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  1. #1

    PCGen Output Sheet

    Allright, I promised I would post my output sheet. The original thread was placed in the Guild House, which doesn't seem like a proper place to go. Based on forum descriptions I decided to drop it here, in Armory.

    Please note, that this is a work in progress and is far from complete, but there are enough coders and XML enthusiasts here, to hope that somebody might pick it up and carry on. I have stopped working on this, due to lack of time or simply laziness.

    I think that NPC output sheets would be more useful, but I started with (player) character sheet, because it felt appropriate.

    There are spells in the sheet, because I used a sorcerer character of one of my players as a template. The Output Sheet is really the same XML file as used by Fantasy Grounds, only with PCGen tokens and some loops. What I have working so far are: main page, skills page, some inventory. I think I did Feats, as well, but am too lazy to look it up now. ;D

    Here's the output sheet. And an example character, generated with it. It is instantly useful with both d20 and d20-SRD rulesets, even with my charsheet mod. Just place the XML file in [path to PCGen]\outputsheets\d20\fantasy\htmlxml folder.

    Enjoy and please, tell me what you think. Tell me if you intend to work with it and most of all - post your modifications here, so whole community can benefit from our joint effort.

    "The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come to pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose. . ."

  2. #2
    Ah OK, so you didn't write a loop to lookup allt he spells. That's the part I have done. I guess the next bit is to capture the non-named skills, I'll work on that. You did eveyrthing else pretty much exactly how Id done it.

  3. #3

    COMPLETE: PCGen Character Sheet

    OK, Here ya go.

    This is essentially complete and I believe bug free. It will populate every default field for FantasyGrounds. A few notes:

    1: For Gold etc. to populate, you need to purchase the coins inside PCGen. It doesn't bick up the 'value' lines, it counts the actual gold, silver, etc... Inventory items now display correctly and remove coins, and track ammunition.

    2: All spells should now work, including casters with two casting classes. DCs should work correctly for the primary class. For Cleric spells, it does not add the +1 domain spell in your spells/day as FG cannot display "6+1" which is the standard way of representing it. Domain spells are listed twice when they are both normal and domain, the duplicates should be at the top of each spell list.

    3: For skills, you need to manually remove the precursors in order to legibly see the subtype (E.g Profession (Botanist) will come in just like that, so you will need to (in FG) go in and delete "Profession" in order to see "Botanist")

    4: For skills, anything NOT currently picked up by FG is lost. If you have some skill not on the default list, it doesn't magically get captured elsewhere.

    5: Special and Racial abilities are combined in the Special Abilities section.

    6: All Feats now work and display full descriptions. This will be very crampt if you aren't using an expanded charsheet like Darkstars.

    7: Description now carries over.

    8: Attack bonuses now track for multiple attacks at higher levels. Should pick up flurry of blows correctly. AC Bonuses now track so that FG doesn't double count things like Dex. AC bonuses from things like Rings of Protection carry in as "misc."

    9: All encumbrance and carried weight now tracks.

    10: All the tokens in PCGen have been updated to current non-depracated 5.101rc1 version, cleaning up a bunch of non-fatal errors.

    So, there you have it. Drop it in your PCGen\outputsheets\d20\fantasy folder and export to your Fantasy Grounds\Characters\*ruleset*\ folder and you're good to go!

    If you find an error or a miss, please post it.

    Thanks to Darkstar for filling in a lot of blanks.
    Last edited by rabbit; June 14th, 2006 at 19:35.

  4. #4
    Woohoo! See, it has been hanging in PCGen request tracker for months now, while it could be done in merely a few days, provided you have somebody to do the work and he has the time.

    Thanks. Do you think there's anything more left to do? Yeah, there's "complete" written here, but is anything complete, really? Even C-SRD is Mostly Complete SRD.

    Somebody should contact PCGen guys about it? The world will end before they code it.
    Last edited by DarkStar; June 14th, 2006 at 19:44.
    "The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come to pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose. . ."

  5. #5
    The only thing left, that I would love to be able to do, are a few GREP things. I'd like to be able to strip the Base Skill () from things like Knowledge (Arcana) so they show right. I'd like to have some place to put skills not in the default list (I could do it in Special Abilities I guess, or something.) It would be fun to take the 20 or so fields PCGen uses for description and concatenate into one big Description variable, but there's just no way to do complex string management that I can see.

    For all intents and purposes, I think this is done done done.

    Frankly, I was reluctant to write a giant hack for that if we have 2.0 coming soon.

    I'll post this link to the PCGen board. I really do think it's mostly complete.

  6. #6
    FYI: The PCGen team submitted a request to the SmiteWorks guys (if you are reading) to include the FG template I (and Darkstar) worked up in the next release.

    If you guys say yes, I'll give you a donut.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by rabbit
    So, there you have it. Drop it in your PCGen\outputsheets\d20\fantasy folder and export to your Fantasy Grounds\Characters\*ruleset*\ folder and you're good to go!
    Thanks for this, rabbit! But I don't have a Fantasy Grounds\Characters folder! Am I being dumb?

  8. #8
    Go make a character locally, then save it. It will make a directory for you... most likely something like character/d20-srd/charname.xml

    You can, if you like, then take the XML and manually paste it into a campaign xml file, or just go ahead and use the local character.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by rabbit
    FYI: The PCGen team submitted a request to the SmiteWorks guys (if you are reading) to include the FG template I (and Darkstar) worked up in the next release.

    If you guys say yes, I'll give you a donut.
    Ok, now you owe me a donut

  10. #10

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