5E Product Walkthrough Playlist
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  1. #1

    Another custom charsheet

    I have just finished creating my small charsheet mod. We have realised that Feats and Special Abilities sections under Skills page are way too small, sometimes it's hard to stuff even 1st level character's Feats, think of 12lv or higher. Yes, it scrolls, but in a way that old entries go up and disappear beneath the sheet background, there's no scrollbar nor anything like that.
    So, my idea was to add new tabs to the charsheet, so now players have plenty of place to put their Feats & Special Abilities. There's also a blank page called Notes (thanks for the hint, acmer) to store other data, not related to anything particularly, some things that don't fit elsewhere.

    A friend of mine edited the images, as I'm useless when it comes to graphics. The fonts are a bit uglier than the originals, tabs were re-made from scratch, it was supposedly easier than editing the existing ones. We tried to preserve the effect of light & shade when you switch between them.

    You can see the new creations here:


    Special Abilities


    Notice, how old pages have the same tabs

    The files charsheet.xml and d20_graphics.xml were also modded. All changes were made to Digital Adventures' Complete SRD ruleset.

    The Feats and Special Abilities sections on the Skills page are left there (just not editable anymore), because it was a really quick mod for personal use, I intend to use this charsheet in my games. I would replace those with some other stuff, like Languages perhaps. We are also missing Base speed field somewhere. I want to wait for 1.06 to see what gets changed first.

    If anyone's interested, I'd like to share my work with community very much, but I'm afraid of legal issues here. :( I think that charsheet XML wasn't changed in Complete SRD from that of standard FG ruleset, so I can post it freely (FG's XML is OGL), but I need to make sure of that first. Thore?
    "The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come to pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose. . ."

  2. #2
    Well I think it looks great, I was filling in my feats the other day and thought it would be better with more room (disclosure, DarkStar is my DM )

  3. #3

    Looks great

    I really like it, and I hope you can share it! Its a step in the right direction. I'd like to see a bit more added, but you've done a great job.

  4. #4
    Thanks! I checked the differences between d20 and d20-SRD files and there are none (well, d20-SRD lacks scroll button on spell list, wonder why?), and since there were no objections, I decided to make my mod available to the public. There's both d20 and d20-SRD version available (the only difference is scrollbar and directory names). Read the README file first.

    You can grab the mod here.

    Ah, big thanks to my friend, Hedr, for making the images!!
    Last edited by DarkStar; August 19th, 2006 at 11:36.
    "The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come to pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose. . ."

  5. #5
    Awsome. I recently added a notes window, but had to use a random unnamed button because I couldn't edit the images. This is definately a prettier solution.
    - Paradoxic

  6. #6

    If you are going to change anything regarding the Complete SRD and make it available for download, this need to be legally approved by Digital Adventures, LLC. Failure to do so will result in a Cease and Desist letter and legal action. All code associated with the Complete SRD is my copyright, and changing or altering it and making these changes available for downloading w/o my permission is against the law.

    I hate to pull out a *big gun* here guys, but I need to protect my copyrighted products. I am more than willing to work with anyone wanting to create extras for my product, but they must go through me please.

    This all being said, anyone on this thread who has done any of the above please contact me so we can work something out. I need to protect my intellectual property folks, I hope you all understand this.


  7. #7

    Are you citing copyright on the character sheet images included in the D20 SRD? As far as I can tell they are the exact same as the sheets included in the D20 distrubution by Smiteworks.

    I do agree that people should NOT be posting modified XML files that were included with the D20 SRD such as the d20_graphics.XML and only instructions on how to modify rulesets in general for personal use.
    Last edited by joshuha; March 21st, 2006 at 04:51.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by joshuha

    Are you citing copyright on the character sheet images included in the D20 SRD? As far as I can tell they are the exact same as the sheets included in the D20 distrubution by Smiteworks.

    I do agree that people should NOT be posting modified XML files that were included with the D20 SRD such as the d20_graphics.XML and only instructions on how to modify rulesets in general for personal use.
    I'm not citing anything regarding the character sheet itself, I am citing the fact that the said changes/updates/alterations are being toted as usable or an update to my product. If this were a change only to the default d20 ruleset I would not care; however, this is not the case.

    What if someone were to post changes to my code, compiled to a MOD or otherwise, that suddenly caused my product not to work? Or, alter my code and distribute it for free and it caused problems with their purchased product?

    Again, I'm not against this, I just want it to come through me. In the large scope of things, I don't think that is too much to ask.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Thore_Ironrock
    I'm not citing anything regarding the character sheet itself, I am citing the fact that the said changes/updates/alterations are being toted as usable or an update to my product. If this were a change only to the default d20 ruleset I would not care; however, this is not the case.

    What if someone were to post changes to my code, compiled to a MOD or otherwise, that suddenly caused my product not to work? Or, alter my code and distribute it for free and it caused problems with their purchased product?

    Again, I'm not against this, I just want it to come through me. In the large scope of things, I don't think that is too much to ask.
    Oh I totally agree. Again, I don't agree with any posting of MODs or XML files for downloads although like you said you aren't citing the image per se. Also you have quoted in an earlier thread:

    Quote Originally Posted by Thore_Ironrock
    ... do have to mention that if you alter the ruleset you do so for yourself only and not distribute the code, per your purchase agreement. Sorry to get legal, but I do have to mention it. I don't mind if people alter it for their own use, just that they do not distribute it..
    The keywords heres are "for their own use" and "do not distrbute". By posting a mod file that changes/overwrites your code in a distribution they are potentially violating copyright. Again, I would only provide people with the instructions on how to modify a ruleset in general for their own personal use. The only thing I would ever post were modifications to the base D20 ruleset with instructions on how to get it to work with the D20 SRD only for personal use.
    Last edited by joshuha; March 21st, 2006 at 05:23.

  10. #10
    Because the files referring to The Complete SRD Ruleset are modifying a product by Digital Adventures without the proper permission, I had to remove the link to the file from the post. If I may suggest, please contact Kevin Melka if you wish to continue providing the extension to the C-SRD ruleset and additionally you are naturally free to continue distributing the files referring to the d20 ruleset provided along with Fantasy Grounds. In this post are summarized the rules of posting content - the infringement noticed here is the lack of permission from the copyright owner but just for the files referring to the C-SRD ruleset. Thanks for understanding!

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