1. #1

    Automated weapon proficiencies?

    I have a doubt regarding automation (or not?) of the weapon proficiencies.
    As example: Elves got +1 using short swords.
    When I create an elf and later I give to him a short sword, in the combat tracker is the +1 accounted, or should I manually adjust the modifier on his character sheet?

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by galfaroth2000 View Post
    I have a doubt regarding automation (or not?) of the weapon proficiencies.
    As example: Elves got +1 using short swords.
    When I create an elf and later I give to him a short sword, in the combat tracker is the +1 accounted, or should I manually adjust the modifier on his character sheet?
    You need to apply the proficiency to the weapon.

    Check out the tutorial for the character sheet here. It goes into detail on this and many similar features.
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  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by celestian View Post
    You need to apply the proficiency to the weapon.
    Thanks celestian for that fast answer. I have seen that tutorial and many others from you a lot of times.
    So I understand that the answer is: there is no automation...
    When you create the elf, he "gets" the proficiency in swords added to the character sheet, but once he has a sword (short or long), you have to add the modifier by hand directly to that weapon in the inventory.
    The proficiency (in this case, coming from a race trait) works only as a reminder in the character sheet.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by galfaroth2000 View Post
    Thanks celestian for that fast answer. I have seen that tutorial and many others from you a lot of times.
    So I understand that the answer is: there is no automation...
    When you create the elf, he "gets" the proficiency in swords added to the character sheet, but once he has a sword (short or long), you have to add the modifier by hand directly to that weapon in the inventory.
    The proficiency (in this case, coming from a race trait) works only as a reminder in the character sheet.
    Yeap, thats the gist of it. I'd like to prompt the user when a new weapon is added ("Add proficiency to this weapon?" with list to select) but right now im not happy with the window system for doing so (you might click away and the window go under another) so I am "hoping" we'll see something that I can use in FGU.

    I might add it anyway, we'll see, if I get some free time.
    Last edited by celestian; July 19th, 2019 at 16:45.
    Fantasy Grounds AD&D Reference Bundle, AD&D Adventure Bundle 1, AD&D Adventure Bundle 2
    Documentation for AD&D 2E ruleset FGU Reference Module, or Web.
    Custom Maps (I2, S4, T1-4, Barrowmaze,Lost City of Barakus)
    Note: Please do not message me directly on this site, post in the forums or ping me in FG's discord.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by celestian View Post
    Yeap, thats the gist of it. I'd like to prompt the user when a new weapon is added ("Add proficiency to this weapon?" with list to select) but right now im not happy with the window system for doing so (you might click away and the window go under another) so I am "hoping" we'll see something that I can use in FGU.

    I might add it anyway, we'll see, if I get some free time.
    Thanks for the explanation. Regarding your idea, it will be awesome. I hope you find the time to do it.

  6. #6
    Hey Celestian, general search of this topic yields no updates. I know you don't work for FG but you might as well do you know anything further? FGU roadmap? Your personal roadmap? etc.

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