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  1. #451

  2. #452
    -----World Builder is primarily a GM tool that allow the GM to flesh out the game world in a more structured manner than just using Story entries. Currently it supports Places, Groups, Personalities and Religions. There are two fields in each World Builder record that contain information visible to the players if the GM shares the record. In addition the Players can append their own notes to the Player Notes field and these become a part of the record and are visible to other players and the GM. For more information see the basic user guide here: https://www.diehard-gaming.com/worldbuilder/wbhelp.html

    This is the first I have noticed this: if the Record is imported from a GM only module the players are not able to use the PC Notes section.

    -----The GM can now tick a checkbox to share each section - except the GM Description.
    World Builder now supports a page of rollable stats - one section that are visible and usable (but not editable) by players and another section that is GM only.

    The sections for Encounter and Parcel under the Dungeon type shows to the players even if the box is not checked.

  3. #453

  4. #454
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    Thanks Ill get that fixed.

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