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  1. #361
    Minty23185Fresh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niwi View Post
    We came across what seems to be an odd bug last night. When I (DM) wild shaped the druid - the AC value was being calculated differently when he opened his character sheet versus when I opened it. He was morphed into a Dire wolf and when he opened his sheet it came up AC14 and when I opened his sheet it came up AC13. Also in the combat tracker it was using AC13 for him when checking hit values. Even more odd, if I had his character sheet open when I morphed him into a wolf - his AC would briefly show as the correct 14 and then immediately drop to 13 on my screen.

    Any ideas what's happening here?

    Only other extensions are Kitn Kaboodle and Better Combat Effects. FGU latest version.
    [EDIT 03/17/2022] This has been resolved (see explanation below, this post)
    [EDIT 04/02/2022] This has not been resolved! See post #366

    Very astute Niwi! I have no idea how long this has been happening.

    Some initial tests:
    1) if the player Wild Shapes their Druid, the player's AC stat is incorrect and the DM's stat is shown correctly. Further, Fantasy Grounds resolves an attack roll correctly.
    2) if the DM Wild Shapes the player's Druid the player's AC stat is shown correctly but the DM's stat is incorrect. And Fantasy Grounds does not resolve attacks against the Druid correctly.

    Fantasy Grounds is using the AC of the DM's copy of the character sheet to resolve the attacks against the Wild Shaped Druid.

    So, if the player Wild Shapes their Druid, even though the AC stat is wrong in their copy of the character sheet, Fantasy Grounds correctly resolves attack rolls against the Wild Shaped Druid.

    Restated: The player should Wild Shape their Druid and things will be okay, though their character sheet is wrong.

    I am extremely busy with non D&D issues until the end of October. I'll try to get this fixed before then if I can squeeze in some time now and again to work on it.

    Note that I did not test player on player attacks, (e.g. collateral damage from a spell).

    [EDIT] Feb 17, 2022
    This appears to have resolved itself, on its own. Today, when I started looking into it, I could no longer reproduce the error. I suspect changes were made to OOB messaging (in the system builtin functionality) at some time in the past which caused the error. And then that functionality was again modified more recently to my favor. Should the odd behavior reported by Niwi be observed again please let me know. Hopefully I will be able to address issues in a more timely manner in the future.
    Last edited by Minty23185Fresh; April 2nd, 2022 at 16:49. Reason: Problem not resolved

  2. #362
    Excellent extension! I'm currently creating (and testing the extension) with a druid that is unable to control his wild shape form. I worked with the DM and came up with a D20 table for my known forms. I was excited to be able to use the extension to make wild shaping easier when I'm rolling.

    I do have one question though. The DM has random hitpoints set up for encounters for enemies. We thought the extension might randomly roll the temp hit points for the wild shape, but it seems to be using the default average health. Is this a bug, or working as intended? If it's working as should, is there any plans to add the ability to randomize the temp HP for the wild shape form?

  3. #363
    Minty23185Fresh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TwigOfSpite View Post
    I do have one question though. The DM has random hitpoints set up for encounters for enemies. We thought the extension might randomly roll the temp hit points for the wild shape, but it seems to be using the default average health. Is this a bug, or working as intended? If it's working as should, is there any plans to add the ability to randomize the temp HP for the wild shape form?
    I’m away from my PC, I believe this has been implemented. Take a look at the Fantasy Grounds Options panel (little gear upper right). I seem to recall a DWS specific option to set this.

    [EDIT] Yep. It’s there. See post 84 of this thread.
    Last edited by Minty23185Fresh; October 26th, 2021 at 14:50.
    Current Projects:
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    Extensions: Bardic Inspiration, Druid Wild Shapes, Local Dice Tower, Library Field Filters
    Tutorial Blog Series: "A Neophyte Tackles (coding) the FG Extension".

  4. #364
    Minty23185Fresh's Avatar
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    Druid Wild Shapes Implementor (DWSI) has been added to the Forge (here) for FGU users. There were no changes or updates to DWSI, just a Forge listing.

  5. #365
    This is an excellent extension. Thank you
    It took me a while, so I´ll just leave it here for anyone wondering: If you change the class name to Druid and add "Circle Forms" in the character sheet features the extension will calculate the correct CRfor the Circle of the Moon druid, which is really nice. (I have the classes translated in FGU).

  6. #366
    Minty23185Fresh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Niwi View Post
    We came across what seems to be an odd bug last night. When I (DM) wild shaped the druid - the AC value was being calculated differently when he opened his character sheet versus when I opened it. He was morphed into a Dire wolf and when he opened his sheet it came up AC14 and when I opened his sheet it came up AC13. Also in the combat tracker it was using AC13 for him when checking hit values. Even more odd, if I had his character sheet open when I morphed him into a wolf - his AC would briefly show as the correct 14 and then immediately drop to 13 on my screen....
    I have observed this bug again, in the last couple days. I was getting ready to release a new version of DWSI and tripped over the bug. It appears to be FGU specific, I have not been able to repeat it on FGC.

    This bug is presenting me with some real difficulties in remedying it.

    Are you still using FGU? Are you still using DWSI?
    Are you still observing the bug?
    From the description (above) in your original post, it appears as though it occurred in live play, not just in personal testing, say with multiple instances of FG on one PC, using "localhost". Is this correct, it was observed in live game play?

    Is anyone else seeing this issue? (I'm concerned that it might be a "localhost" or Cashe collision..)

  7. #367
    Minty23185Fresh's Avatar
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    Release Notes (version 0.1.0, released April 03, 2022)

    1) Updated the internal DragData object
    2) Added an option that removes all internal Wild Shape restriction enforcement
    3) Extension file name will remain the same from release to release

    (The details below are mostly for my edification, mostly. But are available here, in case you care.)

    First: The Druid Wild Shapes Implementor (DWSI), this extension, and the Local Dice Tower Extension (LDTE), another of my extensions, both use an internal instantiable DragData object. The DragData object in LDTE had been updated but it had not been updated in DWSI. Because of "loadorder", if a user tried to use both DWSI and LDTE, the newer version of the DragData object in LDTE was overwritten by the older version in DWSI. This caused LDTE to become non functional. DWSI and LDTE both use the same version of my DragData object now.

    Second: The Druid Wild Shapes Implementor extension had internal enforcement of Wild Shaping restrictions, e.g. it enforced the rule that only Druids could Wild Shape, and the only forms the Druid could take were specified CR ratings of Beast type NPCs, etc., etc. Years ago, some users asked for me to relax those restrictions. At the time I had declined to do so. There is now an option in the Fantasy Grounds Options Manager that relaxes all restrictions, one can now Wild Shape any PC into any NPC they wish. (The Options Manager is the "little gear" button in the upper right corner area of the FG desktop.)

    Third: A user, MrDDT, of my Local Dice Tower Extension (LDTE) brought it to my attention that because I tag my extensions with version numbers in their names, when the Forge updates one of my extensions the user has to reselect the extension in the FG launcher (see the details of the second note in post #103 of the LDTE thread, if you care).

    Additional Notes (future work, in progress)
    1) Initial stages of support for Polymorph are in progress. Years ago, users suggested this also, and I declined to support it; I have changed my mind for this too. If there are other "shapechanging" options out there that I'm not aware of please let me know, I'll see what I can do.

    2) I am working on the bug reported by Niwi (see posts #360 and #361 of this thread). Investigations are pointing at the FGU engine or ruleset, but I am still uncertain if this is true. For instance, the bug only appears in FGU, FGC works fine. And the problem seems to remedy itself if one shuts down FG while a PC is Wild Shaped. When one starts the campaign up again, the issue is in most cases gone. Before I take my claim to Smiteworks I have to have more concrete evidence.
    Current Projects:
    Community Contributions:
    Extensions: Bardic Inspiration, Druid Wild Shapes, Local Dice Tower, Library Field Filters
    Tutorial Blog Series: "A Neophyte Tackles (coding) the FG Extension".

  8. #368
    Minty23185Fresh's Avatar
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    Minty's Notes w.r.t. Development Issues - "Noting to see here, move along!"

    I need someplace to log this stuff for future reference. There are notes in the code too, but forum links should be saved.

    As mentioned in the prior post, the issue that Niwi found is causing me a great deal of grief. I now believe it to be screen refresh timing for the form field.

    I had issues with timing before, earlier in DWSI's life cycle (see posts #69 and #84 of this thread). Unfortunately they're back!

    I posted a plea for help yesterday in the forums. In it I discuss discoveries and some of my attempts to rectify this problem.

  9. #369
    Forge link saying unavailable, is the extension under maintenance or something?

  10. #370
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    Yes it is. Hopefully it will be approved by Smiteworks later today?

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