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  1. #1

    Release v3.3.1 is live

    Fantasy Grounds v3.3.1 is now available via the FG updater or via the FG installer on the Downloads page.

    This release is primarily for updater changes. It you want the details, a comprehensive list of patch notes is available here.

    Please report any issues in the House of Healing forum.


  2. #2
    NOTE: If you have made purchases on Steam, the way to link your Steam content has changed. Please go to the FG Settings, click the Manage Steam Account link, and then sign in to FG and Steam to link your Steam products to your FG account. Also, you will need to enter your FG user name and password into the FG Settings using the user name Update button to get your content once it is linked.

    Last edited by Moon Wizard; May 31st, 2017 at 02:18.

  3. #3
    Awesome, thank you. I assumed it had something to do with the fact I purchased through Steam. Seems to be d/l the modules now. Really appreciate the swift response too.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Wizard View Post
    NOTE: If you have made purchases on Steam, the way to link your Steam content has changed. Please go to the FG Settings, click the Manage Steam Account link, and then sign in to FG and Steam to link your Steam products to your FG account. Alll good,
    but I don't remember ever having a FG user name and password? Where is that? Also, you will need to enter your FG user name and password into the FG Settings using the user name Update button to get your content once it is linked.

  5. #5
    LordEntrails's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MacArone View Post
    but I don't remember ever having a FG user name and password? Where is that? Also, you will need to enter your FG user name and password into the FG Settings using the user name Update button to get your content once it is linked.
    Your FG username is "MacArone", just use the same username and password that you use for the forum.

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    Note, I am not a SmiteWorks employee or representative, I'm just a user like you.

  6. #6
    Still having a problem with the updater. Using Steam. Followed the above info and ran the updater.

    It appears to be working as it did start updating packages. Unfortunately it has got to one package "GMGIZ20FG" and it has just stuck on "updating extensions/sw-interface-zero-green-theme.ext"

    I have left it for over 30 mins, cancelled and restarted, but gets to that point and sits there about 2% complete.

    Checked the purchased modules to see if any of the 5E ones are back, but none are there, probably hasn't got far enough on the updater.

    Also, tied the updater outside Steam, no difference. Any help would be appreciated.

    [It just moved to the next item on the package, but it is incredibly slow, hate to think how long it is going to take]

    Is there any way to select only those modules you want to update and load? I did in steam by unticking ones I didn't need at the moment. With connecting to FG Store, it just gets the lot.
    Last edited by joeblack1863; May 31st, 2017 at 22:28.

  7. #7
    You can try going to your FG data directory, navigate to the vault folder, and delete the GMGIZ20FG.dat files and reupdating.

    That DLC is quite large due to graphics, so it does take a while to update.

    IAlso, try to update on a wired connection, or close to your wireless router.


  8. #8
    You can try going to your FG data directory, navigate to the vault folder, and delete the GMGIZ20FG.dat files and reupdating.

    That DLC is quite large due to graphics, so it does take a while to update.

    IAlso, try to update on a wired connection, or close to your wireless router.


  9. #9
    Thanks Moon Wizard,

    Understand, it has started to pick up speed (until tome of beasts.....)

  10. #10
    Yeah I am on a wired connection , good fast broadband = low patience?

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