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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by RobboNJ69 View Post
    Hello Kelrugem,

    Thanks for all this hard work. Question on the Strain/Injury extension: Is there a way to get ongoing damage to register as Injury? Currently, I'm using: Bleeding Damage; DMGO: 1d20 spell; I've also tried: magic, force, critical, injury, no change. The damage always goes to the 'strain' column.
    Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
    Thank you

    Hm, I will look into the code when updating it to 3.3.9 (I already fixed some things about the health bars and so on (and stabilization damage will be injury again, for some reason I accidentally deleted that part and it was strain again)). I try to add your request when I find time

    Maybe adding injury as a damage type? That may help for customizing damage
    Last edited by Kelrugem; October 30th, 2019 at 03:58.

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Kelrugem View Post
    I try to add your request when I find time
    Thanks a lot. Again, I appreciate the time you put in.

  3. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by RobboNJ69 View Post
    Thanks a lot. Again, I appreciate the time you put in.

    I have now implemented that in the following way: There is now the damage type "injury" and such a damage type will result always into injury damage and it is a special damage type, meaning that when you e.g. have DMG: d6 injury for your axe then the additional damage die will have the damage types slashing and injury (not only injury then, so similar behaviour as for critical, nonlethal, spell and precision) But when you have more than one damage die in one single damage roll and at least one damage die has the damage type injury then all damage is treated as injury damage (except the damage of damage dice with the damage type nonlethal, they are still separate and strain damage); for me that makes sense because an attack's total damage, which is able to do wounds due to some of its involved damage dice (i.e. injury damage), should be treated as injury damage (and that is much easier to code though that is not important for the DMGO example like bleed damage for what this was requested )

    Is that okay for everyone? I will push that with the 3.3.9 release, so enough time to change that (though the other way, i.e. treating only the damage of the sub-dice with injury as damage type as an injury damage, is a little bit complicated to code, that would need a more difficult overwrite of the standard code )

    EDIT: And nonlethal overwrites injury when both are in the same damage die, normally both damage types should not arise at the same time in one fixed die but just for your information for completeness So, when e.g. you have the effect DMGTYPE: injury then nonlethal stays strain damage This was needed such that damage dice with the type nonlethal stay as strain damage

    EDIT2: One could say that it works like darrenan's injury modifier button

    EDIT3: And with respect to resistance and immunity effects it works also like the ones for critical and so on, so e.g. having IMMUNE: injury blocks all incoming damage dice with type injury in it So, you can now code bleed immunity (I guess, I will also add bleed as damage type, similar to injury here, in my advanced effects extension)
    Last edited by Kelrugem; November 8th, 2019 at 01:27.

  4. #14
    Hello Kelrugem, Sorry I'm just replying now. I've been swamped at work. Everything you wrote up sounds perfect. Again, I appreciate you spending your time on that.

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by RobboNJ69 View Post
    Hello Kelrugem, Sorry I'm just replying now. I've been swamped at work. Everything you wrote up sounds perfect. Again, I appreciate you spending your time on that.
    thank you and no worries, much success with your work

  6. #16
    I have now uploaded the 3.3.9 version of StrainInjury Remember to update next week when 3.3.9 came out; I will update all the packages in the next days, too (but not done yet, you can see this by the download numbers; as long as they are not resetted to 0, it is not updated)

    There are several fixes and a new feature now:
    • There is now the damage type injury. Basically it does the same as pressing the modifier button for injury. The resulting damage will be then of type injury as long as there is not any nonlethal damage type. When at least one damage die has this damage type then all damage dice will be injury, too, except the ones with nonlethal. Immunity and resistance effects can block this damage type (but only damage dice with having this damage type of course) and it acts like the special damage types like critical (i.e., IMMUNE: injury blocks e.g. the damage die with injury in it, regardless which other damage types are in there, and an wearing an axe while having the effect DMGTYPE: injury results into a damage die with damage types slashing and injury, not only injury). You can think of this damage type as bleed damage (for this it was requested)
    • Injury damage is now respected in the height of health bars.
    • Temporary hit points do not change the physical state, e.g. getting temp HP while one needs to roll for stabilization does not stabilize and one stays unconscious. This was not the case anymore in this extension. I fixed it Similar problem was in the code for bloodied, wounded and healthy. Fixed that, too
    • The problem with Strain-Injury is that one has -strictly speaking- two different strain damage pools, one coming from lethal and one from nonlethal attacks which is important when it is about becoming unconscious (especially in 3.5e when the enemy has regeneration). E.g. having 10 HP and 1 injury and then getting 9 strain damage resulted always into the status disabled, regardless whether it came from a nonlethal attack, while havin 0 injury and 10 strain always resulted into unconscious. Having 1 injury and then getting 10 strain resulted into stabilization rolls, though it was nonlethal strain. And so on This is now all fixed, now the code treats unconscious correct. For this you will see that getting unconscious by nonlethal damage will apply the stable effect, a dirty trick to avoid the stabilization rolls
    • The stable effect will now also be automatically removed when lethal damage will be made, that's needed for the previous point to automate the previous point. But that feature is nice in general, too

  7. #17
    I have now uploaded the 3.3.9 version of StrainInjury Remember to update next week when 3.3.9 came out; I will update all the packages in the next days, too (but not done yet, you can see this by the download numbers; as long as they are not resetted to 0, it is not reuploaded. But I will write here again when they're done )

    There are several fixes and a new feature now:
    • There is now the damage type injury. Basically it does the same as pressing the modifier button for injury. The resulting damage will be then of type injury as long as there is not any nonlethal damage type. When at least one damage die has this damage type then all damage dice will be injury, too, except the ones with nonlethal. Immunity and resistance effects can block this damage type (but only damage dice with having this damage type of course) and it acts like the special damage types like critical (i.e., IMMUNE: injury blocks e.g. the damage die with injury in it, regardless which other damage types are in there, and an wearing an axe while having the effect DMGTYPE: injury results into a damage die with damage types slashing and injury, not only injury). You can think of this damage type as bleed damage (for this it was requested)
    • Injury damage is now respected in the height of health bars.
    • Temporary hit points do not change the physical state, e.g. getting temp HP while one needs to roll for stabilization does not stabilize and one stays unconscious. This was not the case anymore in this extension. I fixed it Similar problem was in the code for bloodied, wounded and healthy. Fixed that, too
    • The problem with Strain-Injury is that one has -strictly speaking- two different strain damage pools, one coming from lethal and one from nonlethal attacks which is important when it is about becoming unconscious (especially in 3.5e when the enemy has regeneration). E.g. having 10 HP and 1 injury and then getting 9 strain damage always resulted into the status disabled, regardless whether it came from a nonlethal attack, while having 0 injury and 10 strain always resulted into unconscious. Having 1 injury and then getting 10 strain resulted into stabilization rolls, though it was nonlethal strain. And so on This is now all fixed, now the code treats unconscious correct. For this you will see that getting unconscious by nonlethal damage will apply the stable effect, a dirty trick to avoid the stabilization rolls
    • The stable effect will now also be automatically removed when lethal damage will be made, that's needed for the previous point to automate the previous point. But that feature is nice in general, too
    • Updated for FGU (but didn't test it explicitly there)
    Last edited by Kelrugem; November 10th, 2019 at 08:02.

  8. #18
    A follow up on the injury damage type: It is at the moment it does not ignore DR because I was not able to see something related to this in the strain injury rules. I will add a bleed damage type in my advanced effects extension which will be able to overcome DR effects. When you use one of the packages with advanced effects and strainInjury then you should be able to code bleed damage as e.g. DMGO: d6 bleed, injury I guess that is the best way to handle it, with both damage types you can then decide on your own whether something is injury and/or overcomes DR etc

    And: Darrenan's modifier button for injury is superior, meaning that it makes injury damage but does not count as the damage type, so the modifier button will ignore immunity effects etc. versus injury (so for this the bleed damage type will be needed).

    EDIT: Okay, I added the bleed damage type now also to the base extension It behaves like injury except that it does natively strain damage (otherwise combine it with injury; it is of course injury when the target is dieing) but it overcomes DR
    Last edited by Kelrugem; November 10th, 2019 at 23:04.

  9. #19
    Now also all the packages are updated, too Beware the features of the included extensions and especially the new name of the advanced effects extension (i.e., please do not ignore the big red text at the beginning when you update to 3.3.9 )

  10. #20
    Hello Kelrugem! Thank you for the update. I'm loading it up now and will be playing tonight. I appreciate your time on this. Those changes sound perfect. Can I buy you a beer (or two)? Message me.

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