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  1. #11
    I haven‘t worked with templates much. From what I know it creates procedural created content, e.g. stories created with random tables. So I guess it‘s of no use here. Hawkwind tried to run his content to some tool to create a reference manual, but the tool failed to provide the correct output.

  2. #12
    kk. One other question. As I look at your modules, I'm seeing that the story entries all start with <sub> 000x (where x is a number). Why is that in that format?

  3. #13
    I just copied the style from hawkwind, as I said I wanted to have it all being harmonized and don‘t know his intend to do so. I would assume the tool hawkwind planned to use was expecting to read the files in a specific format.
    If I remember correctly when I used par5e in the past for a different ruleset, it behaved similarily.
    Due to each ruleset being different, and SmiteWorks not sharing it‘s code to my knowledge, its not easy to create reference manual content.
    I wouldn‘t have done it personally, but conformed to one standard. When at a later time someone wants to consolidate entries, it would be easier to handle.
    Last edited by Targas; December 29th, 2018 at 09:31.

  4. #14
    Here's my first go at the Necromancer. I think I got everything, including all the various levels of summoned creatures (under NPCs). For each Power I crosslinked to the associated Feats, NPCs, and in some cases, other Powers.

    Take a gander at it and if you see any issues, let me know. Thanks!
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  5. #15
    And the Occultist
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  6. #16
    Thank you for your contributions. I‘ll check it after vacation time..

  7. #17
    Got the Chaos Mage done. Making the tables was interesting. Couldn't figure out a way to roll on a table multiple times, requiring unique results each time until the table is reset (like drawing the tokens from a bag for what type of spell to get (Attack, Defense, Iconic), but everything else should be ready to play.
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  8. #18
    hawkwind's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    London Calling
    wow I don't log on for a wek and loads of new classes!

  9. #19
    Whew - the Druid is a massive class! But it's done. I think that's the last class from 13TW. Would it be worth bundling them all into a single module?
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  10. #20
    Well done. I guess it would be easier to fund all in one place, but it‘s not mandatory for me as I just pull the class my players want to use,

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