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  1. #1

    Starfinder on Fantasy Grounds

    I am new to Fantasy Grounds. I just purchased the license and have had it for a week. I was really impressed with the software and the incredible support for Starfinder products compared to many of the other virtual table top competitors. It's amazing all the Rulebooks and Adventure Paths that are available-wow! Looking forward to playing some Starfinder games!

    However, I am a bit shocked by the lack of games offered. Searching through the Paizo Starfinder society "find a game" section - I didn't see a single game there that uses Fantasy Grounds (all were Roll20 or Discord). A similar search on Warhorn didn't seem to turn up anything either. Any idea why there is such a lack of games being offered on Fantasy Grounds? It just seems like the best system to me? I'd love to run a game, but only having this software for a week, I'm not comfortable yet and I could easily frustrate players as I am still figuring it all out (how do you do this, how do you do that, etc.)

  2. #2
    Most FG SFS games are only advertised on this forum or the relevant Discords (posting elsewhere usually has a high risk of players being surprised it's being run on FG - even though it was mentioned at least two times).

  3. #3
    but even here there seems like only 2-3 GMs.

  4. #4
    Judging by forum posts and games run at Cons there are definitely more . Most of those seem to run games only for regular groups though (or are using languages other than English), so they likely are not advertising here.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Orlando, FL
    Quote Originally Posted by CommanderSalamander View Post
    I am new to Fantasy Grounds. I just purchased the license and have had it for a week. I was really impressed with the software and the incredible support for Starfinder products compared to many of the other virtual table top competitors. It's amazing all the Rulebooks and Adventure Paths that are available-wow! Looking forward to playing some Starfinder games!

    However, I am a bit shocked by the lack of games offered. Searching through the Paizo Starfinder society "find a game" section - I didn't see a single game there that uses Fantasy Grounds (all were Roll20 or Discord). A similar search on Warhorn didn't seem to turn up anything either. Any idea why there is such a lack of games being offered on Fantasy Grounds? It just seems like the best system to me? I'd love to run a game, but only having this software for a week, I'm not comfortable yet and I could easily frustrate players as I am still figuring it all out (how do you do this, how do you do that, etc.)
    My guess is there are a lot of players who simply haven't had a chance to get into a game. As you pointed out, there aren't many to choose from. I'm pretty sure there are plenty of folks who would be willing to learn right along with you if you put up an LFP post. I joined a game back when SFS was first released on FG and the DM was new to both. It was fun and we all learned a little something too.

  6. #6
    damned's Avatar
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    Most games on FG seem to be run like most games in real life - with/between established groups.
    There are some awesome folk who regularly run one shot and society games for all comers.
    As always - there are way more players than GMs and the only way to solve that is for more players to share in the GM role.

  7. #7
    Hey guys. I am happy to GM a Starfinder game for folks who are noobs to both FG and SF. I'm in that category too. As long as the players understand that we're all new (including me!) and have the patience to act accordingly. I've got an Ultimate license for Unity and pretty much all the Starfinder essentials. I'd like to run SFS and/or Against the Aeon Throne. As for when... not sure. I had planned to start a regular session this spring but Covid has destroyed my schedule. Hopefully at some point this summer. I'll refer back to this post when I'm looking for players.

    I'm now running a 5e game here for some noobs that I play MMOs with and it's going fine. So while I'm still new to FG, I've at least tried it. SF, I've chewed on a lot of the material but I haven't played it yet. It looks so cool though.

    FG's support for Starfinder is why I went with FG instead of a rival program, and I'm really glad I did. The more I mess around in FG, the more I love it. And the free pdf of all your Paizo content is a nice bonus too. Definitely not getting that from WoTC.

    Like I said when I'm ready to launch I'll look back here. Thanks for the post!

  8. #8
    So ... I have a group (mostly my family) and have been DMing a 5E campaign with for about 6 mos, and about 4 mos on FGU. New to D&D (at least in this century.) Learned a TON about FG and implementing things in 5e. It was easy to see what I needed for 5E: Players Handbook, DM Guide and Monster Manual, then a couple of additions, and a couple of newer D&D Adventure books (Tomb of Annihilation, Lost Mine of Phandelver, and Frost King's Thunder.)

    Taking a look at expanding our repertoire into StarFinder. Planning to ping-pong adventure between the two, for some variety. However, I know NOTHING about Starfinder. I've started investigating some YouTube Video's on it - there are plenty.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jiub View Post
    Hey guys. I am happy to GM a Starfinder game for folks who are noobs to both FG and SF. I'm in that category too.
    Here's what I need:

    1) Let me know. I would be interested in being a NOOB in your SF campaign to be able to learn the game and the FG interface for SF.
    2) If I want to GM a SF Game in the future, what modules are suggested to start with? I'm not made of money, but I can fund some of these in the short term. Frankly, that CORE Rulebook is somewhat intimidating from a sheer size perspective. In 5e, players really only need the Player's Guide and that tells them pretty much all they need to know. Is there something like that for SF?? More that just a Character Creation guide?

    I'm all ears!!!

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    Beautiful British Columbia
    I am in a similar place to you. I just bought the core rulebook (HC) and for FGU. I linked my FG account to my Paizo account, which gave me the pdf for free. I looked at some of the adventure paths which include all the required stat blocks and tactics for the encounters. So as near as I can see, that if you go the AP route, you do not need any additional books. The Character Operations, Pact Worlds and Armory are nice as they add additional player choices, but this is hardly required.

    So, the core book and an AP is all you need to get started. If everyone enjoys the game, then you could get the extra books. When you are ready to create your own campaign, then you could pick up some of the Alien Archives.

    To your first point, I would also love to play in a SFS game to learn the rules better or could run something with newbies to so we could learn it as a group.

  10. #10
    If you are a GM, especially if new to FG or Starfinder, and you would like me to hop onto your game to help out with configuring the host or the characters, then try to catch me on Discord and direct message me, and if we can arrange a suitable time, I'd be happy to help out.
    aka Laendra

    (Discord: Laendra#9660)
    Ultimate license (FGC/FGU)
    Current Timezone : Central (CDT) (GMT -5)
    OP: 3317036507 / 2369539

    My opinions are my own and represent no entity other than myself

    Extension Support Discord:

    Extensions = risk to your gaming experience. If you haven't tested out the extensions in your campaign before your gaming session, turn them off. If you don't backup your campaigns regularly, you're doing it wrong.

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