Fantasy Grounds Merchandise
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  1. #1

    Tokens - WWII Soldiers

    I have been playing around with DAZ Studio of late and here is a picture of a few 3:1 scale tokens I have made of a German Soldier in a camo parker.

    I'll upload more token pics as I finish them.
    Last edited by Tailz Silver Paws; February 18th, 2007 at 02:55.
    Tailz, the Artist of Studio WyldFurr
    Follow Studio WyldFurr on Twitter, Facebook, and the studio web site.
    "The London Underground, is not a resistance movement!"

  2. #2

    Is there any way to give them more of a crew cut? How about helmets/caps?
    MapForge battlemap creation software for Windows and Mac OS X

  3. #3
    I want to make a whole range of soldier tokens, here was my first go at some Germans:

    I'm not fully happy with the camo parker on the German soldier above, its not the right patern of camo, I think I'll remake those tokens.

    Here is an SS Officer:
    Last edited by Tailz Silver Paws; February 7th, 2007 at 02:43.
    Tailz, the Artist of Studio WyldFurr
    Follow Studio WyldFurr on Twitter, Facebook, and the studio web site.
    "The London Underground, is not a resistance movement!"

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by heruca

    Is there any way to give them more of a crew cut? How about helmets/caps?
    I plan to add helmets to some different ones, these have mostly been experiments at how to get the tokens to look and feel right.

    Oh, and here are some Yanks.
    Tailz, the Artist of Studio WyldFurr
    Follow Studio WyldFurr on Twitter, Facebook, and the studio web site.
    "The London Underground, is not a resistance movement!"

  5. #5
    "Yanks" look good, any way to put a steel pot on em? You don't want to know what soldiers call the one they're wearing currently. Looks like those are boys from the 101'st, am I right?
    Alea Iacta Est
    The Die is Cast!

  6. #6
    Ooh, those Yanks are the best ones yet. Good job!
    MapForge battlemap creation software for Windows and Mac OS X

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by tdwyer11b
    "Yanks" look good, any way to put a steel pot on em? You don't want to know what soldiers call the one they're wearing currently. Looks like those are boys from the 101'st, am I right?
    Oh I'll be putting helmets on them soon enough. I'm about to revamp my web site and put in a section for tokens. When I get that done I'll have lots of goodies for people. As you can see the token images are no longer showing as I am deleteing the jumble of files I have currently to get some "order" from my chaos.

    But no the soldier is a non-spacific fellow.... altough I do think its an airborne uniform style.

    Quote Originally Posted by heruca
    Ooh, those Yanks are the best ones yet. Good job!
    Tailz, the Artist of Studio WyldFurr
    Follow Studio WyldFurr on Twitter, Facebook, and the studio web site.
    "The London Underground, is not a resistance movement!"

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Tailz Silver Paws
    But no the soldier is a non-spacific fellow.... altough I do think its an airborne uniform style.
    Right on, the unit patch looks like the "screaming chicken".

    Alea Iacta Est
    The Die is Cast!

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by tdwyer11b
    Right on, the unit patch looks like the "screaming chicken".
    Yup, I know the ones you mean - But I am not overly fussed about them like most people are, too much hype from the TV series. But still what they did was no small matter. But American history about WWII has a tendancy to ignore a everyone else apart from the Americans!

    A friend was telling me about how he went to the Pearl Harbor monument and there was a book store there with a sign that said that World War II started on December 7th 1941...

    You want to read about some unsung heroes of WWII, I recommend this book for a read:

    Last edited by Tailz Silver Paws; February 12th, 2007 at 23:44.
    Tailz, the Artist of Studio WyldFurr
    Follow Studio WyldFurr on Twitter, Facebook, and the studio web site.
    "The London Underground, is not a resistance movement!"

  10. #10
    Is it just me or are all your linked images missng?

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