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  1. #271
    Quote Originally Posted by Vigilance View Post
    that was my attempt to add the fallen race. I just notice it not adding the ability score. I wish I could unlock the race so I can see what was added but it is a red lock which I cannot unlock.
    In my modules? I added that in as NPC only as I recall as my players chose to go to falleen. I bet your using picos stuff or something. In which case, your on your own. All my stuff is open in the module not locked. And soon to be replaced in another thread when done porting to latest PDF and all that extra stuff. If you got it from forge that has zero to do with what I use. Just FYI. And nothing should prevent you from creating your own race locally.
    Last edited by SilentRuin; January 23rd, 2023 at 20:47.
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  2. #272
    yea go the forge SW5e if you have your own extension I would like to try it. what is the path to your extentions.

  3. #273
    Quote Originally Posted by Vigilance View Post
    yea go the forge SW5e if you have your own extension I would like to try it. what is the path to your extentions.
    As I said earlier - 0 chance I'm putting it on forge as that implies I'll support it. I'll create a new thread and put it in there when I'm ready as I've discussed with Pico already - was getting to hard to keep updating the middle of this thread - which was before I started porting to the latest PDF. It will be as in here - raw .mod, .ext, and the campaign used to make them. No forge. If someone wants to put it on forge they can feel free with my blessing which I'll duly note in new thread. As I said - a few weeks out as I have other things going on and I'm up to date on what my players are actually currently using.
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  4. #274
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrannosaurus VeX View Post
    I'm prepping to run a campaign using this .ext/.mod you've made pico. So far, I'm really impressed.

    As for the Starship implementation, I think what I'm going to do is build the Starship using a PC character sheet. I think I can create "enemy" ships using NPC sheets and get the relevant info built so that the usual 5E automation actually works in combat. I'm going to test this out tomorrow with an actual PC, a PC Ship, and a NPC ship and see if I can make it so it all works correctly the way I want it to.
    Is there, anywhere, a PDF or other document that can be read offline that explains how ship combat would work with this system?

  5. #275
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    Quote Originally Posted by WildKnight View Post
    Is there, anywhere, a PDF or other document that can be read offline that explains how ship combat would work with this system?
    There is a PDF written by the folks who originally designed the SW5e game rules. They change a lot, so I'm unsure how they fit into what is in these modules. A link to them is in the first post of this thread.
    Also silent_ruin has a FG module he set up that is his own design for ship-to-ship combat here:
    And Tyrranasourus_Vex created a starship module for FG here:

  6. #276
    I only modify these now... the others are ancient and no longer used. I rewrote the entire set.
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  7. #277
    there are Jedi and sith but it should be in the Backgrounds for the characters to pick like a job
    King Deadpool

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