Cosmere RPG Beta Launch
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  1. #11
    leozelig's Avatar
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    I would be interested in hearing some feedback about actions for spell effects... In the case of cause earthquake, for example, the spell can result in a -2 penalty to AC, and the simplest form of that effect action would be:

    AC: -2

    My personal preference is to attach the spell name to the effect because combat can get confusing when spells start flying. So, that would look like this:

    Cause Earthquake; AC: -2

    But of course, spell effects are typically much more complicated than that in DCC, so some additional notation can be helpful. This effect gives a much more complete idea of the effect:

    Cause Earthquake; AC: -2; NOTE: No attacks or spell casting possible

    Currently, I am setting up spell parsing to create effect actions like the last example, which is still a fairly simple effect. If people have opinions otherwise, I am happy to go with a simpler form and let the players flesh things out according to their own preferences.

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by leozelig View Post
    ...Currently, I am setting up spell parsing to create effect actions like the last example, which is still a fairly simple effect. If people have opinions otherwise, I am happy to go with a simpler form and let the players flesh things out according to their own preferences.
    This is a bit of a challenge. I'm not very familiar with other rule sets licensed with FG, but I don't think any of them are nearly as complicated (and chaotic?) in these regards as DCC. Which, is a plus for those who like it!

    I think attaching the spell name is a good idea.

    I'm still a newb, so I'm not adept with the effects capabilities... I don't know how it would best be done, but adding the spellcheck would then allow anyone to pull up the table for that spell name and know the full extent of the effect; in the case that it's too complicated to summarize in a simpler form.
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  3. #13
    leozelig's Avatar
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    This might be a bit much for spell effects. Spell names and notations are non-essential for effects (but helpful?). I could certainly remove one or both of those to save space. If anyone has any feedback or suggestions, please share...

    spell effects.jpg

  4. #14
    leozelig's Avatar
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    Here is a preview of the update planned for 5/14/19:

    show casting table result.jpg

  5. #15
    leozelig's Avatar
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    Updates for May 14, 2019:

    • Improved parsing for spell actions
    • Added option to show the casting table result for spells in chat (default is 'on')
    • Added NPC types for demons, elementals, giants, and un-dead
    • Added NPC critical hit tables and dice based on Table 9-10
    • Added rollable tables for random spell determination
    • Fixed minor typos

  6. #16

    Thanks for all the hard work on getting this DCC official setup. It is looking great.

    So, now that I have created characters, campaigns, modules with the un-official DCC rules how do I move that campaign over to the official DCC rules?

    I tried changing the <ruleset></ruleset> from "DCCRPG" to DCC RPG" and it seemed to work for my modules, but my campaign only partially converted? Do I have to make sure to modify all the modules I have run, plus the imported character sheets and the campaign all at the same time to get a correct move to the official?


  7. #17

    Just starting recreating my players characters in the new the Random Number Generator for HP working correctly? I added 3 level of Elf to a character and go +2HP for each. Not definitive proof...but suspicious.

    Also, in the items, did you plan on putting the "second" damage value for the "Stealth" weapons (Blackjack, blowgun, Dagger and Garrote)?

    Love the spell casting results in chat...

    Do you have the crit/fumble table have the option to roll automatically on the appropriate tables?

    DCC Official HP RNG.PNG
    Last edited by kirklandone; May 16th, 2019 at 03:38.

  8. #18
    Trenloe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kirklandone View Post
    So, now that I have created characters, campaigns, modules with the un-official DCC rules how do I move that campaign over to the official DCC rules?

    I tried changing the <ruleset></ruleset> from "DCCRPG" to DCC RPG" and it seemed to work for my modules, but my campaign only partially converted?
    Changing the ruleset name doesn’t convert anything, it just allows you to open your old data in the official ruleset. If there are any changes in data format or name then your original data might not come across with everything populated in the new campaign.

    leozelig can maybe comment, if it’s easy to do so, on any changes that have a significant impact when data from the previous ruleset is directly loaded in the new ruleset.
    Private Messages: My inbox is forever filling up with PMs. Please don't send me PMs unless they are actually private/personal messages. General FG questions should be asked in the forums - don't be afraid, the FG community don't bite and you're giving everyone the chance to respond and learn!

  9. #19
    leozelig's Avatar
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    I did not change any of the data fields, so as long as you change the ruleset defined in the campaign.xml file, I would expect your campaign to fully convert.

    The random number generator is part of the core software, so I would chalk that up to bad luck...

    Regarding stealth weapons, the library list for weapons (Click the Library sidebar icon - Equipment - Weapons) displays the second damage value, which is also linked in the Reference Manual. I will plan to include that in the item record as well - thanks for the suggestion.

    I don’t believe that you can prompt a table roll from a lua script, but I could be wrong. If you hear otherwise, let me know, and I will work on it.

  10. #20
    I just wanted to say this is awesome work. I just discovered the DCC system, and am anxious to find a FG game. I am an older player going back to Original D&D etc, and am really excited by what I am reading. If anyone knows a group with a space. I would love to try this!!!

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