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  1. #11
    Varsuuk's Avatar
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    New York
    I know the diff between warnings and errors... in g++ I need to use -Werror compiler option (true story) to make the former the latter! (cos I do not allow any warnings in my server apps are work, bygumbydammit.)

    But seriously, I know it is "ignorable" but I am a "why" guy. Why is it happening.
    Verified it happens on my Linux box and my MacBook but not on my Windows native box. All were running the same versions. Just short of today's patch.

    Weird. I'll compare Ref page headers and like later. Just wanted to point out it still happens.
    Any non-Windows folks out there to verify for me? If so, just start er up as normal. Open the console - drag it to side so you can see it then type (or as per Damned, press your shortcut!) /reload and see if the warning pops up for you on the console.

    This might have ALWAYS been this way but since I never have the console open, I didn't notice. Only because I started coding lua where I wanted debug messages did I start seeing this.

  2. #12
    It's because of the way that font requests work in Windows. To request a TTF font through the Windows API, you give it a number of parameters, and the OS API decides which font you actually get from the fonts loaded in the OS. There is no option to specifically request a particular TTF file.

    In FG, when using the TTF option for fonts, here is what happens:
    * FG loads the TTF file included in the ruleset into OS font list. (file attribute of ttf tag)
    * FG builds a font request using:
    ** Face name = font name you are requesting (name attribute of ttf tag)
    ** Height = height you are requesting (size attribute of ttf tag)
    ** Weight = Set to "normal" (unless "bold" attribute/subtag of ttf tag specified)
    ** Other default parameters:
    *** Quality = CLEARTYPE_QUALITY;
    *** OutPrecision = OUT_STROKE_PRECIS;
    *** ClipPrecision = CLIP_STROKE_PRECIS;
    *** PitchAndFamily = VARIABLE_PITCH;
    * FG builds the font bitmaps based on the font returned by the OS.
    * FG unloads the TTF file included by the ruleset

    If the "face name" of the font returned by the OS does not match the "face name" requested, then you will get a warning. Usually, this is because the TTF file provided is for a particular style of font not included in TTF. (i.e. requesting normal font but TTF is very specific that it only includes bold version, etc.)


  3. #13
    Varsuuk's Avatar
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    Dec 2015
    New York
    Moon, my main thing was:

    1. To understand if others on Mac or Linux was saying the same warning if they /console then /reload
    2. To ensure that was expected and not a bug.

    I do notice in CoreRPG directory we have 2 TTF fonts and rest are FGF files. I attached the screenshot showing message for others wondering (because kept referring to it) - perhaps this happens because we are supplied a BOLD font and whatever is using it is requisition a non-BOLD font:


    Last edited by Varsuuk; May 20th, 2018 at 05:02.

  4. #14
    It even gets a little more complex, because specifying bold will also sometimes bold the font even if the font says it is a bold font. I think it depends on how the font was built.


  5. #15
    ll00ll00ll00ll's Avatar
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    Upstate NY (and not Westchester, I mean dead in the middle)
    This won't be specifically relevant to the discussion at hand, but I can say that for my 20 years of dealing with font issues in a graphics production environment...any time I see a client include a folder full of .TTF fonts with their print job I cringe. .TTF files are notoriously buggy / susceptible to corruption. Since the far superior .OTF format has come about, our life in general has become much easier. The other misery of postscript fonts is something to be avoided as well (now each font is not one, but two files that can be corrupted!) Anyhoo... my 1.5 cents is that many of my font managers and RIP programs have displayed random errors for .TTF fonts over the years, but if the font is displaying and printing correctly, I stop asking questions and take it as a success.

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