FG License: I have the standard license for Classic and Ultimate for Unity. I will move to unity as soon as the ruleset is supported by that platform.
Game System: Fantasy Flight Games Deathwatch with the fan supplement "The good, the bad, and the Alpha legion"

Time Zone: GMT+1
Day of week and time: I'm putting a tentative time at Mondays at 19:00 GMT+1.
Planned start date: Monday the 3rd February at 19:00 is my initial idea.
Planned Duration & Frequency: 3 to 3.5 hour weekly games.
Term: Long term, at least if the group likes the game and each other.

Text or Voice: Voice, with a discord channel for text in between sessions.
Voice software used: Discord.
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed?: I have no plans on recording the game, nor streaming it.

Roleplay & Combat mix: Being a deathwatch game there will be heavy combat in many missions but I plan on giving you challenges that a boltgun can't solve. Investigation missions, VIP protections, maybe even diplomatic ones! I will also introduce roleplaying with NPC battle brothers who take an interest in the party.
Number of Players in game & needed: I would like 5 but I can start with 3
Character starting level & equipment: Standard character creation, with the added specializations from the fan supplement.
Character restrictions: I am open to most legions in the game but not the following: Word Bearers, Night Lords, World Eaters, or Emperors Children. I feel these do not transfer well over to player characters, I want the game to slowly drift towards the Horus Heresy and the following war. The WB fell to chaos decades before the heresy, the NL was considered renegade in all but name and the EC turns weird after they fall. WE has the butchers nails to deal with which will make any interaction with anyone not a WE a pain in the butt to RP.

Now what exactly am I talking about here? Legions? Horus Heresy? Well Ladies and gentlemen, I want to run a game of Warhammer 40K deathwatch from FFG set during the later stages of the great crusade and into the devastating fire storm that was the Horus Heresy. I have gotten my hands on a fan made supplement that gives the rules for almost everything from that era, from weapons not seen in the later ages to rules on the traitor legions that followed Horus. The game itself will be following a squad of battle brothers on their journey through their lives, seeing what choice they make and how they deal with the outcome of those choices. The legion is going to be chosen by the group with limitations mentioned above, and even before the game starts everyone needs to be on the same page as what side the group will pick if we make it to the Heresy (this decision can be changed if the group agrees on it)...

I will not tolerate Player vs Player actions, you can have rivalries or disagreements and it will add to the game but it will not end in PvP. I will kick people who break this rule.

Other than that I want to mention this is going to be a mature game, bad things will happen and the universe is cruel and evil.

I hope that I have not scared away anyone interested