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    hawkwind's Avatar
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    is this ruleset modifiable for 13 Age Glorantha

    Can you add custom character classes and even your icons in this ruleset and thus potentially run 13a for Glorantha

  2. #2
    Datalore is planning to run a 13th Age Campaign with Glorantha Houserules.
    You can enter any field manually. Mind you there is no Drag and Drop for the basic classes as well atm, and no automation. But generally you can do this.
    Unfortunately during the last 2 months I reported over a dozen bugs, some of them requiring you to rethink actions, like combat starting in round -1 at the moment, or skillchecks not applying the level modifier.

    If this OK for you meanwhile until it is fixed, you can run 13th Age sessions.
    I did so, and will with the compromises I have to take and hope for a bugfix, soon.

  3. #3
    hawkwind's Avatar
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    you make it sound like its a half finished rule set

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by hawkwind View Post
    you make it sound like its a half finished rule set
    It‘s not that bad, but don‘t set expectations too high. It has some bugs which need to be fixed, and if you have played 5E, it is not having the same level of automation as it.
    The 13th Age Ruleset is based on the 4th Edition Ruleset. It took me some time with trial and error to understand some functionality, as there is no guide for 13th Age. If you purchase e.g. the Bestiary you‘ll learn how to enter new monsters manually, by reading through the bestiary entries.

    You need to read through the available 4th Edition material to see what can be done.
    13th Age is not even listed in the Wiki, if you want to check for yourself:

    It shouldn‘t stop you from running 13th Age. Anyway, it‘s the best you can get atm, and the character sheet is good. As 13th Age is mostly story related, there is not that much which could be automated, too. I really like the system far better than 5E and Pathfinder.
    Last edited by Targas; November 5th, 2018 at 20:37.

  5. #5
    The ruleset is protected. So you cant get at the game files to mess with it, unfortunately. This is a bit of a shame since I would love to add bits to the character sheet.

    Conversely, I dont think the lack of automation is that big of a deal. Considering how much 13A depends on reacting to certain rolls on the die and so forth, I am not sure automation would really be possible.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Datalore View Post
    Considering how much 13A depends on reacting to certain rolls on the die and so forth, I am not sure automation would really be possible.
    Its not (possible) - that's one of the challenges that we faced when we wrote the thing. Its (13th Age RPG) also way more free-form in play style than DnD, which means that its way, way harder to automate - when something can fall into a number of fixed, pre-determined categories its very easy for a computer to handle, but when something depends upon the GM's "judgment call" - like most of 13th Age does - then its "very hard to impossible" for a computer to handle (ie automate).

    The current 13A Ruleset is a good compromise between automation and free-form, and the only person who's been complaining about it is Targas - Patriarch and his group, who the Ruleset was commissioned for, has been successfully playing with it throughout its 3+ years development cycle and since without any complaints - and as he and his group were the main play-tester we had many discussions about automation and how to actually do it, plus the exceptions, etc. The result is what is now available.

    Yes, obviously a couple of things slipped through - ie bugs (probably because they never came up in their play) - and as I've said numerous times both in public and in PMs: they are being worked on.

    The Ruleset is based off of the 4E DnD Ruleset, and so has the "default" automation that that Ruleset has. Is that as "bells and whistles" as the FG Flagship 5E Ruleset? No, because the 5E Ruleset came out after the 13th Age was started, and if we were to "re-engineer" the 13th Age Ruleset as the 5E Ruleset than it would never have been released - unlike the 5E Ruleset there is only *one* person who did *all* the 13A coding (Ruleset, Bestiary & CoreRules) - and is now supporting it for free (ie I'm not getting paid, not even a royalty on sales).

    So yes, go ahead and play with it - you'll have a lot of fun - and if you find some bugs (or typos) then please let me know in the Bug Thread and I'll get them fixes - as soon as I can.


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  7. #7
    The ruleset implementation seems fine to me. My only complaint is that I can't mod it! Damn protected files! Well, that and filling a group for this game is hard as hell.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Datalore View Post
    The ruleset implementation seems fine to me. My only complaint is that I can't mod it! Damn protected files! Well, that and filling a group for this game is hard as hell.
    If you had specific things you wanted to mod the devs may (or may not) share enough code for you to make an extension.
    We have shared various bits of code for Call of Cthulhu to enable people do some modding for example.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by dulux-oz View Post
    The current 13A Ruleset is a good compromise between automation and free-form, and the only person who's been complaining about it is Targas ...
    That sounds negative. I hope you don‘t feel this way. Besides others who are not reporting errors for various reasons, I have an interest to run this ruleset without errors, so (my) player(group)s can enjoy it, and the 13th Age FG community will grow.
    Besides Bojjenclon, scotryder, Eneko posting bug reports, I might be the prominent one, because I actually use this ruleset to run sessions. Anyone supporting me in reporting bugs, is welcome and gives me more time to play a more flawless ruleset.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Targas View Post
    That sounds negative. I hope you don‘t feel this way. Besides others who are not reporting errors for various reasons, I have an interest to run this ruleset without errors, so (my) player(group)s can enjoy it, and the 13th Age FG community will grow.
    Besides Bojjenclon, scotryder, Eneko posting bug reports, I might be the prominent one, because I actually use this ruleset to run sessions. Anyone supporting me in reporting bugs, is welcome and gives me more time to play a more flawless ruleset.
    No, fair enough, you are right - I apologise if I came over negative.

    I do appreciate the bug reports, because I do want to get them fixed. Its no excuse for being rude, however there's a lot of "down" things going on right now and I get frustrated that I can't get to things as promptly as I (or others) would like - not just this Ruleset but the DOEs, the DORCore, and other DORs I'm working on.

    Anyway, I *should* have *something* for you all in a few days (depending upon how long it takes SW to upload it after I upload to them) - no, that's not a promise but a hopeful, tentative ETA

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