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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by pendragon2009 View Post
    This are the panic roll and the attacks and critical injuries tables I've created. Some tables are in Spanish but maybe you can take advantage of it.
    I already have all the stuff they've released so far, and uploaded it, so I'm good on that module, thank you though.

    I haven't uploaded the changes yet, I want to see what else I can fit in tonight, but I figured out why gameelememts wasn't working, deleted all the unnecessary dice, moved the d6, added a d60 and d600. Since a d66 and d666 are out of my current understanding, these will have to do.

    The dice tower likely doesn't work for one of two possibilities: 1) the same reason the description doesn't work dragging the dice, or 2) the script isn’t rigged to use the custom result wedge. I'll see if I can't fix that up.

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    You should change this into a Ruleset - minimal changes to the code - but it is far more than an extension!
    How might one code the stress die to roll on a ”panic” table if a fail results, and then on the ”permanent mental trauma” table?

    A similar effect is that seen on 5e with critical hits/fails, or on the system shock effect. I'm having trouble locating that particular effect, and imagine it's much more complex looking than I need it to be.

  3. #13
    I'm not sure if there is an issue somewhere else or just with this, but I am unable to resize the character sheet. I can resize the CS in my D&D game, so, just FYI.

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by HighInquisitorTremayne View Post
    I'm not sure if there is an issue somewhere else or just with this, but I am unable to resize the character sheet. I can resize the CS in my D&D game, so, just FYI.
    Not all rulesets allow resizing the character sheet for various reasons. Mine is that the way I set it up, if you resize, it will distort the sheet in odd ways. I might try to fix that later on.

  5. #15
    Where is the newest version? I can't get the ".pak" file to work even if i change the extension to ".ext"

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by JimSocks View Post
    Where is the newest version? I can't get the ".pak" file to work even if i change the extension to ".ext"
    It’s a ruleset now, so the pak file goes in the ruleset folder.

    If you are continuing from a game using CoreRPG and the old alienrpg extension, you can export anything you’ve made in fantasy grounds as a module, open that module with an archive program like winrar, winzip, 7zip, and edit the db file so that the ruleset is “AlienRPG” instead of “CoreRPG”.
    Last edited by pr6i6e6st; August 25th, 2019 at 20:34.

  7. #17
    Awesome! I tried the module thing, but no db file was in there- and even stranger, when I load the ruleset, no modules appear that normally do. Actually- now that I think of it that's probably related to the advice you mentioned for editing the db file... Yep that's the issue I bet...

    but... no db file in sight when I unzip the mod file...

  8. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by JimSocks View Post
    Awesome! I tried the module thing, but no db file was in there- and even stranger, when I load the ruleset, no modules appear that normally do. Actually- now that I think of it that's probably related to the advice you mentioned for editing the db file... Yep that's the issue I bet...

    but... no db file in sight when I unzip the mod file...
    sorry, it's the Definition.xml file. i wasn't home to look and took a guess.

    edit: and yeah most extensions aren't going to work unless you can change the definition.xml file. as long as the extension doesn't do anything to the character sheets, the npc sheets or the vehicle sheets, it should work? no guarantee though.
    edit: in that picture, i have both rulesets, don't do that. just the AlienRPG one
    Last edited by pr6i6e6st; August 26th, 2019 at 01:54.

  9. #19
    Hooray I got it figured out! Thanks!!!!

    Now for questions for pr6i6e6st:

    The Timer: How can I change the current time? I can't seem to type in the fields...
    The Timer: How can I change the unit of time change to turns or shifts? Clicking those don't seem to change the time increments when clicked...

  10. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by JimSocks View Post
    Hooray I got it figured out! Thanks!!!!

    Now for questions for pr6i6e6st:

    The Timer: How can I change the current time? I can't seem to type in the fields...
    The Timer: How can I change the unit of time change to turns or shifts? Clicking those don't seem to change the time increments when clicked...

    The timer works like it does in the calendar, ctrl + mouse wheel to adjust.

    There is not currently a way to adjust the shift or turn, but maybe that’s something I can work on tomorrow.

    Edit: I got it working with a button cycler. Pretty neat. Going to see if I can’t at least rig up the pc health to the combat tracker before I upload it tonight.
    Last edited by pr6i6e6st; August 27th, 2019 at 21:57.

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