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  1. #1

    Digital Adventures Presents: Monte Cook's Arcana Evolved Ruleset

    Digital Adventures Presents: Monte Cook's Arcana Evolved Ruleset for Fantasy Grounds!

    Digital Adventures, LLC is proud to bring Monte Cook's Arcana Evolved variant player's handbook campaign to the Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop software, which won the Best d20 Game Gold Award at the GEN Con EN World d20 System awards in 2005. This electronic product gives you all of the rules and ambiance you need to host or play an Arcana Evolved game online with Fantasy Grounds. This download package includes:

    * Arcana Evolved Ruleset containing all the rules, races, spells, monsters, and classes from this award winning settting.

    * Custom desktop graphics

    * Over 100 monster and player character image and token files to use online.

    * Runes of Revival, Round One: A free adventure (part one of three) designed for a party of six 5th-level characters converted to Fantasy Grounds, complete with pre-generated characters. This adventure was originally presented as the three-round Arcana Evolved tournament at Gen Con Indy 2005.

    Arcana Evolved is a variant player's handbook 3rd Edition codesigner Monte Cook that is the "Director's Cut" edition of Monte Cook's Arcana Unearthed. Discover a new PC race, the dragonlike dracha; a new class, the ritual warrior; new champion types and totem warrior abilities; new prestige classes; combat rites; and dozens of new spells, spell templates, feats, manifestations, equipment, and more. Arcana Evolved introduces exciting new storyline elements that evolve naturally from the return of the dragons. Plus, check out evolved versions of all races, new 10th-level spells, and high-level play with characters up to 25th level! Now you can do more with your characters than ever before.

    For the Arcana Evolved follower not familiar with Fantasy Grounds, it is an application acting as a virtual online gaming table primarily intended for pen and paper style narrative role playing games. Fantasy Grounds is designed to perform many of the things you can do while playing at a conventional gaming table and move it online. Run games as the gamemaster or take part as a player, the application provides all the necessary tools to communicate, manage information and perform tasks such as rolling the dice or creating drawings, and the Arcana Evolved Ruleset puts all of the rules for this campaign at right on your digital desktop! For a demo of Fantasy Grounds and additional product information visit <>

    ... and with the Arcana Evolved Ruleset you'll now be able to play your favorite campaign online with friends across the globe beginning March 1st, 2006 for a download price of $12.00, and additional product conversions coming soon! Click here <> to download the Arcana Evolved Ruleset from the Digital Advnentures Online Store beginning March 1st.

    Digital Adventures, LLC is a producer of online adventures and accessories for the Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop software. Visit our website at <>. The Arcana Evolved Ruleset is a trademark of Malhavoc Press and Digital Adventures, LLC,(C) 2006. Fantasy Grounds is a trademark of SmiteWorks Ltd. (C) 2006 SmiteWorks Ltd. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

    Monte Cook has worked professionally in the game industry since 1988 for companies including Iron Crown Enterprises, TSR Inc., and Wizards of the Coast. He is a codesigner of Dungeons & Dragons(R) 3rd edition and author of the Dungeon Master’s Guide. He also designed the HeroClix system of superhero combat for WizKids Games and has published two novels, in addition to his work for his own company, Malhavoc Press.

    Malhavoc Press is the publisher of the award-winning Book of Eldritch Might, Monte Cook’s Arcana Evolved, and other d20 System roleplaying game titles. Hallmarks of Malhavoc products include unusual magic, monsters, and evocative game elements that go beyond traditional fantasy, as well as a mastery of the d20 System rules. Find out more and get free game articles and downloads at <>.
    Last edited by Thore_Ironrock; February 23rd, 2006 at 04:13.

  2. #2
    Here are two screenshots, one of the Arcana Evolved Ruleset Desktop and one of the character generation page w/one of the pregen characters.


  3. #3
    Very nice! If you don't mind me asking, how do you have a different font size for the armor bonus, shield bonus, dex bonus, and misc mod from every other font on that page? I know you can change the font size, but didn't know you could do it individually like that.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Cantstanzya
    Very nice! If you don't mind me asking, how do you have a different font size for the armor bonus, shield bonus, dex bonus, and misc mod from every other font on that page? I know you can change the font size, but didn't know you could do it individually like that.
    Thanks Cant!

    My developer Steven did the character sheet. I'll have him post here to answer your question.

  5. #5
    mr_h's Avatar
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    Ooooooo....ahhhh....*waits eagerly*

  6. #6

    So, any chance there is a White Wolf (Specifically mage) Ruleset in works?

    Playing: No Running: Yes System/Ruleset:Warhammer Fantasy Role Play Setting: Warhammer Fantasy Accepting Players: Yes

    #FantasyGrounds Open Chat Channel up and running. Come on in and chat a spell. Help find a game, or just talk with friends and users.

    irc Network:
    Channel: #FantasyGrounds

  7. #7
    Thank you, Kevin!

    When you mentioned the imminent arrival back in January I got excited. Then everything went quite and I got worried. Now I am excited again. This is the product that might finally get my gaming group together again.

    (Are you really sure it won't be ready before March, lol. Not that I am impatient or anything ... )

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by TruthRevisited
    So, any chance there is a White Wolf (Specifically mage) Ruleset in works?
    Currently our agreement is only with Malhavoc Press. I would love to add WoD to my collection TR ... perhaps I'll try to arrange a meeting of such at Gen Con. If the AE Ruleset makes a big enough splash, hopefully they will take notice.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by johnhaines
    Thank you, Kevin!

    When you mentioned the imminent arrival back in January I got excited. Then everything went quite and I got worried. Now I am excited again. This is the product that might finally get my gaming group together again.

    (Are you really sure it won't be ready before March, lol. Not that I am impatient or anything ... )
    Thanks John. Sorry to make you so worried, but the past month has been a flurry of last-minutes changes and updates to make sure we had everything, plus produce the extras; i.e. tokens, portraits, and the free adventure.

    Good luck with your gaming group!

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Thore_Ironrock
    Currently our agreement is only with Malhavoc Press. I would love to add WoD to my collection TR ... perhaps I'll try to arrange a meeting of such at Gen Con. If the AE Ruleset makes a big enough splash, hopefully they will take notice.
    Soooooo.... You have an agreement with Monte and Sue. Does that mean PTOLUS? :P

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