1. #1

    Creating a new race: Add bonus to ranged attack?

    I am working on adding a new race and I want it to give a bonus to the Range attack. I assume this would go in the Misc column. How would I make it so that it adds the value to the field automatically when they drag the race to the character sheet?


  2. #2
    Blahness98's Avatar
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    Jan 2007
    Somewhere in Wisconsin
    Don't know if it is possible. This is based upon the other few races that add skill points or some bonus to the mix (Barathu, Drow), and those are not automatically added. More than likely this is something that would need to be done manually.
    Ultimate License Holder

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  3. #3
    That is what I thought. Fortunately, the race sheet provides links so you can describe each trait.


  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by TriOpticon View Post
    I am working on adding a new race and I want it to give a bonus to the Range attack. I assume this would go in the Misc column. How would I make it so that it adds the value to the field automatically when they drag the race to the character sheet?

    This could be added as an Custom Effect that you would apply at the beginning of every play session. For example if your custom race got a +2 to ranged attacks:

    Racial Range Bonus; ATK:2 ranged

    Set the effect to last a day, and it will persist from one round to another.

    In the example image below "Ratty" normally has a +2 attack with his laser rifle, after applying the custom effect "Racial Range Bonus", his attack roll shows +4
    You can also see in the combat tracked that the "Anacite Wingbot" has many effects because of it's construct nature.

    Guaranteed fresh, 100% Grade A Nerd

  5. #5
    Thanks, ChumSlinger! That works just as well. I really need to figure out all the effects I need to code.

  6. #6
    Blahness98's Avatar
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    Somewhere in Wisconsin
    Just drop me a line or post what you need. I generally check the forums a few times a day so I can assist if needed.
    Ultimate License Holder

    Nothing at the moment.

    Time Zone: Central Time (GMT -6)

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