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  1. #21
    Govanon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LordEntrails View Post
    The healer's kit is usually added to the actions tab as a power with number of uses or a weapon with a set amount of ammo. Otherwise I suspect you are going to need to write a custom extension. Though maybe someone else has an ingenious idea?
    Unfortunately I'm just a beginner in the extensions thing ... Maybe someone is interested in doing it.

    The healer's kit is usually added to the actions tab as a power with number of uses or a weapon with a set amount of ammo. Otherwise I suspect you are going to need to write a custom extension. Though maybe someone else has an ingenious idea?
    Some groups prefer to carry each their supplies.

  2. #22
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Govanon View Post
    Some groups prefer to carry each their supplies.
    The "ammo" is accounted for on each character. So isn't that the same as each carrying their own supplies? It might still work with parcels, you would have to make a custom weapon type of ammo though, just like an arrow or bolt.

    But, you can also insist on using it like currency, but then you are limited to 6 currency types, which probably mean you have to stop using copper and maybe silver.

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  3. #23
    Govanon's Avatar
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    which probably mean you have to stop using copper and maybe silver
    Or Electrum...

    Ammo idea is good. I think using a customizable power like the Lay of Hands is an elegant solution, but there is no warning that the uses have ended as the case of ammunition.

  4. #24
    skj310's Avatar
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    Just wanted to say that I really liked a lot of the feedback and ideas. Some really awesome efforts by many who also see where I was coming from.

    Thank you all!

    One day a savvy programmer like the mysterious DuluxOz and the magnificent Celestian, will solve this for us, and we'll be like ... dude(tte) you are a hero!

  5. #25
    Maybe a message can be generated in chat as a reminder for players or dm that rations and waterskin need to be deducted. Just add it onto the text stating party is taking a long rest. It just slips my mind to tell everyone to deduct rations.

  6. #26
    i have been working on code that uses the calendar to track things like when to regain health, when to lose stress points, when to gain or lose radiation, when to roll for a condition or lose health because of it, or when a critical injury has reached a count of passing time before the character has to roll, or to roll for consumable items when needed.

    this is all for the Alien RPG ruleset of course, but i can break down some of the code i used here.

    in the manager_char.lua i have most of my code in place.

    this one sets when you start the time for whatever you're needing. if you are using a button to "start tracking" hunger, for instance, you would put this in the script for that
    function setStartTime(rActor, sFirst)
    	--Debug.console("setStartTime called; " .. sFirst .."");
    	local sActorType, nodeActor = ActorManager.getTypeAndNode(rActor);
    	nStartTime = getCurrentDateinMinutes(rActor);
    	--Debug.console("setStartTime; nStartTime =", nStartTime);
    	DB.setValue(nodeActor, "" .. sFirst .. ".starttime", "number", nStartTime);
    	--Debug.console("setStartTime; DB.setValue(nodeActor, " .. sFirst .. ".starttime, number, " .. nStartTime .. ") = ", DB.setValue(nodeActor, "" .. sFirst .. ".starttime", "number", nStartTime));
    this one gets the current date and makes turns it all into minutes 
    function getCurrentDateinMinutes(rActor)
    	--Debug.console("getCurrentDateinMinutes; nRounds =", nRounds);
    	local nMinutes = DB.getValue("calendar.current.minute");
    	--Debug.console("getCurrentDateinMinutes; nMinutes =", nMinutes);
    	local nHours = DB.getValue("calendar.current.hour");
    	--Debug.console("getCurrentDateinMinutes; nHours =", nHours);
    	local nDays = DB.getValue("calendar.current.day");
    	--Debug.console("getCurrentDateinMinutes; nDays =", nDays);
    	local nMonths = DB.getValue("calendar.current.month");
    	--Debug.console("getCurrentDateinMinutes; nMonths =", nMonths);
    	local nYears = DB.getValue("calendar.current.year");
    	nRoundsinMinutes = convertRoundstoMinutes(rActor);
    	nHoursinMinutes = convertHourstoMinutes(nHours);
    	--Debug.console("getCurrentDateinMinutes; nHoursinMinutes =", nHoursinMinutes);
    	nDaysinMinutes = convertDaystoMinutes(nDays);
    	--Debug.console("getCurrentDateinMinutes; nDaysinMinutes =", nDaysinMinutes);
    	nMonthsinMinutes = convertMonthssnowtoMinutes(nMonths);
    	--Debug.console("getCurrentDateinMinutes; nMonthsinMinutes =", nMonthsinMinutes);
    	nYearsinMinutes = convertYearsnowtoMinutes(nYears);
    	--Debug.console("getCurrentDateinMinutes; nYearsinMinutes =", nYearsinMinutes);
    	nDateinMinutes = nHoursinMinutes + nDaysinMinutes + nMonthsinMinutes + nYearsinMinutes + nMinutes + nRoundsinMinutes;
    	return nDateinMinutes;
    you can send a number to these functions and either get the difference back or get a true or false statement
    function isTimeGreaterThan(rActor, sFirst, nCompareBy)
    	--Debug.console("isTimeGreaterThan called, sFirst = " .. sFirst .. ", nCompareBy = " .. nCompareBy .. ";");
    	local sActorType, nodeActor = ActorManager.getTypeAndNode(rActor);
    	local nStartTime = getStartTime(rActor, sFirst);
    	--Debug.console("isTimeGreaterThan, nStartTime = " .. rActor .. "");
    	local nCurrentTime = getCurrentDateinMinutes(rActor);
    	--Debug.console("isTimeGreaterThan, nCurrentTime = " .. nCurrentTime .. ", nCompareBy = " .. nCompareBy .. "");
    	local nDifference = nCurrentTime - nStartTime;
    	--Debug.console("isTimeGreaterThan; nDifference = " .. nDifference .. ", nCurrentTime = " .. nCurrentTime ..  ", nStartTime = " .. nStartTime .. "");
    	if nDifference >= nCompareBy then
    		return true;
    	elseif nDifference < nCompareBy then
    		return false;
    function getTimeDifference(rActor, sFirst, nCompareBy)
    	--Debug.console("isTimeGreaterThan called, sFirst = " .. sFirst .. ", nCompareBy = " .. nCompareBy .. ";");
    	local sActorType, nodeActor = ActorManager.getTypeAndNode(rActor);
    	local nRound = DB.getValue(nodeActor, "game.turn", 0);
    	local nStartTime = DB.getValue(nodeActor, "" .. sFirst .. ".starttime", 0);
    	--Debug.console("getTimeDifference; nStartTime = DB.getValue(nodeActor, " .. sFirst .. ".starttime, 0) = " .. DB.getValue(nodeActor, "" .. sFirst .. ".starttime", nStartTime) .. "");
    	local nCurrentTime = getCurrentDateinMinutes();
    	--Debug.console("getTimeDifference, nCurrentTime = " .. nCurrentTime .. "");
    	local nDifference = nCurrentTime - nStartTime;
    	--Debug.console("getTimeDifference, nDifference = " .. nDifference .. ", nCurrentTime = " .. nCurrentTime .. ", nStartTime = " .. nStartTime .. "");
    	return nDifference;
    Last edited by pr6i6e6st; May 13th, 2020 at 18:27.

  7. #27
    these are the conversion scripts

    function convertRoundstoMinutes(rActor)
    	local sActorType, nodeActor = ActorManager.getTypeAndNode(rActor);
    	local nRounds = DB.getValue("combattracker.round", 0);
    	local nSecondsperRounds = nRounds * DB.getValue(nodeActor, "game.round", 0);
    	local nRoundsinMinutes = convertSecondstoMinutes(nSecondsperRounds);
    	return nRoundsinMinutes;
    function convertSecondstoMinutes(nNumber)
    	--Debug.console("convertRoundstoMinutes called, nNumber = " .. nNumber .. "");
    	local nMinutesTotaled = nNumber / 60;
    	--Debug.console("convertHourstoMinutes, nMinutesTotaled = " .. nMinutesTotaled .. "");
    	return nMinutesTotaled;
    function convertHourstoMinutes(nNumber)
    	--Debug.console("convertHourstoMinutes called, nNumber = " .. nNumber .. "");
    	local nMinutesTotaled = nNumber * 60;
    	--Debug.console("convertHourstoMinutes, nMinutesTotaled = " .. nMinutesTotaled .. "");
    	return nMinutesTotaled;
    function convertMinutestoHours(nNumber)
    	--Debug.console("convertHourstoMinutes called, nNumber = " .. nNumber .. "");
    	local nHoursTotaled = nNumber / 60;
    	--Debug.console("convertHourstoMinutes, nHoursTotaled = " .. nHoursTotaled .. "");
    	return nHoursTotaled;
    function convertHourstoDays(nNumber)
    	--Debug.console("convertHourstoDays called, nNumber = " .. nNumber .. "");
    	local nDaysTotaled = nNumber / 24;
    	--Debug.console("convertHourstoDays, nDaysTotaled = " .. nDaysTotaled .. "");
    	return nDaysTotaled;
    function convertDaystoHours(nNumber)
    	--Debug.console("convertDaystoHours called, nNumber = " .. nNumber .. "");
    	local nHoursTotaled = nNumber * 24;
    	--Debug.console("convertHourstoDays, nHoursTotaled = " .. nHoursTotaled .. "");
    	return nHoursTotaled;
    function convertMinutestoDays(nNumber)
    	--Debug.console("convertMinutestoDays called, nNumber = " .. nNumber .. "");
    	local nHoursTotaled = convertMinutestoHours(nNumber);
    	local nDaysTotaled = convertHourstoDays(nHoursTotaled);
    	--Debug.console("convertMinutestoDays, nHoursTotaled = " .. nHoursTotaled .. ", nDaysTotaled = " .. nDaysTotaled .. "");
    	return nDaysTotaled;
    function convertDaystoMinutes(nNumber)
    	--Debug.console("convertDaystoMinutes called, nNumber = " .. nNumber .. "");
    	local nDaysinHours = convertDaystoHours(nNumber);
    	local nMinutesTotaled = convertHourstoMinutes(nDaysinHours);
    	--Debug.console("convertDaystoMinutes, nDaysinHours = " .. nDaysinHours .. ", nMinutesTotaled = " .. nMinutesTotaled .. "");
    	return nMinutesTotaled;
    function convertMonthtoHours(nNumber)
    	--Debug.console("convertMonthtoHours called, nNumber = " .. nNumber .. "");
    	local nYear = DB.getValue("calendar.current.year", 0);
    	local nMonth = DB.getValue("calendar.current.month");
    	--Debug.console("convertMonthtoHours, nMonth = " .. nMonth .. ", nYear = " .. nYear .. "");
    	nDays = getDaysInMonth(nNumber, nYear, nDays);
    	nHoursTotaled = convertDaystoHours(nDays);
    	--Debug.console("convertMonthtoHours, nDays = " .. nDays .. ", nHoursTotaled = " .. nHoursTotaled .. "");
    	return nHoursTotaled;
    function convertMonthtoMinutes(nNumber)
    	--Debug.console("convertMonthtoMinutes called, nNumber = " .. nNumber .. "");
    	local nYear = DB.getValue("calendar.current.year", 0);
    	local nDays = DB.getValue("calendar.data.periods.period" .. nNumber .. ".days", 0);
    	--Debug.console("convertMonthtoMinutes, nDays = " .. nDays .. ", nYear = " .. nYear .. "");
    	nDays = getDaysInMonth(nNumber, nYear, nDays);
    	nMinutesTotaled = convertDaystoMinutes(nDays);
    	--Debug.console("convertMonthtoMinutes, nDays = " .. nDays .. ", nMinutesTotaled = " .. nMinutesTotaled .. "");
    	return nMinutesTotaled;
    function convertYeartoHours(nNumber)
    	--Debug.console("convertYeartoHours called, nNumber = " .. nNumber .. "");
    	local nYearinDays = 365;
    	bisLeapYear = isLeapYear(nNumber);
    	--Debug.console("convertYeartoHours, nYearinDays = " .. nYearinDays .. ", bisLeapYear = ", bisLeapYear);
    	if bisLeapYear == true then
    		nYearinDays = nYearinDays + 1;
    	--Debug.console("convertYeartoHours, nYearinHours = " .. nYearinHours .. ", nYearinDays = " .. nYearinDays .. ", bisLeapYear = ", bisLeapYear);
    	nYearinHours = nYearinDays * 24;
    	--Debug.console("convertYeartoHours, nYearinHours = " .. nYearinHours .. ", nYearinDays = " .. nYearinDays .. "");
    	return nYearinHours;
    function convertYeartoMinutes(nNumber)
    	--Debug.console("convertYeartoMinutes called, nNumber = " .. nNumber .. "");
    	local nYearinHours = convertYeartoHours(nNumber);
    	nYearinMinutes = nYearinHours * 60;
    	--Debug.console("convertYeartoMinutes, nYearinHours = " .. nYearinHours .. ", nYearinMinutes = " .. nYearinMinutes .. "");
    	return nYearinMinutes;
    function convertYearsnowtoMinutes(nYear)
    	--Debug.console("convertYeartoMinutes called, nNumber = " .. nYear .. "");
    	local nYearCount = 0;
    	local nYearinDays = 365;
    	local nLeapYear = 0;
    	local nDaysTotaled = 0
    	for i=1,nYear do
    		if nYearCount < nYear then
    			--Debug.console("convertYearsnowtoMinutes, nYearCount = " .. nYearCount .. ", nYear = " .. nYear .. "");
    			nYearinHours = convertYeartoHours(i);
    			nMinutesTotaled = nMinutesTotaled + convertHourstoMinutes(nYearinHours);
    			nYearCount = nYearCount + 1;
    			--Debug.console("convertYearsnowtoMinutes, nYearinHours = " .. nYearinHours .. ", nMinutesTotaled = " .. nMinutesTotaled .. ", nYearCount = " .. nYearCount .. "");
    	--Debug.console("convertYearsnowtoMinutes, nMinutesTotaled = " .. nMinutesTotaled .. "");
    	return nMinutesTotaled;
    function convertMonthssnowtoMinutes(nMonth)
    	local nCount = 0;
    	local nMinutes = 0;
    	--Debug.console("convertMonthssnowtoMinutes called, nMonth = " .. nMonth .. "");
    	for i=1,nMonth do
    		if nCount < nMonth then
    			--Debug.console("convertMonthssnowtoMinutes, nCount = " .. nCount .. ", nMonth = " .. nMonth .. "");
    			nMinutes = convertMonthtoMinutes(nCount) + nMinutes;
    			nCount = nCount + 1;
    			--Debug.console("convertMonthssnowtoMinutes, nMinutes = " .. nMinutes .. ", nCount = " .. nCount .. "");
    	--Debug.console("convertMonthssnowtoMinutes, nMinutes = " .. nMinutes .. ", nCount = " .. nCount .. "");
    	return nMinutes;
            --extra calculations --
    function getDaysInMonth(nMonth, nYear, nDays)
    	--Debug.console("getDaysInMonth called, nMonth = " .. nMonth .. ", nYear = " .. nYear .. ", nDays = " .. nDays .. "");
    	if nMonth == 2 then
    		local nYear = DB.getValue("calendar.current.year", 0);
    		--Debug.console("getDaysInMonth called, nYear = " .. nYear .. "");
    		if (nYear % 400) == 0 then
    			nVar = 1;
    			--Debug.console("getDaysInMonth called, nVar = " .. nVar .. ", nYear = " .. nYear .. ", (nYear % 400) = " .. (nYear % 400) .. "");
    		elseif (nYear % 100) == 0 then
    			nVar = 0;
    			--Debug.console("getDaysInMonth called, nVar = " .. nVar .. ", nYear = " .. nYear .. ", (nYear % 400) = " .. (nYear % 400) .. "");
    		elseif (nYear % 4) == 0 then
    			nVar = 1;
    			--Debug.console("getDaysInMonth called, nVar = " .. nVar .. ", nYear = " .. nYear .. ", (nYear % 400) = " .. (nYear % 400) .. "");
    		nVar = 0;
    	nDays = nDays + nVar;
    	--Debug.console("getDaysInMonth called, nVar = " .. nVar .. ", nYear = " .. nYear .. ", nDays = " .. nDays .. "");
    	return nDays;
    function isLeapYear(nYear)
    	return nYear%4==0 and (nYear%100~=0 or nYear%400==0)

  8. #28
    these are the handlers i set on my clock adjusters to get an accurate change of time, rather than looking at minutes and hours and days and months and years.

    function onInit()
            DB.addHandler("calendar.dateinminutes", "onUpdate", onTimeChanged);
    function onTimeChanged()
    	local rActor = ActorManager.resolveActor(window.getDatabaseNode());
    	CharManager.onRadiationTimeChange(rActor, nRound);
    and then back in my manager_char.lua
    we check if we're in radiation or not by the toggle on the character sheet
    function isInRadiation(rActor)
    	local sActorType, nodeActor = ActorManager.getTypeAndNode(rActor);
    	Debug.console("isInRadiation Called;");
    	if DB.getValue(nodeActor, "radiation.zone", 0) == 1 then
    		return true;
    		return false;
    we get how strong the radiation is based on the buttoncycler on the character sheet when we are irradiated
    function getRadiationStrength(rActor)
    	local sActorType, nodeActor = ActorManager.getTypeAndNode(rActor);
    	Debug.console("getRadiationStrength Called;");
    	return DB.getValue(nodeActor, "radiation.strength", 0);
    we see if our radiation has gone up or down in points and either roll for damage or roll for healing
    function checkRadiation(rActor)
    	Debug.console("checkRadiation Called;");
    	local sActorType, nodeActor = ActorManager.getTypeAndNode(rActor);
    	local PermRads = DB.getValue(nodeActor, "radiation.show", 0);
    	local RadMax = DB.getValue(nodeActor, "radiation.minval", 0);
    	local Rads = DB.getValue(nodeActor, "radiation.points", 0);
    	local RadStrength = getRadiationStrength(rActor);
    	local isInRadiation = isInRadiation(rActor);
    	local NewRadiationCheck = Rads;
    	local OldRadiationCheck = DB.getValue(nodeActor, "radiation.oldcheck", 0);
    	Debug.console("checkRadiation; PermRads = " .. NewRadiationCheck .. ", NewRadiationCheck = " .. PermRads .. ", RadMax = " .. RadMax .. ", Rads = " .. Rads .. ", RadStrength = " .. RadStrength .. "");
    	if OldRadiationCheck == nil then
    		OldRadiationCheck = NewRadiationCheck;
    	if NewRadiationCheck < OldRadiationCheck then
    		local RadiationDifference = OldRadiationCheck - NewRadiationCheck;
    		throwRadiationHealDice(rActor, RadiationDifference);
    	elseif NewRadiationCheck > OldRadiationCheck then
    	local OldRadiationCheck = DB.getValue(nodeActor, "radiation.points", 0);
    	DB.setValue(nodeActor, "radiation.oldcheck", "number", OldRadiationCheck);
    	Debug.console("checkRadiation ;OldRadiationCheck = " .. OldRadiationCheck .. "");
    we increase our radiation points
    function increaseRadiation(rActor, nNumber)
    	local sActorType, nodeActor = ActorManager.getTypeAndNode(rActor);
    	for i=1,nNumber do
    		if DB.getValue(nodeActor, "radiation.points", 0) < DB.getValue(nodeActor, "radiation.minval", 0) then
    			RadiationAmount = DB.getValue(nodeActor, "radiation.points", 0) + 1;
    			DB.setValue(nodeActor, "radiation.points", "number", RadiationAmount);
    	local OldRadiationCheck = DB.getValue(nodeActor, "radiation.points", 0);
    	DB.setValue(nodeActor, "radiation.oldcheck", "number", OldRadiationCheck);
    we decrease our radiation points
    function decreaseRadiation(rActor, nNumber)
    	local sActorType, nodeActor = ActorManager.getTypeAndNode(rActor);
    	nCount = 0;
    	for i=1,nNumber do
    		if DB.getValue(nodeActor, "radiation.points", 0) > 0 then
    			RadiationAmount = DB.getValue(nodeActor, "radiation.points", 0) - 1;
    			DB.setValue(nodeActor, "radiation.points", "number", RadiationAmount);
    			nCount = nCount + 1;
    	local OldRadiationCheck = DB.getValue(nodeActor, "radiation.points", 0);
    	DB.setValue(nodeActor, "radiation.oldcheck", "number", OldRadiationCheck);
    time has changed because of the handlers, lets see what we should do	
    function onRadiationTimeChange(rActor)
    	Debug.console("onRadiationTimeChange Called;");
    	local sActorType, nodeActor = ActorManager.getTypeAndNode(rActor);
    	local PermRads = DB.getValue(nodeActor, "radiation.show", 0);
    	local RadMax = DB.getValue(nodeActor, "radiation.minval", 0);
    	local Rads = DB.getValue(nodeActor, "radiation.points", 0);
    	local RadStrength = getRadiationStrength(rActor);
    	local isInRadiation = isInRadiation(rActor);
    	local nShift = DB.getValue(nodeActor, "game.shift", 0);
    	local nTurn = DB.getValue( "game.turn", 0);
    	local nRound = DB.getValue(nodeActor, "game.round", 0);
    	local sFirst = "radiation";
    	Debug.console("checkRadiation; PermRads = " .. PermRads .. ", RadMax = " .. RadMax .. ", Rads = " .. Rads .. ", RadStrength = " .. RadStrength .. "");
    	if RadStrength == 0 then
    		Compareby = convertHourstoMinutes(nShift);
    		Debug.console("onRadiationTimeChange Compareby = " .. Compareby .. "");
    	elseif RadStrength == 1 then
    		Compareby = nTurn;
    		Debug.console("onRadiationTimeChange Compareby = " .. Compareby .. "");
    	elseif RadStrength == 2 then
    		Compareby = convertSecondstoMinutes(nRound);
    		Debug.console("onRadiationTimeChange Compareby = " .. Compareby .. "");
    	if isInRadiation == true then
    		if CharManager.isTimeGreaterThan(rActor, sFirst, Compareby) == true then
    			Debug.console("onRadiationTimeChange timeIsGreaterThan = " .. Compareby .. "");
    			DB.setValue(nodeActor, "radiation.oldcheck", "number", Rads);
    			increaseRadiation(rActor, 1);
    			setStartTime(rActor, sFirst);
    			Debug.console("onRadiationTimeChange isInRadiation");
    	elseif isInRadiation == false then
    		if CharManager.isTimeGreaterThan(rActor, sFirst, convertHourstoMinutes(nShift)) == true then		
    			DB.setValue(nodeActor, "radiation.oldcheck", "number", Rads);
    			decreaseRadiation(rActor, 1);
    			setStartTime(rActor, sFirst);
    			Debug.console("onRadiationTimeChange isInRadiation");
    throw them dice!
    function throwRadiationDamageDice(rActor)
    	local sActorType, nodeActor = ActorManager.getTypeAndNode(rActor);
    	Debug.console("throwRadiationHealDice Called;");
    	local RadiationDamage = Interface.getString("chatmessage_RadiationDamage");
    	local StateTime = CalendarManager.getCurrentTimeString()
    	local description = "" .. StateTime .. ": " .. RadiationDamage .. ":";
    	local nValue = DB.getValue(nodeActor, "radiation.points", 0) + DB.getValue(nodeActor, "radiation.show", 0)
    	local nTotal = DB.getValue(nodeActor, "radiation.points", 0).."dB";
    	local aDice, nMod = StringManager.convertStringToDice(nTotal);
    	local bDescNotEmpty = true;
    	local sStackDesc, nStackMod = ModifierStack.getStack(bDescNotEmpty);
    	local modifierDice = nStackMod;
    	local Negate = 0;
    	if nValue > 0 then
    		for i=1,nValue do
    			table.insert(aDice, "dB");
    		for i=1,-nValue do
    	if not User.isHost() then
    		Comm.throwDice( "dice", aDice, Negate, description);
    function throwRadiationHealDice(rActor, nValue)
    	local sActorType, nodeActor = ActorManager.getTypeAndNode(rActor);
    	Debug.console("throwRadiationHealDice Called;");
    	local RadiationDamage = Interface.getString("chatmessage_CheckRadPerm");
    	local StateTime = CalendarManager.getCurrentTimeString()
    	local description = "" .. StateTime .. ": " .. RadiationDamage .. ":";
    	local nTotal = nValue.. "dS";
    	local aDice, nMod = StringManager.convertStringToDice(nTotal);
    	local bDescNotEmpty = true;
    	local sStackDesc, nStackMod = ModifierStack.getStack(bDescNotEmpty);
    	local modifierDice = nStackMod;
    	local Negate = 0;
    	if nValue > 0 then
    		for i=1,nValue do
    			table.insert(aDice, "dS");
    		for i=1,-nValue do
    	if not User.isHost() then
    		Comm.throwDice( "dice", aDice, Negate, description);
    edit: the following is on my desktop_panels.xml for my clock adjuster natively in the Alien RPG. you could do this for the ones on the calendar itself too. this makes sure we check the final result, and are not getting confused when a minute change causes the hour to change, or for when the hour changes and causes the day to change, etc, etc.
    <label name="currenthour">
    				<anchored position="insidetopleft" width="20">
    					<left anchor="left" offset="20" />
    					<top offset="8" />
    				<frame name="fieldlight" offset="7,5,7,5" />
    					<hover name="fieldfocus" offset="7,5,7,5" />
    				<center />
    				<tooltip textres="desktop_currenthour_tooltip" />
    					function onInit()
    						DB.addHandler("calendar.current.hour", "onUpdate", onSourceChanged);
    						DB.addHandler("calendar.current.day", "onUpdate", onSourceChanged);
    						nDay = DB.getValue("calendar.current.day");
    					function onClose()
    						DB.removeHandler("calendar.current.hour", "onUpdate", onSourceChanged);
    						DB.removeHandler("calendar.current.day", "onUpdate", onSourceChanged);
    					function onSourceChanged()
    						local nHour, sPhase = CalendarManager.getDisplayHour();
    						setValue(string.format("%2d", nHour));
    						if nDay ~= DB.getValue("calendar.current.day") then
    						nDay = DB.getValue("calendar.current.day");
    					function onWheel(n)
    						if not Input.isControlPressed() then
    							return false;
    						local nDateinMinutes = CharManager.getCurrentDateinMinutes();
    						DB.setValue("calendar.dateinminutes", "number", nDateinMinutes);
    						return true;
    Last edited by pr6i6e6st; May 13th, 2020 at 18:50.

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