FG Spreadshirt Swag
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  1. #41
    The next day, Robin stocked the shelves and organised the shop so that it was ready to open, then headed down to the Rangers to help guard the east road as she had done a couple of times before, this time telling them about the company's most recent adventure - mentioning the fires they saw that night on Weathertop, talking with the elven woman about stories they'd heard about bandits, trolls, and an ogre in the area (and her reaction with Robin's theory that she was going to Rivendell), and the information the bandits gave them about Captain Mormog and the encampment to the North. Robin told them that the company were planning to head back out that way to find the encampment and make the road safer again, potentially retrieving the stolen goods as well. She'd half expected Ben to show up sometime during the day to tell the same tale and was surprised when she didn't see him. Perhaps he planned to come some other day, Robin thought to herself, after all, it wasn't like Ben to pass up an opportunity to see the rangers.

    She quickly settled into a routine. In the mornings, she would help out around the shop and get it ready to open, then set off to guard the east road with the rangers. She would guard the east road for most of the day. In the late afternoons, sometimes stretching into the evenings, Robin headed back to Archet, sometimes stopping along the way to visit Poppy Underhill. Her hobbit friend listened closely to her adventures and seemed to be excited when she heard about "Mr Baggins' trolls", launching into the tales she'd heard about them from a distant cousin back in the Shire. Robin often also stopped to see Footsore and talk with him more about the area, especially about the paths in the Chetwood. On other nights, when Robin headed straight home, she carved figurines by the fireside. Those nights were quiet ones, with Aunt Sophia usually finishing off the bookkeeping for the shop or reading in the corner, Uncle Matthew carving just as she was, and Percy, her cousin, tending to his blades. She was glad to see Matthew's health getting better again but if it kept reappearing over the winter and got worse, some day, she might have to be a more permanent hand in her family's shop. A knot tightened in her stomach. She didn't want to think any deeper about that.

    Robin also left several notes in Hob’s house for when he came back, one of which was just a semi-lifelike drawing of a carrot and several cabbages, with a smiley face and a heart. She didn’t manage to see him before he left for the Shire - even now she wasn't sure whether she'd been subconsciously avoiding him for the first week-and-a-bit that they'd been back but she'd been disappointed when she'd found only an empty house. She hoped he would see the notes and letters when he returned, if only to let him know that nothing had changed. Each one was signed “R. Briarwood,” with little doodles in the corners of the letters she left.

  2. #42
    After a late spring rest, the Companions journeyed east once again to the Last Bridge, where two elves awaited them and led them back to an elven settlement hitting in a valley of surprising sophistication and elegance in the wilderness. During discussions during their night's stay, they agree to clear out the ogre captain Mormog to the northwest.

    Back on the road after the comfortable stay, the Company's hunter is trailed by wolves, who pounce, but find the Companions to be no easy prey.

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    Running: The One Ring and GUMSHOE--Esoterrorists (on hold); intermittently Fiasco and DramaSystem/Hillfolk
    Want to play: Pendragon, City of Mist, Dresden Files RPG, Orpheus, Changeling, Apocalpse World and more PbtA, Bluebeards Bride, Shadows of Esteren; anything by Bully Pulpit Games

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