5E Character Create Playlist
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  1. #1

    Shadowrun 4th Ed - Character Sheet Ruleset

    I'm working on a character sheet ruleset for 4th Edition Shadowrun. The interface I made is based on the UI seen in the movie "The Island" and the windows on the doctor's desk/computer. Mostly I'm just fishing for thoughts on the layout and concept at the moment. I'll have the rest of the frames completed tonight and then start on the XML to make it all work. An example can be seen here:

    *EDIT* Sample Images were removed since the design changed.
    Last edited by sloejack; August 22nd, 2007 at 16:59. Reason: Added link to magic sheet

  2. #2

  3. #3
    mr_h's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    GMT -5 / EST
    That's a nice, clean character sheet.
    Very cool
    DM: For reference sake, when a bad guys dies, I'll turn their token over. So an upside down 'A' or 'B' means it's a corpse.
    PC 1: So if we kill a 'M' is it reincarnated as a 'W'?
    PC 2: That damn 'O' just won't die!

  4. #4
    Thanks for the feedback. I've linked up the skills page which I'm having some issues with from a visual perspective. I think the font is too small but on the other hand, there's a lot of data for this sheet. Anyone have some thoughts on how to make it more readable yet still maintain the functionality that it needs?

  5. #5
    I've posted up the gear sheet as well as revamps of the Main and Skills pages. Trying to use the skills listed like in the d20 sheet proved to be too small to read. Revamping the spell and final sheets and I'll get them posted tonight. Some of the changes I'm making for personal use will prevent me from publishing that version of the CSR. I'll remove the IP material from it and post something that should be ok to distribute publicly.

  6. #6
    mr_h's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    GMT -5 / EST
    If the fonts for the skills are small to squeeze them on one page, it might be worth splitting skills into two seperate sheets (Active on one, knowledge on the other).

    same with gear...I've seen lots of cyberware before
    DM: For reference sake, when a bad guys dies, I'll turn their token over. So an upside down 'A' or 'B' means it's a corpse.
    PC 1: So if we kill a 'M' is it reincarnated as a 'W'?
    PC 2: That damn 'O' just won't die!

  7. #7
    can somebody please tell me how to get this ruleset ??

  8. #8
    I have not published this ruleset. As I looked at the things I wanted to do, the FG2 beta started and I saw that I'd have to re-do a lot of work so I opted to place this project on hold. I will have something for the masses shortly after version 2 releases.

  9. #9
    Insanity's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Terra, Sol system
    What graphic program are you using to create the character sheet pages?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Insanity
    What graphic program are you using to create the character sheet pages?
    I have access to and some skill with photoshop so that's what I use. There's lots of free and pay for options out there, the closest one to photoshop that I've used is The Gimp which is free and supports many of the desirable functions for doing something like this such as image layers, texturing/transformation functions, and grid layout.

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