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  1. #1
    damned's Avatar
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    Player Agency Extension

    GMs have always had far more to do than players. Game prep, game management, keeping all the elements of the story linked coherently and managing a whole world of NPCs.
    While a virtual tabletop provides so many tools to make these things easier there is still a disproportionate amount of work to be done by the GM. In addition there are things that the players would like to be able to do but are limited by the database limitations.

    New Classic version uploaded 20200630
    New build available in the forge: https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/511/view

    This extension combines three recent extensions that give both the GM and players a lot more ability to create and track notes on the game world that they are operating in.

    World Builder is primarily a GM tool that allow the GM to flesh out the game world in a more structured manner than just using Story entries. Currently it supports Places, Groups, Personalities and Religions. There are two fields in each World Builder record that contain information visible to the players if the GM shares the record. In addition the Players can append their own notes to the Player Notes field and these become a part of the record and are visible to other players and the GM. For more information see the basic user guide here: https://www.diehard-gaming.com/worldbuilder/wbhelp.html
    The GM can now tick a checkbox to share each section - except the GM Description.
    World Builder now supports a page of rollable stats - one section that are visible and usable (but not editable) by players and another section that is GM only.
    Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yQtfKf2yD4
    Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0gT1WiWYeE

    Investigator is primarily a player tool that allows the players to create their own shared and interactive Clue sheets to track knowledge and leads in one location. If the player creates the Clue and sets it as Public other players can see the Clue and can add their own notes to the PC Notes field. The original creator has complete control over all fields including notes added by other players. For more information see the basic user guide here: https://www.diehard-gaming.com/inves...r/invhelp.html
    Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToZDZJBBR50

    Dear Diary is primarily a player enhancement that allows the players to add their own notes to the campaign Calendar. Any day that the GM has entered data on becomes available for the players to add their own notes to. This allow the players to record the data that they think is important into the calendar which can help with long campaigns and investigations. Players can add links and other formatted text too. For more information see the basic user guide here: https://www.diehard-gaming.com/deardiary/ddhelp.html

    This extension will supersede the individual extensions and support for the individual extensions will end in approx 1 month.

    This Classic Version does not work with the D&D 2E ruleset or with the On Demand Manual Dice extension.

    New Build in the Forge works with 2E and with the On Demand Dice Extension https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/shop/items/511/view

    Support added for players editing content from Modules
    The record needs to be Shared not just loaded in a Module
    When selecting additional fields for players to view they may have to also close and open the record.

    If creating content that will be reused I suggest you do it in a campaign reserved for that.


    #7 164, #8 285, #9 3 #10 93 #11 215 #12 1877

    New Build in the Forge only use below for FG Classic
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2

  3. #3
    damned's Avatar
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    Known Issues.

    Compatibility with 2E and ondemand manual dice requires a separate extension
    Issue with header in 5E default them.
    Investigator Script throwing errors - fixed 20200317
    Basic User Guide links not correct - fixes 20200317


  4. #4

  5. #5

  6. #6

  7. #7

  8. #8
    Thanks for the combined extension with all these great tools. I'm getting some errors with the CoC7e ruleset, no other extension loaded.

    The Investigator gives the following error when clicking on the PC Notes icon.
    Script Error: [string "button_edit_pcdisc"]:1: attempt to concatenate a nil value
    It does go ahead and bring up the submission window, but submitting a test entry gives this error.
    Script Error: [string "button_pcsubmit_pcnotes"]:1: attempt to concatenate a nil value
    Occasionally it tosses this into the mix.
    Ruleset Warning: window: Anchored static height ignored for control (sendtochat_label) in windowclass (investigator_header)
    Ruleset Warning: window: Anchored static height ignored for control (button_chat_pcdisc) in windowclass (investigator_header)
    Ruleset Warning: window: Anchored static height ignored for control (sendtochat_label) in windowclass (investigator_header)
    Ruleset Warning: window: Anchored static height ignored for control (button_chat_pcdisc) in windowclass (investigator_header)
    Ruleset Warning: window: Anchored static height ignored for control (sendtochat_label) in windowclass (investigator_header)
    Ruleset Warning: window: Anchored static height ignored for control (button_chat_pcdisc) in windowclass (investigator_header)
    Ruleset Warning: window: Anchored static height ignored for control (sendtochat_label) in windowclass (investigator_header)
    Ruleset Warning: window: Anchored static height ignored for control (button_chat_pcdisc) in windowclass (investigator_header)
    The calendar log does a similar thing with these errors on Icon click and submit.
    Script Error: [string "button_edit_pcdisc"]:1: attempt to concatenate a nil value
    Script Error: [string "button_pcsubmit_pclognotes"]:1: attempt to concatenate a nil value
    Another issue with the calendar is that you only get the option to create an entry on an existing log node, meaning the GM would have already needed to create a GM or Player entry there. It would be nice if you could create a player entry based on the selected date through the "Add Log Entry" button but I don't know if this is possible within the restrictions of the Core Ruleset.

    The World Builder pops up a PC Notes window but there is no icon to click for creating a submission. This may be an oversight in the combined version but I wanted to point it out. I'm sure it would give the errors stated above if it were available. Note in my screen capture that the PC entry is locked even though the GM entry is unlocked. There is also no "Public" toggle for the GM and you must share through R-click.

    I switched over to CoreRPG and got all the same errors.

  9. #9
    VenomousFiligree's Avatar
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    Plymouth, UK.
    Thanks for all your work damned. How easy is it to download all the info? My players use a separate piece of software to keep track of the campaign.

    Previously: MurghBpurn

  10. #10
    damned's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VenomousFiligree View Post
    Thanks for all your work damned. How easy is it to download all the info? My players use a separate piece of software to keep track of the campaign.
    To download and reuse within FG is easy. Just use /export
    For using outside FG... it would totally require some massaging.
    You might find your current tools have too much info to make a change worthwhile.

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