1. #1

    Lamentations of the Flame Princess Question

    I've been reading through the forums and most of the information of LotFP is fairly old. I'm running a game based on those rules in person and I'd like to use FG to store and organize my game information and notes. Two basic questions...

    First, since I do not need automation whats the best recommendation on the base rule set to use? I've looked at 2e, CoreRPG, and MoreCORE. I think I could do it in any of these. Probably needing some extension work to re skin somethings but generally workable. Does anyone have a good idea/reason for picking one over the other to use as the base? Or heck has anyone already created a rule set or extension for LotFP?

    Second, Is there a set of best practices on how to load data into a module? (I working with all homebrew content.) I think its best to add images and npcs first and build up to the stories from there, but it really does not feel organic to build. Any guidance/pointers would be appreciated.


  2. #2
    Coming from just needing to track game information from the GM perspective, each would fulfill the role of tracking a campaign.

    CoreRPG would require the most work in rigging it to display what you need. It would mostly be copy paste and formatting the text.

    MoreCore would require some rigging to have the information display and track. Similar to CoreRPG in copy/paste/format the data to display what you want, but you get some added functionality if you want the system to do the dice rolling for you.

    2e might be the best for tracking purposes if the NPC/Character/Item sheets match what your needing for the game. I'm a sucker for NPC sheets showing the information I need without formatting the text. I'm a bit biased to MoreCore as it's just my go to ruleset when needing to make up something in a pinch. I would check over each of the rulesets you mentioned and see how hard it would be to first input the information and create the modules you will be needing.

  3. #3
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    See the link in my signature for best practices creating modules. Let me know if you have any questions.

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  4. #4
    Thanks for the replies.... I think I'll take a swing at it with MoreCore first. There is a nice Youtube series on modding MoreCore. (https://youtu.be/54PSYMXmyvs) Worst case I learn a bit about writing an extension And thanks for the Adventure creation guide. I thought I had run into it before but could not find it.


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