccullough-stuff channel.

  2. #32
    Do you know how to code a SAVEEFF: to specify the duration in rounds? For example I was trying:
    AURA: 10 foe; Stench; IF: FACTION(foe); SAVEO: wisdom DC 16; SAVEEFF: poisoned 1r
    but I could not find any reference to coding a duration modifier.

  3. #33
    Nothing is set for that presently. I’ll add that to the list of things needed for the 1.0 release
    I'm always looking for ways to enhance the fantasy grounds experience, feel free to reach out to me with suggestions.
    For a list of all my extensions look here.

    The best way to contact me regarding any of my extensions is on Discord in the #kent-mccullough-stuff channel.

  4. #34
    Hello, I got your extension, very nice, but I would like to know how to do to save at the end of the turn, instead of the beginning, to resist the damage, in the case of effects in which the test is performed when the creature ends the turn within the area of effect? For example, in spiritual guardians, the creature must perform the roll when it starts its turn in the effect area, but in a flaming sphere, the roll is done at the end of the turn. SAVEEND does not seem to work, as it is only for conditions, not damage.

  5. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Rafael Martins View Post
    Hello, I got your extension, very nice, but I would like to know how to do to save at the end of the turn, instead of the beginning, to resist the damage, in the case of effects in which the test is performed when the creature ends the turn within the area of effect? For example, in spiritual guardians, the creature must perform the roll when it starts its turn in the effect area, but in a flaming sphere, the roll is done at the end of the turn. SAVEEND does not seem to work, as it is only for conditions, not damage.
    SAVEEND - The SAVEEND effect modifier is used to automatically roll saving throws for effects which allow a save at the end of each turn.
    SAVEOE works the same as SAVEO except at the end of the turn.

    So depends on how you want to use it.

    For Flaming Sphere, you want to use SAVEOE
    Last edited by MrDDT; January 8th, 2021 at 19:08.

  6. #36

  7. #37
    Did i gave you a lot of my money this week? Yes.
    Do i regret? No!

    Nice job man!

  8. #38
    When I test with "Frightful Presence; Frightened; SAVEEND: WIS DC 16" as an effect, the system will automatically roll the saving throw (and indicate success or failure), but on a success the effect persists (i.e. it isn't automatically removed from the character on the combat tracker. This is for FGU. Has anybody had luck with the effects being removed after a successful saving throw?

  9. #39
    This extension seems to need updates for compatibility with the latest ruleset updates.

  10. #40
    ActorManager.getActor - DEPRECATED - 2021-01-01 - Contact forge/extension author

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