1. #1141
    leozelig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by benjihad View Post
    I am unable to drag skills from the main skills reference window into the character sheet skills tab, or vice-versa.
    The record type used on the character sheet skills doesn't appear to match the record type used by skills listed in the skills main reference window, evidenced by the lack of level advancement fields on skills created specifically on the character sheet skills tab.

    Additionally, any time I try to create a new skill or a use a skill from the ruleset reference, then drag it into the character sheet skills tab, I receive the following error:
    Script execution error: [string "W:charsheet_skills"]:6: attempt to index global 'content' (a nil value)

    Thanks for all the work done on this ruleset, sure has come a long way since I last looked at it.
    I will check it out. Thank you for the report.

  2. #1142
    leozelig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by benjihad View Post
    I am unable to drag skills from the main skills reference window into the character sheet skills tab, or vice-versa.
    The record type used on the character sheet skills doesn't appear to match the record type used by skills listed in the skills main reference window, evidenced by the lack of level advancement fields on skills created specifically on the character sheet skills tab.

    Additionally, any time I try to create a new skill or a use a skill from the ruleset reference, then drag it into the character sheet skills tab, I receive the following error:
    Script execution error: [string "W:charsheet_skills"]:6: attempt to index global 'content' (a nil value)

    Thanks for all the work done on this ruleset, sure has come a long way since I last looked at it.
    I fixed the script error. For custom skills that improve on level advancement, you need to create the new skill in the campaign library first and then drag it to the char sheet.

  3. #1143
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    These are the recent updates.

    Update 2025-01-10
    [Added] Add Zero button to Character Selection window for host and players. Clicking the button generates a 0-level character similar to the /funnel command.

    Update 2025-01-15
    [Fixed] Class & Level dialog box name displayed as Combat Calc.
    [Fixed] Script error when adding skills to character sheet.
    [Updated] Occupation records display trained weapon and trade goods on Main tab and optional description (usually blank) on Notes tab.
    [Updated] Layout of edit/add buttons in Class & Level dialog box matches 5E ruleset.
    [Updated] Adjusted alignment of Level column on Other tab of class record.
    [Updated] Item record uses new CoreRPG templates.
    [Updated] Tighter spacing of skill bonus fields in advancement section to fit on default record size.
    [Updated] Item and spell records allow pictures.

    I received a bug report about the the "too many spells" chat notification triggering even though character spell counts are correct, but I was unable to reproduce it. Spell counts are checked when you first open the Actions tab or if you adjust your spell slots (spells by level, #known, or max level) to determine whether to display the 'add random spells' button. Let me know if you are seeing this for your characters. It doesn't change the functionality of anything other than showing that button.

  4. #1144
    Cool, confirmed that skills are dragging from the main library onto character sheets again here with updates that went live today.

    However, there are a handful of new error messages popping up when clicking on the gear for a skill on the character sheet skills tab. Errors include what looks like a missing field, and some fields that aren't able to anchor properly, as well as the armor penalty checkbox being hidden until resizing that window.

    Happy to be able to move forward with adding new skills again though, thanks!

  5. #1145
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    Quote Originally Posted by benjihad View Post
    Cool, confirmed that skills are dragging from the main library onto character sheets again here with updates that went live today.

    However, there are a handful of new error messages popping up when clicking on the gear for a skill on the character sheet skills tab. Errors include what looks like a missing field, and some fields that aren't able to anchor properly, as well as the armor penalty checkbox being hidden until resizing that window.

    Happy to be able to move forward with adding new skills again though, thanks!
    Thank you for letting me know. I am converting a bunch of code to use CoreRPG templates as much as possible, so I apologize for breaking stuff

    The plan is to merge the DCC and MCC rulesets into a single core ruleset to make feature updates more efficient between the 2 systems. I’m also hoping to allow MCC players to use the DCC character sheet for crossover or hybrid games.

    I started working on a more fleshed out user guide on Confluence/Atlassian. Now that the vault has been “opened,” I hope to include a ruleset map showing (roughly) how everything fits together to help any potential creators.

  6. #1146
    DCC is throwing a script error the first time you open a character's character sheet to the Actions tab. I think it has to do with the newly added "Lucky Weapon" field, which is not working as far as I can tell.

  7. #1147
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    I’ll look at it and get it fixed. Thanks, Tab! Hope you’re doing well

  8. #1148
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    I fixed issues with the skill fields not displaying properly and the lucky weapon/spell not applying the bonus.

    [Fixed] Script error when opening Skills tab on character sheet.
    [Fixed] Lucky weapon and lucky spell bonuses not applying.

    EDIT: Actually the layout for the skills editor still needs work. I am trying to integrate CoreRPG templates into several campaign records for an update tomorrow or the next day.
    Last edited by leozelig; January 27th, 2025 at 18:23.

  9. #1149
    Here's a question, perhaps a request. Can you create paragraphs in the spell description fields, such as the General or Manifestation fields? If not, can that be added?

    I've attempted to do this by adding spaces to create an empty line but it doesn't copy over to the chat box properly and ends up all woppy-jawed.

  10. #1150
    Quote Originally Posted by Tabarkus View Post
    Here's a question, perhaps a request. Can you create paragraphs in the spell description fields, such as the General or Manifestation fields? If not, can that be added?

    I've attempted to do this by adding spaces to create an empty line but it doesn't copy over to the chat box properly and ends up all woppy-jawed.
    Not sure if this will work but have you tried Ctrl-Enter to force a line break?
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