Thread: SagaBorn Ruleset - WIP
March 4th, 2020, 03:56 #1
SagaBorn Ruleset - WIP
I am slowing working on the SagaBorn RPG ruleset for Fantasy Grounds.
Download it now over at the Forge: SagaBorn RPG System
Get the Core rulebook for free as well: SagaBorn Core Rulebook
I am the creator of SagaBorn, and not a programmer, so it is going slow
So far I have fixed the character sheet to have the correct skills. I am also working on inputting all the items from the core rulebook.
Things I need to work on:
Fantasy Grounds ruleset edit
- Make saves equal to skills
- Make ability scores = to ability bonus and make it editable
Ruleset Edit in partnership with Bayne7400.
Release 1.5:
Main Tab
Remove Grapple
Remove SR
Change Race to Species
Removed 3.5 Ability Scores, made Ability Modifiers main and made editable.
Make Saves editable.
Senses Section - Remove Spot/Listen/Search or have a single button for Awareness.
Saga Points on the Main page
Combat Tab
Change SR to Mana - Max and Spent
Skills Tab
Only 9 Skills - Acrobatics, Athletics, Awareness, Endurance, Knowledge, Persuasion, Spellcraft, Survival, Thievery
Remove Top Middle Bar - unneeded buttons.\
Abilities Tab
Rename Feats to Talents
Rename Racial Traits to Species Traits
Rename Misc to Expertise
Added Spells tab
Longterm Goals
- Mana system
SagaBorn.comLast edited by mbielaczyc; December 21st, 2023 at 21:37.
March 4th, 2020, 20:41 #2
Also, if there is anyone out there who is more familiar with editing FG rulesets, I would be happy to work out a payment deal for help!
January 3rd, 2023, 23:21 #3
Forge Ruleset was updated yesterday! I added the SagaBorn Core Rulebook module, which includes the 1.5 rules and items!
January 10th, 2023, 11:15 #4
- Join Date
- May 2012
- Posts
- 427
Nice! I love seeing these pop up on the Forge.
January 10th, 2023, 17:41 #5
Best to get it now too, depending on what happens with OGL 1.1, I may have to pull it down.
January 12th, 2023, 19:50 #6
Due to the OGL mess, we do not know the future of the OGL d20 SagaBorn. We released the 1.5 rules yesterday for free on DTRPG. We were going to spend another 4 or 5 months designing the interior, making art, etc. but we decided it better to get it out under ogl 1.0 than it possibly not being released.
So go download away! SagaBorn 1.5 Core Rulebook
March 18th, 2023, 03:15 #7
Hmm, so I think I messed up with the design of the SagaBorn ruleset.
Since SagaBorn is based on 3.5, I just copied the 3.5 ruleset to a new folder, renamed it, and started editing files. (please forgive me, I am a writer and artist with a dab of website designer) It seems I should have made an extension that just edits the files I needed to.
I have campaigns and lots of add ons already made, is it too far to go back and start the ruleset as an extension?
For example I have the ruleset as Story's, I have a whole Creature Compendium done, etc.
March 18th, 2023, 06:36 #8
No definitely not too late.
It will be a little bit of work though.
It probably will have NO impact on your modules - they should continue to work.
For your ruleset as story - once you are happy with it - load up the Author extension and you can import them all into a Reference Manual - you will need to check the pre-requisites - mostly about prefixing entries with numbers - but its pretty easy to do.
March 18th, 2023, 17:07 #9
Since they were created in the SagaBorn system, is there a way to go in and tell them to load for 3.5 with an extension? Or will a ruleset modifying Extension make 3.5 seem to be SagaBorn?
I have kept a log of all the files I have changed, so it should be a bit easier to figure out my changes.
March 19th, 2023, 02:16 #10
Sorry - I misspoke slightly.
If you have a look at the sizes of the following files:
You will see that they get significantly smaller each time.
When you load the PFRPG (Pathfinder) ruleset the following happens:
CoreRPG is loaded
3.5E is loaded and it adds many things and extends/modifies some things.
PFRPG is loaded and it adds many things and extends/modifies some things.
Each of them show up as a ruleset.
3.5 and PFRG could have been saved as Extensions and much functionality would be the same but you couldnt track PFRPG games being played and you would have many products appearing in the library that maybe shouldnt be there.
Anyway what the best way forward for you is:
You move your changes to a
That doesnt include any files that are unchanged from 3.5E or CoreRPG
And even go one better and dont include whole files where you have made only small changes - just do windowclass merges.
You would have a line like this:
Code:<importruleset source="3.5E" />
The reasons this is better is that it will be harder to keep your ruleset up to date with changes to CoreRPG and 3.5E if you import the whole thing.
Does that help?
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