FG License: Standard
Time Zone: Eastern (UTC-5:00)
Day of the week and time: Monday-Friday after 6p, anytime on Saturday and Sunday
Term: Long term
Voice: Discord

Game Systems Preferred: DnD (any but 4e), Pathfinder 1e, Star Wars (any), Shadowrun. Willing to play any system.
Game System Experience: DnD (all editons), Pathfinder 1e, Star Wars (d6 and d20 edtions), Ars Magica, World of Darkness, Shadowrun, Dresden Files, Mutants and Masterminds, Marvel Superheroes (TSR), many more.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: Almost none

Character Type Preferred: Wizards or Dextrous warriors, but I will play anything that is needed.
About Me: I am 42 years old and have been roleplaying since I was around 15. I enjoy a good mix of roleplaying and combat. One of the things I enjoy the most is the character creation process. I love creating stories and backgrounds and would love to find a group that uses character backgrounds to add depth to the game.