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  1. #11
    Nice work!

    Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be compatible with the Moon Tracker Extension managed by @Andraax (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...cker-Extension). It would be cool if they could both load together.

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Isanti, MN
    Quote Originally Posted by Kalua View Post
    Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be compatible with the Moon Tracker Extension managed by @Andraax (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forum...cker-Extension). It would be cool if they could both load together.
    I'm working on that.

  3. #13
    @Andraax, were you able to resolve the compatibility issues between the moon tracker and this calendarplus extension?

  4. #14
    v1.3 attached to post #1. Fixes a bug where multiple log entries for a single day could be created if the All Logs window was open.

  5. #15

  6. #16
    I'm having a sorting problem with your extension log. I tried to fix it myself but my coding is not sufficient to decipher the cause and correction needed. The problem is that your "Timeline View" does not account for the year when ordering the list. It uses Month primarily and day secondarily.
    For example I have 3 entries: Jan. 15, 1902; May 6, 1902; and Jan. 1, 1903.
    The "log" has them ordered correctly, but in "Timeline View" it has them ordered: 1 Jan, 1903; 15 Jan, 1902; and 6 May, 1902.

    Thanks for any help with this. I liked this extension and wanted to use it in my campaign but I could never get the dates to order correctly. I stopped trying to use it thinking that my log was "corrupted" since it was an ongoing campaign with entries put in a various stages. However I revisited it and discovered that this hold true on a fresh campaign calendar too.

  7. #17
    I'll have to do some testing when I get home tonight. At first glance it seems like the code should be doing the right thing.

  8. #18
    Version 1.4 is now attached to post #1. This fixes the reported issue with year comparisons.

  9. #19
    Thanks a lot. I'll get to using this routinely now and let you know if I come across anything else.

  10. #20
    No update to this extension should be needed for FG v3.3.8. If you find that is not the case, please reply here or send me a PM.

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