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  1. #1

    Adding Items to Investigators

    Attached is the 1920s equipment list in drag and drop format for use in Call of Cthulhu.


    It's very possible that I've simply missed something but, is there a picklist already created for 1920's items (other than weapons) that can be used to add items to an investigator's inventory. I can find the lists in the Reference sections of the Investigator Handbook and Keeper Rulebook but, it doesn't seem like I can select the items from the list to add them to the Investigator sheet. If the lists don't already exist, is there a way that I could create them and then share them with the players?
    Last edited by damned; November 3rd, 2017 at 03:16.

  2. #2
    damned's Avatar
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    Welcome MenzelG

    Are you by any chance in QLD?

    As the rulebook Equipment Lists are really only a guide listing an item and a price and no other data we felt it was for the most part too generic to be utilised. There are a small number of exceptions.
    Firearms and Weapons are included.


  3. #3
    If 'QLD' is Queensland, then no. I'm in Minneapolis, MN.

    The "equipment" example you're showing I agree is generic and could be left out. I was thinking more along the lines of the Investigator Tools and Medical Equipment type of stuff because that's not as generic and is more likely to be selected:


    and this:


    What's involved with creating something on my own to include that?
    Last edited by MenzelG; November 2nd, 2017 at 02:24.

  4. #4
    damned's Avatar
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    Hi MenzelG

    There is no current plan to add those.
    To create them for yourself (and in reality it is probably shareable as there is nothing proprietary about Jeweled Compass, Handcuffs, Mechanical Pencil etc) is to create a blank campaign, add the items one by one - the only data that is essential is the name and the only other info you are given is cost. Create categories for the items.
    When done type /export in chat and fill out the details and select Items and you will have a re-usable Items module you can load into your other campaigns and potentially even share here.


  5. #5
    Thank you for the help! I've begun creating the mod and have done Men's Clothing, Medical Equipment and Outdoor and Travel Gear. I will add more tomorrow.

    Is there a standard place where mods are uploaded for everyone to share?

  6. #6
    I thought there was a way to attach files and after a little searching, I found it.

    I've attached what I have so far.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  7. #7

  8. #8

  9. #9
    I've added quite a bit to the Equipment list. All of the BOLD categories have been added. The categories are alphabetical. I could fix them to match the books if that would be preferred. I don't know that I'll include items from the other categories unless asked. These are all 1920's items.

    If anyone see any issues, please let me know.

    Men's Clothing
    Women's Clothing
    Personal Care
    Food & Beverages
    Meals Out
    Speakeasy Prices
    Real Estate
    Household Goods
    Medical Equipment
    Outdoor & Travel Gear
    Investigator Tools
    Non-US Vehicles
    Vehicle Accessories
    Air Travel
    Train Fares
    Sea Voyage (US/England)
    Sports & Games
    Firearm Ammunition

    I was wondering, is there a way to attach an image to the item to show what it looks like? Just curious.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  10. #10
    I had a spelling error in the last one...here's it's been corrected.
    Attached Files Attached Files

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