5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #1

    Zat Battle Maps by Zatnikotel for Fantasy Grounds

    All maps were created and designed by Zatnikotel of Zat Battlemats. These images (maps) are copyrighted and owned by Zatnikotel, released under the Creative Commons licensing with the permission to use but not sell or modify the images.
    You can find Zatnikotel and a collection of his work on Deviant Art:

    Zatnikotel has given me permission to convert and distribute his work for use with Fantasy Grounds under the condition that he receives credit for his work and the maps (and modules) remain free.

    The One Million
    Deviant Art Link: https://www.deviantart.com/zatnikote...he-One-Million
    The One million is a large underground complex that features 16 maps totaling at area of one million feet.
    MEGA Download:
    ZAT TheOneMillion v1.0.mod (25.1MB)
    Expansion 1: Wizard's Lair
    Deviant Art Link: https://www.deviantart.com/zatnikote...-Wizard-s-Lair
    This is an expansion to The One Million, it features 9 new maps for "D3 - Wizard's Tower".
    Expansion 2: The Burrows
    Deviant Art Link: https://www.deviantart.com/zatnikote...-2-The-Burrows
    This is an expansion to The One Million, it features 3 new maps for "D2 - The Burrows".
    Chromatic Dragon Lairs
    Deviant Art Link: https://www.deviantart.com/zatnikote...ic-Dragon-Maps
    A collection of lairs and a day/night entrance for each Chromatic Dragon.
    MEGA Download:
    ZAT Chromatic Dragon Lairs v1.0.mod (24.1MB)
    Metallic Dragon Lairs
    Deviant Art Link: https://www.deviantart.com/zatnikote...c-Dragon-Lairs
    A collection of lairs and a day/night entrance for each Metallic Dragon.
    • v1.1 Corrected ruleset to "Any"

    MEGA Download:
    ZAT Chromatic Dragon Lairs v1.1.mod (22.8MB)
    Dwarven Maps
    Deviant Art Link: https://www.deviantart.com/zatnikote...4/Dwarven-Maps
    A set of maps to an underground dwarven complex.
    MEGA Download:
    ZAT Dwarven Maps v1.0.mod (11.6MB)
    Arena Maps
    Deviant Art Link: https://www.deviantart.com/zatnikote...918/Arena-Maps
    This set currently consists of three enclosed arenas: a basic arena with 12 pillars, an arena with a ring of lava around it, and an arena with lightning effects.
    MEGA Download:
    ZAT Arena Maps v1.0.mod (2.6MB)
    ZAT's Miscellaneous Maps
    Deviant Art Link: https://www.deviantart.com/zatnikote...1522/Misc-Maps
    This is collection of miscellaneous maps.
    MEGA Download:
    ZAT Miscellaneous Maps v1.0.mod (8.4MB)
    Lost Temple of the Monkey King
    Deviant Art Link: https://www.deviantart.com/zatnikote...he-Monkey-King
    This is a D&D 5E adventure for tier-1 (levels 1-4) play with 3-5 players. Zat has provided three different levels of difficulty for almost every suggested challenge/encounter.
    Also Zat would like it if you could leave him some feedback on his adventure, let him know what you liked and disliked in this adventure on his Deviant Art page. (link above)
    MEGA Download:
    ZAT DD5E LTOTMK v1.0.mod (5.6MB)
    The One Million Island
    Deviant Art Link: https://www.deviantart.com/zatnikote...nd-One-Million
    The One million Island is a large island that features 32 maps (16 day / 16 night) totaling an area of one million feet.
    MEGA Download:
    ZAT TheOneMillionIsland v1.0.mod (66.2MB)
    Last edited by LordNova2; June 11th, 2019 at 14:21. Reason: Added The One Million Island

  2. #2
    Very impressive! Thank you and Zatnikote for the beautiful maps/mods especially the gridles versions!

  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2013
    East Coast USA.
    Quote Originally Posted by Asmo View Post
    Very impressive! Thank you and Zatnikote for the beautiful maps/mods especially the gridles versions!
    By gridless versions, you mean in the original site, right?

    What is the process of converting these files to an FG mod with what program? Is Gimp sufficient?

  4. #4
    damned's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Blog Entries
    Open one of the modules up with a zip compression utility and see how it is done.

    Pretty much the easiest way to do this is to add the maps to a blank FG campaign, apply grids and export.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    May 2013
    East Coast USA.
    I was just blind and silly. Please delete.
    Last edited by seycyrus; May 18th, 2019 at 15:47.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    May 2013
    East Coast USA.
    I apologize. These ARE the gridless versions. They just show up on FG with grid added as default.
    Last edited by seycyrus; May 18th, 2019 at 15:47.

  7. #7
    I applied a grid in FG, just slapped it down not caring about alignment or grid size. I then went back into the db.xml and used the find and replace tool in Notepad++ to set the size to 50 and 0 the alignment.

  8. #8
    The originals were designed for Roll20 using a 70px for one grid square.
    In most cases it was taking 3500x3500px images down to 2500x2500. Another trick would be to multiply the resolution by about 71.429% and that will scale his maps down too.

  9. #9

  10. #10
    I spotted a mistake in the Metallic Dragons Lairs; it was restricted to the 5E ruleset, I Corrected it so that it can be used with Any ruleset.

    MEGA Download:
    ZAT Chromatic Dragon Lairs v1.1.mod (22.8MB)

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