Starfinder Playlist
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  1. #11
    Attention FG gamers: We have an opening due to scheduling, we are firm for Saturday afternoons. Please apply if you are willing/wanting to play a 'Rogue' character....! All other spots are filled, or over-filled... LOL. Plenty of fighter types and healing. We also need/want a female or female character in our group... Too much yin, not enough yang!
    If you are looking to form a positive, fun, creative DnD 5e group. Patience, helpfulness, and willingness to grow this group....!

    Style: Fantasy 98%, Tech 2%
    Ratio/ Balance 60% Gaming, 40% Role-play
    Worlds :Forgotten Realms- Sword Coast Regions
    Rule-sets: 5e SRD, 5e Core, 3rd Party or custom rules or adding must be discussed. Please no home-brew stuff for now.

    Chat Client: Discord (Instant Invite: My username: AnAindie!#7210
    Fantasy Grounds 3.3.0

    Characters must be approved by DM initially.
    Starting levels 1-3. Make a backup PC, or a henchman if it makes sense.
    Gaming goals: Twice Per month. Saturday or Sunday
    Game lengths might be: 2-4 hours per session.

    My experience is with 1st Edition to present as a DM.

    Disclaimer: *I am NOT out to kill PC's , eliminate certain gamer types, meta-game or over-analyze the game mechanics. Will drop players if too rude, or disruptive.*

    Last edited by Laerun; April 24th, 2017 at 01:12. Reason: More Info

  2. #12
    Hello all that made the cut,
    Will be running session Zero this coming Saturday. 9:30 AM PST 4/29/17...Please try to login 15 minutes prior, please be on Discord as well.
    Last edited by Laerun; April 27th, 2017 at 13:20. Reason: More info.

  3. #13

    Looking for a strong arm to fill a void!

    5e DnD Forgotten Realms. Saturday Afternoons/Mornings. Full group, looking for Paladin or Dwarven Warrior... Please apply ASAP. We are writing out our Paladin...

    ~Thanks in Advance~


  4. #14
    I would be willing to join if you are willing to deal with someone completely new to FG and fairly new to TT RPGs. I'm a quick learner and 100% will not be a flake!

  5. #15
    Please tell me your gaming experiences, and, how do you feel about Paladin or a Dwarven fighter type? Can you play Saturday morning at 9:30AM PST?
    Last edited by Laerun; May 3rd, 2017 at 05:57. Reason: Missing info

  6. #16
    Sorry, I should have added the LFG info as well. I can play Saturdays at 9:30a PST, that's 12:30 in the afternoon local for me. As for gaming, I'm relatively new to tabletops, but I have played my fair share of RPG video games, including many of those based on d20 rules. As for paladin or dwarf fighter, I'm fine with either but leaning more toward the dwarf fighter. It really depends on what the party could use more.

    I've added the lfg template I filled out for my own thread below.

    FG License: Full
    Time Zone: EST
    Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Weekdays - Evenings, Weekends - Flexible, Prefer weekly sessions but could do more.
    Term: Short or Long. I would prefer to find a dedicated group though.
    Voice: I can do voice, and video if required

    Game System Preferred: D&D 5e
    Game System Experience: I've played loose homebrew of 3 or 3.5 in middle school, and played through a 4e starter kit maybe 8 years ago. I would consider myself a complete newbie. I do have extensive RPG experience in video game form, and know the basics of D&D.
    Fantasy Grounds Experience: None, except for a few videos explaining the software and a short 40min video from polygon.

    Character Type Preferred:
    I typically play rouge-ish characters, but would be willing to try anything.

    About me:

    Hi, I'll go by Goldfsh for the time being. I'm relatively new to tabletop RPGs other than some very unofficial games/experiences with the D&D rule set. I have played a ton of RPG video games (including baulders gate, champions of norrath, pillars of eternity) that to me, have a D&D feel. I work a normal 8-5 job, so I would only be available in the evenings during the week, but I'm fairly flexible on the weekends. I've always wanted to get in to D&D, but it has been hard to find and work with any local groups. I've decided to pick up the core books for 5e and make a real effort to learn the game and find a group to play with.

    I would like to find a group that plays once or twice a week, with a good balance of humor, problem solving and rp. If you have a group lfm, post here or PM me, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can (probably within a few hours at the most). Thanks everyone!

  7. #17
    Ok, I want you to figure out how to use Discord for chat. Also, you will be a part of the Argent Legion, please research that, Silverymoon, the Silvermarches, and Silverymoon. Your Legion serves Silverymoon, the Lords Alliance, and you are stationed at Rauvinwatch Keep for now. You solo work for or with the Knights of Silver, or other knighty orders. You are from Citadel Adbar or something like that.

  8. #18
    If you are still looking, I could join Saturdays starting May 13th or 20th if a spot opens. Or if you switch or start a new group on Sundays.

    FG License: Ultimate

    Time Zone: EST

    Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Weekends - Flexible, but prefer Sundays. Prefer weekly sessions. I like daytime hours, 12:30 EDT is good.

    Term: Short or Long. I prefer to find a long-term, dedicated group.

    Voice: I am semi-used to Discord, have been using for a couple months now. Have used Teamspeak and Skype before as well.

    Game System Preferred: D&D 5E

    Game System Experience: 1.5 years 5E experience. Many years of pen and paper Mechwarrior RPG.

    Fantasy Grounds Experience: About a year, just got the Ultimate license with some of the modules.

    Character Type Preferred: I have played rogue, cleric, wizard, and fighter. Happy to play one of those or dive into a barbarian or a paladin. If it was barbarian, it would not be the traditional type. Maybe a flashy dressing fighter who taunts his enemies, until he gets pushed too far or wounded, then, snap. Paladin I was thinking half-orc devotion paladin maybe.

    About me: 41 years old, male. I work weekdays 6 am to 2 pm, getting up at 4 am, so it is difficult to stay up too late playing weeknights, hence the weekend preference. Low key and relaxed, I just like having fun playing games with similar people who can laugh and enjoy that time. I also prefer mixed male/female players in a group, but I am sure I do not want to play a female character as I am not sure I could ever do it justice. In any case, good luck in the search and have fun gaming.



  9. #19
    Laerun, I PMd you my character for this weekend. Let me know if there is anything you need changed to fit the scenario. Thanks!

  10. #20

    Sounds great, your story is similar to mine. We have a half-orc fighter, but another one as a Paladin would not be unheard of. We have a totem barbarian already. We have two healer types. We do not have a ranger, but we do have a druid.I will keep you in mind. Please join us on Discord and check us out! I will keep you in mind. I am an early bird too,


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